domenicrosati / citation-function-corpus-lingustics

Analysis of significant terms and collocates of citations by citation function (classified by

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Analysis of significant terms and collocates of citations by citation function (classified by presented in the paper: Citations are not opinions: a corpus linguistics approach to understanding how citations are made (manuscript not yet available - available on request)


This repo contains the data and analysis for studying the corpus lingustics of citations by their citation function (a classification whether the citation is supporting, disputing/contradicting, mentioning). The method taken is to generate terms (verbs and nouns) and collocates (bigrams and trigrams).

./ - generates the terms and collocates from the citation statement dataset resulting in the ./data folder which are a count of structures by citation classification.

./ - analyzes the ./data folder to understand lingustic charateristics of the subcorpora and unique terms and phrases based on their loglikelihood.

Analysis performed

The analysis present in ./analysis performed is best described in the Analyze Collocates notebook. Generally though we have a feature, such as trigrams, a statistical test such as supporting citations taking the greatest log likelihood, and a lingustic analysis such as POS tag distrubtions, sentiment, subjectivity and more.

Reproduction and Setup

Dependencies are managed by poetry. run poetry install once poetry is installed and everything should be available. You can run the notebooks with poetry run jupyter notebook

Install the dependencies found in the notebooks and scripts. This will include downloading some nltk files.

To generate the ./data files you will need access to the citation corpus which may be available on request (contact Using that access you can run

A small sample to generate these is available in citations_sample.csv and can be generated and explored using the Generate Collocates and Keywords Notebook.

To generate the ./analysis files simply run Again only a small sample of files is included for brevity because the sample size in the original study is 6 million citations and is too big to include here (that data is available on request).


To explore the data use some of the cells in Analyze Collocates notebook to explore the terms and ngrams in ./data


Analysis of significant terms and collocates of citations by citation function (classified by

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 63.5%Language:Python 36.5%