domschrei / mallob

Malleable Load Balancer. Massively Parallel Logic Backend. Award-winning SAT solving for the cloud.

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Mallob is a platform for massively parallel and distributed on-demand processing of malleable jobs, handling their scheduling and load balancing. Malleability means that the CPU resources allotted to a job may vary during its execution depending on the system's overall load. Mallob was tested on configurations with up to 6144 cores as described in our publications: SAT 2021, Euro-Par 2022.

Most notably, Mallob features an engine for distributed SAT solving. According to the International SAT Competitions 2020-2023, the premier competitive events for state-of-the-art SAT solving, Mallob is consistently the strongest SAT solving system for massively parallel and distributed systems (1600 hardware threads spread across 100 machines) and also a highly competitive system for moderately parallel SAT solving (64 hardware threads). Note that this version of Mallob also features a module to generate proofs of unsatisfiability due to a cooperation with external researchers from Amazon Web Services and due to subsequent work by D. Schreiber.

Furthermore, Mallob features an engine for K-Means clustering, authored by Michael Dörr in the scope of his Bachelor thesis.



Note that we only support Linux as an operating system. (Some people have been developing and experimenting with Mallob within the WSL, but there seem to be issues related to inotify.)

  • CMake ≥ 3.11.4
  • Open MPI (or another MPI implementation)
  • GDB
  • jemalloc


# Only needed if building with MALLOB_APP_SAT (enabled by default).
# For non-x86-64 architectures (ARM, POWER9, etc.), prepend `DISABLE_FPU=1` to "bash".
( cd lib && bash )

# Build Mallob
mkdir -p build
cd build
make; cd ..

# Optional - only needed for on-the-fly LRAT checking
( cd lib && bash && cp impcheck/build/impcheck_* ../build/ )

Specify -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE for a release build or -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG for a debug build. You can use the following Mallob-specific build options:

Usage Description
-DMALLOB_ASSERT=<0/1> Turn on assertions (even on release builds). Setting to 0 limits assertions to debug builds.
-DMALLOB_JEMALLOC_DIR=path If necessary, provide a path to a local installation of jemalloc where libjemalloc.* is located.
-DMALLOB_LOG_VERBOSITY=<0..6> Only compile logging messages of the provided maximum verbosity and discard more verbose log calls.
-DMALLOB_SUBPROC_DISPATCH_PATH=\"path\" Subprocess executables must be located under for Mallob to find. (Use \"build/\" by default.)
-DMALLOB_USE_ASAN=<0/1> Compile with Address Sanitizer for debugging purposes.
-DMALLOB_USE_GLUCOSE=<0/1> Compile with support for Glucose SAT solver (disabled by default for licensing reasons, see below).
-DMALLOB_USE_JEMALLOC=<0/1> Compile with Scalable Memory Allocator jemalloc instead of default malloc.
-DMALLOB_APP_KMEANS=<0/1> Compile with K-Means clustering engine.
-DMALLOB_APP_SAT=<0/1> Compile with SAT solving engine.
-DMALLOB_MAX_N_APPTHREADS_PER_PROCESS= Max. number of application threads (solver threads for SAT) per process to support. (max: 128)
-DMALLOB_BUILD_LRAT_MODULES=<0/1> Also build standalone LRAT checker


We also provide a setup based on Docker containerization. Please consult the documentation in the docker/ directory.

Bash Autocompletion

Mallob features bash auto-completion by pressing TAB. To enable this, execute this command from Mallob's base directory:

source scripts/run/

From this directory you can now autocomplete program options by pressing TAB once or twice.


Note: In its current state, the test suite expects that Mallob is built and run with OpenMPI, i.e., that mpicc and mpicxx (for building) and mpirun (for execution) link to OpenMPI executables on your system. For other MPI implementations, you may still be able to run the tests by removing or replacing the option --oversubscribe from the function run() in scripts/run/

In order to test that the system has been built and set up correctly, run the following command.

bash scripts/run/ mono drysched sched osc

This will locally run a suite of automated tests which cover the basic functionality of Mallob as a scheduler and as a SAT solving engine. To include Glucose in the tests, prepend the above command with "GLUCOSE=1". Running the tests takes a few minutes and in the end "All tests done." should be output.


We first explain how to execute Mallob in general, then detail how to solve an isolated problem and then turn to solving many instances in a row or at the same time.


