dolymood / uni-component

Unified Component

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

uni-component npm build status coverage


Unified Component: Write once component, Run in multiple lib/platform.

Depend on @uni-store.

Unified Component core parts:

  • setup, like vue setup, just define the component state. The state can be used to any platforms. This should be contained pure component state logic.
  • render, optional. This should be used when platform support render function, like : web platform or miniapp which supported runtime render.

Usage cases:


pnpm add @uni-component/core
# or with yarn
yarn add @uni-component/core
# or with npm
npm install @uni-component/core


More cases, see @uni-component/components.

Define a component

import {
} from '@uni-component/core'
import {
} from '@uni-store/core'

// pure setup state
export const UniButton = uniComponent('uni-button', {
  type: {
    type: String as PropType<'button' | 'submit' | 'reset'>,
    default: 'button'
  text: String,
  icon: String,
  primary: Boolean,
  onClick: Function as PropType<(e?: MouseEvent) => any>
}, (name, props) => {
  const n = ref(0)

  const rootClass = computed(() => {
    return {
      [`${name}-primary`]: props.primary

  const clickAction = (e?: MouseEvent) => {
    n.value += 1
    // do others
    props.onClick && props.onClick(e)

  return {

// platform component with pure render function
export const CubeButton xx= uni2Platform(UniButton, (props, state, { renders }) => {
  const { type, text } = props
  // rootClass always contain Component name, like 'cube-button'
  const { rootClass, n, clickAction } = state
  const t = text ? text : (renders.defaultRender && renders.defaultRender())
  return (
    <button class={rootClass} type={type} onClick={clickAction}>
      <span>{ t } { n }</span>

With Vue 3


pnpm add @uni-component/vue
# or with yarn
yarn add @uni-component/vue
# or with npm
npm install @uni-component/vue


/// <reference types="@uni-component/vue/platform" />
import { h, Fragment } from '@uni-component/core'
import '@uni-component/vue'
import { createApp } from 'vue'

const App = () => {
  return (
      <CubeButton primary={true} text='text'></CubeButton>


JSX with tsconfig: { "jsxFactory": "h", "jsxFragmentFactory": "Fragment" }

With React


pnpm add @uni-component/react
# or with yarn
yarn add @uni-component/react
# or with npm
npm install @uni-component/react


/// <reference types="@uni-component/react/platform" />
import { h, Fragment } from '@uni-component/core'
import '@uni-component/react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'

const App = () => {
  return (
      <CubeButton primary={true} text='text'></CubeButton>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))

JSX with tsconfig: { "jsxFactory": "h", "jsxFragmentFactory": "Fragment" }


Define pure state - Headless Component

In my opinion, the pure state is a headless component.

Use uniComponent API.

Object props:

import { uniComponent, classNames, UniNode, PropType } from '@uni-component/core'

const UniXxYy = uniComponent('uni-xx-yy', {
  type: {
    type: String as PropType<'button' | 'submit' | 'reset'>,
    default: 'button'
  text: String,
  icon: String,
  primary: Boolean,
  onClick: Function as PropType<(e?: MouseEvent) => any>,
  xxRender: Function as PropType<(param: {}) => UniNode | undefined>,
}, (name, props, context) => {
  // name is 'UniXxYy'
  const n = ref(0)

  const rootClass = computed(() => {
    return {
      [`${name}-primary`]: props.primary
  // other class you should always use classNames
  const otherClass = computed(() => {
    return classNames({
      [`${name}-child-xx`]: props.type === 'reset'

  const clickAction = (e?: MouseEvent) => {
    n.value += 1
    // do others
    props.onClick && props.onClick(e)

  return {

Notice: xxRender prop will be treated as render function(React - render function, vue - scope slot)

Array props:

const UniXxYy = uniComponent('uni-xx-yy', ['a', 'b'], (name, props, context) => {
  // name is 'UniXxYy'
  // props.a and props.b can be any value
  // ...
  return {
    // ...

No props:

const UniXxYy = uniComponent('uni-xx-yy', (name, props, context) => {
  // name is 'UniXxYy'
  // ...
  return {
    // ...

About context param

  // renders contained all `xxRender` in props
  // renders.defaultRender() is used to replace `props.children` in react and `slots.default` in vue
  renders: Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any>
  // all element attrs, no ref and key
  attrs: Record<string, any>
  // element attrs without `class, style, id`
  $attrs: Record<string, any>
  // original props setted by usage case
  // without default props
  nodeProps?: Record<string, any> | null

Define platform component

This is optional.

Use uni2Platform(UniComponent, render: (props, state, context) => UniNode | undefined) API.

  • UniComponent headless component, the uniComponent() result
  • render() pure render function.
    • About state param
        rootClass: string,
        rootStyle: {[key: string]: 'string value'},
        rootId: string | undefined
        // other state with your custom state
        // n,
        // xxAction,


// platform component with pure render function
const XxYy = uni2Platform(UniXxYy, (props, state, { renders }) => {
  const { type, text } = props
  // rootClass always contain Component name, like 'uni-xx-yy'
  const { rootClass, rootStyle, rootId, n, clickAction } = state
  const t = text ? text : (renders.defaultRender && renders.defaultRender())
  return (
    <button id={rootId} class={rootClass} style={rootStyle} type={type} onClick={clickAction}>
      <span>{ t } { n }</span>

Reference a DOM element or Component

Use useRef API and ref attribute.

import { useRef } from '@uni-component/core'
const UniXxYy = uniComponent('uni-xx-yy', (name) => {
  // name is 'UniXxYy'
  const ele = ref<HTMLElement>()
  const setEleRef = useRef(ele)

  // buttonComponent will be the state of CubeButton
  // defined in UniButton
  const buttonComponent = ref<{
    n: number,
    clickAction: (e?: MouseEvent) => void
  const setButtonComponentRef = useRef(buttonComponent)
  return {


const XxYy = uni2Platform(UniXxYy, (props, state) => {
  const { setEleRef, setButtonComponentRef } = state
  return (
    <div ref={setEleRef}>
      <CubeButton ref={setButtonComponentRef}>xx</CubeButton>

Notice: The ref value will be this component's state result when referenced a component


Only 3 lifecycles: mounted, updated and unmounted.

import { onMounted, onUpdated, onUnmounted } from '@uni-component/core'
const UniXxYy = uniComponent('uni-xx-yy', (name) => {
  onMounted(() => {
  onUpdated(() => {
  onUnmounted(() => {
  return {
    // ...

Provide and Inject

Like vue 3 Provide / Inject.


// parent component
import { provide } from '@uni-component/core'

const UniXxYy = uniComponent('uni-xx-yy', (name) => {
  provide('xx-key', {
    // xx: xxValue
    // ...
  return {
    // ...


// child component
import { inject } from '@uni-component/core'

const UniXxYyChild = uniComponent('uni-xx-yy-child', (name) => {
  // const xxProvide = inject('xx-key')
  // with default value
  const xxYyProvideValue = inject('xx-key', {
    // xx: defaultValue
    // ...
  return {
    // ...

Other API

  • classNames(), process element class names. Same as classnames.
  • const mergedStyle = mergeStyle(stringStyle, objectStyle, ...(string or object styles)), merge styles. mergedStyle is an object.




Unified Component

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 85.9%Language:JavaScript 7.4%Language:SCSS 6.6%Language:HTML 0.2%