donaldaverill / meteor-package-stores

Stores for Meteor

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Client-side domain and UI management for Meteor. See the About section for more details.


meteor add fourquet:stores

Although not required, Stores compliments fourquet:actions(Actions). In order to use Actions, Reflux needs to be included in the app with a package such as fourquet:reflux-core, fourquet:reflux or from NPM.


Stores helps with client-side domain and UI management by combining reactive-dict, meteorhacks:subs-manager and if included in the app, fourquet:actions. Stores works with Blaze or any other front end UI library, such as React or Angular. If templating(Blaze) is installed in the app, Stores provides a template helper (Stores) as well (see below).



Create a new store and define its properties and behaviors.

Stores.SomeDomain = Stores.create({
  // Definition (Object)
Definition, Object


  • storeName, String, Optional. - A name for the store for keeping store values during hot code push.
  • listenables, Object, Optional.
    • Defined when Actions are created. Set this to the Actions object. See example below.
  • subOptions, Object, Optional.
    • Options for the subscription manager. See the meteorhacks:subs-manager docs for more details. Default options: {cacheLimit: 99, expireIn: 100}.
  • defaults, String, Number, Object, Array or Function, Optional.
    • Default values for the store. If a function is passed, the value of the function is set to its return value when the store is created or when either resetToDefault(key) or resetToDefaults() are called. this is available to get ReactiveDict values, store method results, or default values.
  • methods, Function, Optional.
    • Store methods. this is available to get ReactiveDict values, store method results, or default values.
  • on[ActionName], Function, Optional.
    • These methods should be defined if listenables are defined. Actions (without []) map to the action name with 'on' plus action name with the first character of the action name capitalized. this is available to get ReactiveDict values, store method results, or default values.
  storeName: 'StoreName', // optional
  listenables: someListenables, // optional
  subOptions: { // optional, defaults to cacheLimit: 99 and expireIn: 100
    cacheLimit: 10,
    expireIn: 5,
  defaults: { // optional
    aDefault: 'Default',
    anotherDefault() {
      return 'Another Default';
  // methods are optional
  methods: {
    aMethod() {
      // whatever you want
      return 'something';
    anotherMethod() {
      const something = this.aMethod();
      return something.length; // 9
  // on[Action]'s are optional but should be defined if listenables are defined.
  // Actions (without []) map to the action name with 'on' plus action name
  // with the first character of the action name capitalized.
  on[Action]() {
    // maybe do something.
    return 'something';
  on[AnotherAction]() {
    // maybe do something else.
    return 'somethingElse';
Default methods
  • resetToDefault(key)
    • Resets a default value with key to its default state.
  • resetToDefauts
    • Resets all defaults to their default state.

See meteorhacks:subs-manager for more.

  • subscribe
    • Subscribe to a publication and stay subscribed based on subOptions.
  • clearSubs
    • Unsubscribe from all subscriptions.
  • subsReady
    • Returs true if all store subscriptions are ready. Otherwise returns false.

Call any method defined in the methods section.


ReactiveDict values can be set/get like:

Stores.SomeDomain.set('someValue', 'Some Value');
Stores.SomeDomain.get('someValue'); // Some Value

If the app is using Blaze, Stores offers a template helper Stores. Note that the Stores helper is only useful if the store is defined so that it is in the Stores namespace. For example, do Stores.SomeDomain = Stores.create({ /* Definition */ }); instead of SomeDomain = Stores.create({ /* Definition */ });

<div>{{Stores.SomeDomain.get 'aDefault'}}</div>
<!-- etc. -->


See the repository for full working example. The below example uses fourquet:actions. Alternatively, methods can be defined during store creation and then called on the store where Actions are used in the example below.

<template name="todos">
  <p>Current Date {{Stores.Todos.get 'currentDate'}}</p>
  {{#if Stores.Todos.subsReady}}
    <p>There are {{Stores.Todos.numTodos}} todos.</p>
      <input type="text" id="newTodo" placeholder={{Stores.Todos.get 'newTodoPlaceholder'}}>
      <button data-add-todo>Add Todo</button>
      <input type="text" id="newPlaceholder">
      <button data-change-new-todo-placeholder>Change Placeholder</button>
      <button data-reset-new-todo-placeholder>Reset Placeholder</button>
    {{#each Stores.Todos.todos}}
      <p>{{name}}<button data-remove-todo={{_id}}>remove</button></p>
Todos = new Mongo.Collection('todos');

if (Meteor.isClient) {
  Actions.Todos = Actions.createActions([
    // The below actions can be called directly on the Todos store.

  Stores.Todos = Stores.create({
    storeName: 'Todos',
    listenables: Actions.Todos,
    defaults: {
      currentDate() {
        return new Date().toString();
      newTodoPlaceholder: 'New Todo', // Manage some UI, for fun.
    methods: {
      numTodos() {
          return this.todos().count();
      todos() {
        return Todos.find({}, {sort: {created: -1}});
    onAddTodo(name) {
      return name ? Todos.insert({name: name, created: new Date()}) : null;
    onRemoveTodo(id) {
      return id ? Todos.remove({_id: id}) : null;
    onChangeNewTodoPlaceholder(placeholder) {
      return placeholder ? this.set('newTodoPlaceholder', placeholder) : null;
    onResetNewTodoPlaceholder() {
      return this.resetToDefault('newTodoPlaceholder');
    onResetToDefaults() {
      return this.resetToDefaults();
    onSubscribe(subscription) {
      return this.subscribe(subscription);
    onClearSubs() {
      return this.clearSubs();
    'click [data-add-todo]'(e, t) {
      const newTodo = t.$('#newTodo').val();
    'click [data-remove-todo]'(e, t) {
      const id = e.currentTarget.dataset.removeTodo;
    'click [data-change-new-todo-placeholder]'(e, t) {
      const newPlaceholder = t.$('#newPlaceholder').val();
    'click [data-reset-new-todo-placeholder]'(e, t) {

  Template.todos.onCreated(function() {
    // If a subscription handle is needed subscribe directly with Stores
    // ex: const subHandle = Stores.Todos.subscribe('todos');
    Actions.Todos.resetToDefaults(); // or Stores.Todos.resetToDefaults();

  Template.todos.onDestroyed(function() {
    Actions.Todos.clearSubs(); // or Stores.Todos.clearSubs();


More tests






Stores for Meteor

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 85.5%Language:HTML 14.5%