domtaylor / portfolio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create a one-page website in HTML and CSS (using some vanilla JavaScript if you’d like) and host it on GitHub Pages. Your commit history should tell a story, and your website must be written by you, and:

Show us with your code who you are Demonstrate your learning from the prerequisites Tell us about why you are applying for the programme Contain a link back to the GitHub repo that contains the code for your site Contain links to your freeCodeCamp (please make sure that your profile is public) and Codewars pages Include an image carousel (the image carousel must be built into your website, a link to a separate page or CodePen will not be accepted) Be hosted on GitHub Not use a GitHub theme Not use any JavaScript or CSS libraries like Bootstrap or jQuery or use an image carousel package like Flickity ⁠— we want to see your own code.



Language:HTML 48.6%Language:JavaScript 26.7%Language:CSS 24.8%