Given a single machine with two hardware threads per core, the following command executed in Mallob's base directory assigns one MPI process to each set of four physical cores (eight hardware threads) and then runs four solver threads on each MPI process.

RDMAV_FORK_SAFE=1; NPROCS="$(($(nproc)/8))"; mpirun -np $NPROCS --bind-to core --map-by ppr:${NPROCS}:node:pe=4 build/mallob -t=4 $MALLOB_OPTIONS

Given a machine with $nthreads cores (and twice the number of hardware threads), the following command spawns a single process with one solver thread per core (per hardware thread):

RDMAV_FORK_SAFE=1; mpirun -np 1 --bind-to core --map-by ppr:1:node:pe=$nthreads build/mallob -t=$nthreads $MALLOB_OPTIONS
RDMAV_FORK_SAFE=1; mpirun -np 1 --bind-to hwthread --map-by ppr:1:node:pe=$((2*$nthreads)) build/mallob -t=$((2*$nthreads)) $MALLOB_OPTIONS

Alternatively, only executing build/mallob -t=$nthreads $MALLOB_OPTIONS works as well in this case but does not pin threads to cores.

You can always stop Mallob via Ctrl+C (interrupt signal) or by executing killall mpirun (or killall build/mallob). You can also specify the number of jobs to process (with -J=$NUM_JOBS) and/or the time to pass (with -T=$TIME_LIMIT_SECS) before Mallob terminates on its own.

For exact and clean logging, you should not rely on a textfile in which you piped Mallob's output. Instead, specify a logging directory with -log=<log-dir> where separate sub-directories and files will be created for each worker / thread. This can be combined with the -q option to suppress Mallob's output to STDOUT. Verbosity of logging can be set with the -v option (as long as Mallob was compiled with the respective verbosity or higher, see -DMALLOB_LOG_VERBOSITY above). All further options of Mallob can be seen by executing Mallob with the -h option. (This also works without the mpirun prefix.)

For running Mallob on distributed clusters, please also consult our quickstart guide for clusters and/or the user documentation of your particular cluster.

SAT Solving

In general, in order to let Mallob process only a single instance, use option -mono=$PROBLEM_FILE where $PROBLEM_FILE is the path and file name of the problem to solve (DIMACS CNF format, possibly with .xz or .lzma compression, for SAT; whitespace-separated plain text file for K-Means). Specify the application of this instance with -mono-app=sat or -mono-app=kmeans.

In this mode, all processes participate in solving, overhead is minimal, and Mallob terminates immediately after the job has been processed. Use option -s2f=path/to/output.txt ("solution to file") to write the result and (if applicable) the found satisfying assignment to a text file.

Producing Proofs of Unsatisfiability

To enable proof production, just set the option -proof=path/to/final/compressed/prooffile.lrat together with -mono=path/to/input.cnf. You also need to set a log directory with -proof-dir=path/to/dir where intermediate files will be written to on each machine. The final proof is output in compressed LRAT format.

CaDiCaL is currently the only supported solver backend for parallel/distributed proof production. However, it is possible to employ other solvers as long as their only purpose is to find a satisfying assignment (i.e., exported clauses and unsatisfiability results from these solvers are discarded). See Portfolio Tweaking below.

For instance, you can check the output proof with the standalone LRAT checker that comes with Mallob if you set -DMALLOB_BUILD_LRAT_MODULES=1 at build time:

build/standalone_lrat_checker path/to/input.cnf path/to/final/compressed/prooffile.lrat

Further synergies are possible; you can set -uninvert=0 for Mallob and --reversed for the checker to avoid one entire I/O pass over the proof that "uninverts" its lines. You can use the drat-trim tool suite to decompress a proof; note that you need to #define MODE 2 (1=DRAT, 2=LRAT) in decompress.c before building.

Trusted solving without explicit proof production

Proof production can be costly and bottlenecked by the I/O bandwidth of the single process which needs to write the entire proof. A more scalable approach is to check all proof information on-the-fly, without writing it to disk, and to transfer clause soundness guarantees across machines via cryptographic signatures. This is explained in detail in our 2024 SAT publication.

Execute the command chain fetching and building ImpCheck in the above Building section. Then just use Mallob's option -otfc=1 (without any -proof* options) to enable on-the-fly checking. Again, only CaDiCaL is supported for UNSAT whereas any solver can be employed for boosting satisfying assignments. By default, found satisfying assignments are also validated, which can be disabled via -otfcm=0.

