doongjohn / rustcalc

simple calculator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

simple calculator

rustcalc) 1+1+1
= 3
rustcalc) 1+1*3
= 4
rustcalc) 3*(2+3)
= 15
rustcalc) 3+2*2^3
= 19
rustcalc) (1+1
Error: expected one of {InfixOperator, ParenthesisClose} but found EOF at index 4


  • no heap allocation except
    • reading an input
    • generating the error message
  • all numbers are f64
  • predefined constatns
    • ['pi', 'tau', 'e']
  • unary opeartor
    • ['+', '-']
  • infix operator
    • ['+', '-', '*', '/', '^']
    • operator precedence
  • nested parentheses
  • simple error message


  • support builtin function (sqrt, abs, floor, ceil, round, ...)
  • support imaginary number
  • support custom variable (declaration, assignment)
  • support custom function (infix, unary)

operator precedence algorithm

  • if char is number:
    • state.num = number
  • if char is operator:
    • if state.op_prec == current op_prec:
      let op_fn = get_op_fn(state.op_list[prec].op);
      state.num = op_fn(state.op_list[prec].num, state.num);
      state.op_list[prec] = None;
    • if state.op_prec > current op_prec:
      for p in (0..=state.op_list.high).rev() {
          let op_fn = get_op_fn(state.op_list[p].op);
          state.num = op_fn(state.op_list[p].num, state.num);
          state.op_list[p] = None;
      • update state
        • store current op_prec to state.op_prec
        • store state.num to state.op_list[prec].num
        • store operator to state.op_list[prec].op


simple calculator


Language:Rust 100.0%