dollpriyanka / create_contact_management_app

Contact_Management_App in React,Redux And Tailwind CSS

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Contact Management App with Charts and Maps πŸ“ŠπŸ—ΊοΈ

This is a contact management app built using ReactJS, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, React Router v6, and React Query from the TanstackQuery library. The app allows you to manage your contacts and also provides interactive charts and maps to visualize COVID-19 data..

React TypeScript TailwindCSS React Router Redux React Query Chart.js Vercel GIT BADGE GITHUB BADGE

Objective: Page Contacts πŸ‘₯


-βž• Add new contacts using the provided form.

  • πŸ“‹ Display a list of all added contacts.
  • πŸ‘οΈ Each contact has a button to view their details.
  • ✏️ Edit and delete contacts functionality.
  • πŸ”— Redux is used to store the contact data.

Objective: Page Charts and Maps πŸ“ˆπŸ—ΊοΈ


The app features a simple dashboard with the following components:

  • Line Graph: A line graph displaying the fluctuations in COVID-19 cases over time.
  • React Leaflet Map: An interactive map with markers that indicate country-specific COVID-19 data. The markers display the country name, total number of active, recovered cases, and deaths as a popup.

Data Sources πŸ“Š

The COVID-19 data is fetched from the following APIs:

  • World-wide COVID-19 cases:
  • Country-specific COVID-19 cases:
  • Historical COVID-19 graph data:

Instructions πŸš€

  1. Clone the Repository: Start by cloning the repository to your local machine using the following command:
  1. Install Dependencies: Install the necessary dependencies by running:
npm install
  1. Start the App: Launch the app using the following command:
npm start

This will start a development server and open the app in your default web browser. You can access it at http://localhost:3000.

  1. Explore the App: Now you can explore the contact management app. Add new contacts, view contact details, edit and delete contacts. You can also navigate to the Charts and Maps section to visualize COVID-19 data using React ChartJS 2 for charts.
  2. Deployment: If you wish to deploy the app to a hosting service like Vercel, GitHub Pages, or Heroku, you can follow their respective deployment guides to publish your app online.

Technologies Used πŸ› οΈ

  • React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • TypeScript: Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve code quality.
  • TailwindCSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
  • React Router v6: Handles navigation and routing within the app.
  • React Query (TanstackQuery): Manages API calls and data fetching.
  • Redux: State management for contact data.
  • React Leaflet: Integrates Leaflet maps into the React app.
  • React ChartJS 2: Library for creating interactive and visually appealing charts.


Contact_Management_App in React,Redux And Tailwind CSS


Language:TypeScript 85.3%Language:HTML 8.9%Language:JavaScript 3.1%Language:CSS 2.7%