Log lines of the following shape are reporting a trusted result from a proof checking process:

c 0.851 0 <#11606> S0.0 TRUSTED checker reported UNSAT - sig c6c0a823f35ce38cdb31c9483dc98143
c 0.242 0 <#11607> S0.0 TRUSTED checker reported SAT - sig a43e47d81715035d79290d1a6acf05e8

To be extra safe (e.g., if you are suspecting garbled or tampered-with logging output), execute the following command to validate the output signature:

build/impcheck_confirm -formula-input=path/to/input.cnf -result=X -result-sig=SIG

where X is either 10 (for SAT) or 20 (for UNSAT), and SIG is the reported signature.

Note: On-the-fly checking can also be used in Mallob's scheduled mode of operation. Globally unique clause IDs are ensured by adding a large offset times $x$ to a new solver thread's clause ID counter if the job has already experienced $x$ balancing epochs, i.e., received $x$ volume updates, since its initialization. The offset is chosen in such a way that 10,000 solvers each producing 10,000 clauses per second can run for 10,000 seconds before they may begin overlapping with clause IDs from the next balancing epoch. ImpCheck notices and reports any errors that would result from such a corner case.

Portfolio Tweaking

Mallob allows to customize the employed SAT solver backends and some of their flavors. This is done with the -satsolver option, which expects a string representing the solver backends to cycle over. The option also allows for a limited set of regular expression symbols. Here are some examples:

... -satsolver='c' # CaDiCaL only.
... -satsolver='kcl' # Kissat, CaDiCaL, Lingeling, Kissat, CaDiCaL, Lingeling, Kissat, ...
... -satsolver='k(c)*' # One Kissat, then only CaDiCaL (always put brackets around the argument of '*')
... -satsolver='kCLCLcl' # Capital letters indicate using truly incremental SAT solving for incremental jobs
... -satsolver='l+(c!){37}' # One Lingeling configured for satisfiable instances (+), then 37 LRAT-producing (!) CaDiCaLs, repeat
... -satsolver='(c!){37}k+((c!){37}l+)*' # As above, but replacing the 1st Lingeling with Kissat

Solve multiple instances in an orchestrated manner

If you want to solve a fixed set of $n$ formulae or wish to evaluate Mallob's scheduling behavior with simulated jobs, follow these steps:

  • Write the set of formulae into a text file $INSTANCE_FILE (one line per path).
  • Configure the base properties of a job with a JSON file $JOB_TEMPLATE. For a plain job with default properties you can use templates/job-template.json.
  • Configure the behavior of each job-introducing process ("client") with a JSON file $CLIENT_TEMPLATE. You can find the simplest possible configuration in templates/client-template.json and a more complex randomized configuration in templates/client-template-random.json. Both files contain all necessary documentation to adjust them as desired.

Then use these Mallob options:

-c=1 -ajpc=$MAX_PAR_JOBS -ljpc=$((2*$MAX_PAR_JOBS)) -J=$NUM_JOBS -job-desc-template=$INSTANCE_FILE -job-template=$JOB_TEMPLATE -client-template=$CLIENT_TEMPLATE -pls=0

where $NUM_JOBS is set to $n$ (if it is larger than $n$, a client cycles through the provided job descriptions indefinitely). You can set -sjd=1 to shuffle the provided job descriptions. You can also increase the number of client processes introducing jobs by increasing the value of -c. However, note that the provided configuration for active jobs in the system is applied to each of the clients independently, hence the formulae provided in the instance file are not split up among the clients but rather duplicated.

Process jobs on demand

This is the default and most general configuration of Mallob, i.e., without -mono or -job-template options. You can manually set the number of worker processes (-w) and the number of client processes introducing jobs (-c). By default, all processes are workers (-w=-1) and a single process is additionally a client (-c=1). The $k$ client processes are always the $k$ processes of the highest ranks, and they open up file system interfaces for introducing jobs and retrieving results at the directories .api/jobs.0/ through .api/jobs.$k-1$/.

