doneill / er-cli

EarthRanger Command Line Interface

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EarthRanger CLI

Build Status


go build -o bin/er


Work with EarthRanger platform from command line

  er [command]

Available Commands:
  auth        Authentication with EarthRanger
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  open        Open a SQLite database file
  user        Current authenticated user data

  -h, --help      help for er
  -t, --toggle    Help message for toggle
  -v, --version   version for er

Use "er [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Remote Site Server Commands

These commands allow you to work through an authenticated user account with your EarthRanger site server.


er auth [flags]
er auth [command]

Available commands
token Display token

-s, --sitename string EarthRanger site name
-u, --username string EarthRanger username


# Authenticate a user and sitename
er auth -s {sitename} -u {username}

# Display token once authenticated
er auth token

User Details

# Display the currently authenticated user
er user
# Returns table data
| USERNAME |        EMAIL         | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME |                  ID                  | PIN  |              SUBJECT ID              |
| cccy     |                      | CC         |  CY       | 015945ff-c220-4674-a070-3f1112e445fg |      | 12c245f6-8d77-4e15-a82c-be4a717034df |

Local Database Commands

These commands allow you to work with an exported EarthRanger mobile databse

This tool is intended to be used specficially with EarthRanger mobile databases

  er open [sqlite db file] [flags]

  -e, --events   Display all pending sync events
  -h, --help     help for open
  -t, --tables   Display all database tables
  -u, --user     Display database account user


Open an EarthRanger database file. This command is the entry to working with the database

er open earthranger.db
earthranger.db successfully opened!


Display all tables and record count

er open earthranger.db -t

|       NAME       | COUNT |
| android_metadata |     1 |
| accounts_user    |     1 |
| sqlite_sequence  |     9 |
| user_profiles    |     2 |
| user_subjects    |     3 |
| event_type       |    51 |
| event_category   |     5 |
| events           |    13 |
| attachments      |    17 |
| sync_states      |     5 |
| patrol_types     |     4 |
| patrols          |     0 |
| patrol_segments  |     0 |


Display all pending sync events

er open earthranger.db -e

| ID |     USER     |       TITLE        |              VALUES               | PATROL SEGMENT ID |        CREATED AT        |
|  9 | dai3-profile | Light              | {"lightrep_whatdetected":"torch"} | 1                 | 2023-11-09T09:00:21.487Z |
| 13 | dai2-profile | String No Required | {"string":"Ggg"}                  | 2                 | 2023-11-13T16:04:31.574Z |

Database user

Query the database for the username of the mobile user

er open earthranger.db -u



A copy of the license is available in the repository's LICENSE file.


EarthRanger Command Line Interface

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 100.0%