donalee / HORDE

Harmonized Representation Learning on Dynamic EHR Graphs

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The overview of harmonized representation learning on the EHR. The overall process consists of two parts: 1) multi-modal EHR graph construction, and 2) graph representation learning.

Running the Code

Step 1. Installing Python and Tensorflow

  • Install Python 3. (numpy, scipy, and sklearn packages are required as well.)
  • Install tensorflow-gpu docker. You can easily pull it from the NVIDIA cloud by the following pull command:
  docker pull
  • Please use tensorflow 1.x, or modifiy the codes so that it can be running on tensorflow >= 2.0.

Step 2. Preparing Data

  • You need .npy (numpy file format) file of EHR.
  • It should be in the form of numpy array, which includes the list of visits.
  • Each visit has to contain patient id, visit id, diagnosis code list, and NLP concept list.
    • For example,
  [[3, 1, ['460', '460.1'], ['Anorexia', 'Hypertensive disease']],
  [3, 2, ['V70.0', '625.9'], ['Hepatitis', 'Hepatitis', 'Vaginitis']],
  [3243123, 5, ['512.1', '518.0'], ['Atelectasis', 'Pneumonia', 'Pneumothorax']]]
  • You do not need to enforce visit-ids unique. They do not matter to run the codes.
  • Multiple visits of a single patient do not have to be consecutive, but they should be sorted in a chronological order.
  • Diagnosis codes and NLP concepts must be provided as string format.
  • NLP concepts should preserve their order in original clinical notes, and they can occur multiple times in the list.
  • Run the script for data preprocessing by the following command:
  python <input_numpy_file> <output_directory> <test_patients_number>
  • Test patients are used to evaluate the representation quality.
  • Then, three files would be created in the output directory; graph.npy, ctxpairs.npy, and patients.npy.

Step 3. Running HORDE on your Data

Now, you are ready to learn the representations of medical entities based on HORDE.

  • if you want to use CPU
  python --input_dir <input_directory> --output_dir <output_directory>
  • if you want to use GPU (GPU:0 is used unless gpu_devidx is specified)
  python --gpu True --gpu_devidx <GPU_device_index> --input_dir <input_directory> --output_dir <output_directory>

These are additional possible arguments you can specify:

Argument Description
--input_dir The path to the input nummpy files (the output directory at the step 2)
--output_dir The path to the output embedding numpy files
--vector_size The size of the final representation vectors (default: 256)
--negsample_size The number of negative context pairs per positive context pair (default: 1)
--learning_rate The initial learning rate for the ADMM optimizer (default: 0.001)
--ti_dropout The dropout rate for time-invariant node vectors (default: 0.3)
--tv_dropout The dropout rate for time-variant node vectors (default: 0.3)
--ti_batch_size The size of a single mini-batch for time-invariant node pairs (default: 512)
--tv_batch_size The size of a single mini-batch for time-variant node sequences (default: 32)
--weight_decay The coefficient of L2 regularization on all the weight parameters (default: 0.001)
--n_iters The total number of mini-batches for training (default: 200,000)
--n_printiters The number of mini-batches for evaluating the model and printing outputs (default: 2,000)
--recall_at The k value in Recall@k for subsequent event prediction (default: 30)

Step 4. Tuning the Hyperparameters

We strongly recommend to tune the following hyperparameters, whose combination affects the quality of representations.

  • --ti_batch_size ∈ {128, 256, 512}
  • --tv_batch_size ∈ {16, 32, 64}

EHR Analysis

  • Using the representations obtained by HORDE:
    • we can identify less consistent code assignments (i.e., more likely to be erroneous) from the visits of a patient.
    • we can infer missing codes for each visit by retrieving the codes that are not assigned but have high scores.

A detailed example of our consistency analysis on deletion-type noises (N = 5, MIMIC-III). The left column is the list of assigned codes in a target visit, and strike-through texts represent randomly deleted code assignments. The upper part of the right column shows all narrative concepts extracted from a discharge summary of the visit, and the lower part is the identification result of N missing codes by the highest confidence scores from HORDE.


Dongha Lee, Xiaoqian Jiang, and Hwanjo Yu. "Harmonized Representation Learning on Dynamic EHR Graphs", Joural of Biomedical Informatics, 2020.

@article {lee2020harmonized,
  title = {Harmonized representation learning on dynamic EHR graphs},
  author = {Lee, Dongha and Jiang, Xiaoqian and Yu, Hwanjo},
  volume = {106},
  year = {2020},
  journal = {Journal of biomedical informatics},
  pages = {103426}


Harmonized Representation Learning on Dynamic EHR Graphs


Language:Python 100.0%