Introducing a Job

To introduce a job to the system, drop a JSON file in .api/jobs.$i$/in/ (e.g., .api/jobs.0/in/) on the filesystem of the according PE structured like this:

    "application": "SAT",
    "user": "admin", 
    "name": "test-job-1", 
    "files": ["/path/to/difficult/formula.cnf"], 
    "priority": 0.7, 
    "wallclock-limit": "5m", 
    "cpu-limit": "10h",
    "arrival": 10.3,
    "dependencies": ["admin.prereq-job1", "admin.prereq-job2"],
    "incremental": false

Here is a brief overview of all required and optional fields in the JSON API:

Field name Required? Value type Description
user yes String A string specifying the user who is submitting the job
name yes String A user-unique name for this job (increment)
files yes* String array File paths of the input to solve. For SAT, this must be a single (text file or compressed file or named pipe).
priority yes* Float > 0 Priority of the job (higher is more important)
application yes String Which kind of problem is being solved; currently either of "SAT" or "DUMMY" (default: DUMMY)
wallclock-limit no String Job wallclock limit: combination of a number and a unit (ms/s/m/h/d)
cpu-limit no String Job CPU time limit: combination of a number and a unit (ms/s/m/h/d)
arrival no Float >= 0 Job's arrival time (seconds) since program start; ignore job until then
max-demand no Int >= 0 Override the max. number of MPI processes this job should receive at any point in time (0: no limit)
dependencies no String array User-qualified job names (using "." as a separator) which must exit before this job is introduced
interrupt no Bool If true, the job given by "user" and "name" is interrupted (for incremental jobs, just the current revision).
incremental no Bool Whether this job has multiple increments / revisions and should be treated as such
literals no Int array You can specify the set of SAT literals (for this increment) directly in the JSON.
precursor no String (Only for incremental jobs) User-qualified job name (<user>.<jobname>) of this job's previous increment
assumptions no Int array (Only for incremental jobs) You can specify the set of assumptions for this increment directly in the JSON.
done no Bool (Only for incremental jobs) If true, the incremental job given by "precursor" is finalized and cleaned up.

*) Not needed if done is set to true.

In the above example, a job is introduced with priority 0.7, with a wallclock limit of five minutes and a CPU limit of 10 CPUh.

For SAT solving, the input can be provided (a) as a plain file, (b) as a compressed (.lzma / .xz) file, or (c) as a named (UNIX) pipe. In each case, you have the option of providing the payload (i) in text form (i.e., a valid CNF description), or, with field content-mode: "raw", in binary form (i.e., a sequence of bytes representing integers).
For text files, Mallob uses the common iCNF extension for incremental formulae: The file may contain a single line of the form a <lit1> <lit2> ... 0 where <lit1>, <lit2> etc. are assumption literals.
For binary files, Mallob reads clauses as integer sequences with separation zeroes in between. Two zeroes in a row (i.e., an "empty clause") signal the end of clause literals, after which a number of assumption integers may be specified. Another zero signals that the description is complete.
If providing a named pipe, make sure that (a) the named pipe is already created when submitting the job and (b) your application pipes the formula after submitting the job (else it will hang indefinitely except if this is done in a separate thread).

Assumptions can also be specified directly in the JSON describing the job via the assumptions field (without any trailing zero). This way, an incremental application could maintain a single text file with a monotonically growing set of clauses.

The "arrival" and "dependencies" fields are useful to test a particular preset scenario of jobs: The "arrival" field ensures that the job will be scheduled only after Mallob ran for the specified amount of seconds. The "dependencies" field ensures that the job is scheduled only if all specified other jobs are already processed.

Mallob is notified by the kernel as soon as a valid file is placed in .api/jobs.0/in/ and will immediately remove the file and schedule the job.

Retrieving a Job Result

Upon completion of a job, Mallob writes a result JSON file under .api/jobs.0/out/<user-name>.<job-name>.json (you can repeatedly query the directory contents or employ a kernel-level mechanism like inotify). Such a file may look like this:

    "application": "SAT",
    "cpu-limit": "10h",
    "file": "/path/to/difficult/formula.cnf",
    "name": "test-job-1",
    "priority": 0.7,
    "result": {
        "resultcode": 10,
        "resultstring": "SAT",
        "solution": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    "stats": {
        "time": {
            "parsing": 0.03756427764892578,
            "processing": 0.07197785377502441,
            "scheduling": 0.0002980232238769531,
            "total": 0.11040472984313965
        "used_cpu_seconds": 0.2633516788482666,
        "used_wallclock_seconds": 0.06638360023498535
    "user": "admin",
    "wallclock-limit": "5m"

The result code is 0 is unknown, 10 if SAT (solved successfully), and 20 if UNSAT (no solution exists). The solution field is application-dependent. For SAT solving, in case of SATISFIABLE, the solution field contains the found satisfying assignment; in case of UNSAT, the result for an incremental job contains the set of failed assumptions. Instead of the "solution" field, the response may also contain the fields "solution-size" and "solution-file" if the solution is large and if option -pls is set. In that case, your application has to read solution-size integers (as bytes) representing the solution from the named pipe located at solution-file.


