domman95 / user-graphql-lambda

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


npm install


Start the backend in dev (watch) mode:

npm start

To run tests:

npm test

To run tests in watch mode:

npm run test:watch

To run type check:

npm run type-check

To run lint:

npm run lint

Type Generation / Workflow

Your schema files have to be in a structure of ./src/modules/MODULE_NAME/graphql/MODULE_NAME.graphql, for example ./src/modules/Lists/graphql/Lists.graphql.

Anytime you modify one of your graphql files remember to run npm run graphql:generateAll.

It will create Mutations/Queries/Type resolvers, tests for them, types and perform all the necessary connection between the main schema, contexts, etc. It's advisable to create a new module, fill it with schema, run the generation to see what are the resulting changes. Remember to start with a clean, commited state. It's difficult to compare and verify the generation results if you've had changes in the code already, so that's blocked by default. The tooling will only allow you to run the generation if there are no changes, or if .graphql files are the only one changed.

Let's assume we've created a new module named Users:

mkdir -p src/modules/Users/graphql

And now create a simple schema file for it src/modules/Users/graphql/Users.graphql:

type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String

extend type Query {
  UserById(id: ID!): User!

extend type Mutation {
  UserAdd(name: String!): User!

Please note, we extend Queries and Mutations, as those are defined something else - that helps IDEs to understand that we don't have conflicting types defined in our project

Let's run the generation now:

npm run graphql:generateAll



Language:TypeScript 86.8%Language:JavaScript 13.2%