Debugging of distributed applications can be difficult, especially in Mallob's case where message passing goes hand in hand with multithreading and inter-process communication. Please take a look at docs/ for some notes on how Mallob runs can be diagnosed and debugged appropriately.

Programming Interfaces

Mallob can be extended in the following ways:

  • New options for Mallob can be added in src/optionslist.hpp.
    • Options which are specific to a certain application can be found and edited in src/app/$APPKEY/options.hpp.
  • To add a new SAT solver to be used in a SAT solver engine, do the following:
    • Add a subclass of PortfolioSolverInterface. (You can use the existing implementation for any of the existing solvers and adapt it to your solver.)
    • Add your solver to the portfolio initialization in src/app/sat/execution/engine.cpp.
  • To extend Mallob by adding another kind of application (like combinatorial search, planning, SMT, ...), please read docs/
  • To add a unit test, create a class test_*.cpp in src/test and then add the test case to the bottom of CMakeLists.txt.
  • To add a system test, consult the files scripts/ and/or scripts/

Licensing and remarks

The source code of Mallob can be used, changed and redistributed under the terms of the Lesser General Public License (LGPLv3), one exception being the Glucose interface which is excluded from compilation by default (see below). Please approach us if you require a deviating license.

The used versions of Lingeling, YalSAT, CaDiCaL, and Kissat are MIT-licensed, as is HordeSat (the massively parallel solver system our SAT engine was based on) and the proof-related tools which are included and/or fetched in the tools/ directory.

The Glucose interface of Mallob, unfortunately, is non-free software due to the non-free license of (parallel-ready) Glucose. Notably, its usage in competitive events is restricted. So when compiling Mallob with -DMALLOB_USE_GLUCOSE=1 make sure that you have read and understood these restrictions.

Within our codebase we make thankful use of the following liberally licensed projects:


If you make use of Mallob in an academic setting or in a competitive event, please cite the most relevant among the following publications.

SAT'21: Focus on SAT solving

  title={Scalable SAT Solving in the Cloud},
  author={Schreiber, Dominik and Sanders, Peter},
  booktitle={International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing},

Euro-Par'22: Focus on decentralized scheduling

  title={Decentralized Online Scheduling of Malleable {NP}-hard Jobs},
  author={Sanders, Peter and Schreiber, Dominik},
  booktitle={International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing},

TACAS'23: Proofs of unsatisfiability

  author={Michaelson, Dawn and Schreiber, Dominik and Heule, Marijn J. H. and Kiesl-Reiter, Benjamin and Whalen, Michael W.},
  title={Unsatisfiability proofs for distributed clause-sharing SAT solvers},
  booktitle={Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS)},

SAT Competition TRs

  title={Engineering HordeSat Towards Malleability: mallob-mono in the {SAT} 2020 Cloud Track},
  author={Schreiber, Dominik},
  journal={SAT Competition 2020},
  title={Mallob in the {SAT} Competition 2021},
  author={Schreiber, Dominik},
  journal={SAT Competition 2021},
  title={Mallob in the {SAT} Competition 2022},
  author={Schreiber, Dominik},
  journal={SAT Competition 2022},
  title={Mallob\{32,64,1600\} in the {SAT} Competition 2023},
  author={Schreiber, Dominik},
  journal={SAT Competition 2023},

Doctoral thesis (featuring all of the above + new content)

  author={Dominik Schreiber},
  title={Scalable {SAT} Solving and its Application},
  school={Karlsruhe Institute of Technology},

Further references:


Malleable Load Balancer. Massively Parallel Logic Backend. Award-winning SAT solving for the cloud.

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 91.1%Language:Shell 3.1%Language:Python 2.9%Language:C 2.2%Language:CMake 0.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Roff 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.0%