dohuta / my-react-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Common Linux Commands

To get list of params of each command, using this pattern: <command> --help

To get the version of command/package, using this pattern: <command> --version

To run command as superuser, put sudo at the begining of line

Clear terminal screen


Print system info

  1. Print system info: uname
  2. Print all system info: uname -a

List items in current folder

  1. list items in current folder: ls
  2. list all items (including hidden items): ls -a

Change directory

  1. go down to subfolder in current folder: cd <foldername or path>
  2. go up to parent of current folder: cd ..

Create folder

mkdir <folder name>

Delete folder and its content

rm -Rf <folder name>

Create file

touch <file>

ex: touch hello.js

Delete file

rm <file name>

View running processes, threads, RAM usage, CPU usage...


to exit top press Ctrl + C

Install packages

apt-get install <list of package names separated by whitespace>


sudo apt-get install <list of package names separated by whitespace>

Remove packages

apt-get remove <list of package names separated by whitespace>


sudo apt-get remove <list of package names separated by whitespace>

List all using ports

netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN


sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN

Reboot system


Shutdown system

shutdown -p

Edit file in Terminal

using Nano

  1. Open file: nano <filename>
  2. Save changes: Ctrl + S
  3. Exit nano: Ctrl + X

using VIM

  1. Open file: vi <filename>
  2. Using arrow keys to move cursor
  3. Turn on edit mode: press i
  4. Exit edit mode: press Ecs
  5. Save changes and exit vim: type :wq and press Enter
  6. Exit and discard changes: type :q! and press Enter

DOCKER commands

List all containers

  1. Print running containers: docker ps
  2. Print all containers: docker ps -a

List all images

docker images


docker images --all

Build image from docker file

docker build <docker file or path to docker file>

Remove images

docker rmi <images> OR docker rmi -f <images>

Create container

docker create <image name>

Remove containers

docker rm <containers> OR docker rm -f <containers>

Copy files/folders between containers and localsystem

docker cp <container>:<path to file/folder> <destination in localsystem>

Start containers

docker start <container ids or names>

Stop containers

docker stop <container ids or names>

Run a command inside a container

docker exec <container> <command>

Show running process in container

docker top <container>

Show logs of container

`docker logs <container>`

Clean all docker images and containers

`docker system prune --all`

Docker-compose commands

docker-compose allow us to define and run multi-container with docker.

We can define containers in one file named docker-compose.yml.

When we run command docker-compose up, docker will automatically pull all images, create containers, and run it.

To stop all defined containers, just run docker-compose down.

Note that docker-compose only runs on a file same name as docker-compose.

Node commands

Using param --global to run node command on global/root node

Print node version, run node --version

Print npm version, run npm --version

Print nvm version, run nvm --version

Install node-modules and packages that declared in package.json

`npm install`

Install packages

`npm install <package names>`

To save packages need for development, using --save-dev

Remove packages

`npm uninstall <package names>`

List all packages in current node/project

npm ls

Shortcut keys in Ubuntu



ctrl + shift + C


ctrl + shift + V

switch between workspaces

ctrl + alt + arrow(up, down, left, right)

move selected Window to other workspaces

ctrl + shift + alt + arrow(up, down, left, right)


format code

shift + alt + F

save current file

ctrl + S

move lines/carrets

select lines and press: `alt + arrow(up, down, left, right)

copy lines

select lines and press: `ctrl + shift + arrow(up, down, left, right)

quick select a word

ctrl + shift + arrow(left, right)

insert another cursor

shift + alt + arrow(up, down)

edit multiple words

select to-be-edited word and press: ctrl + D


sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable edge test"

sudo apt-get update
apt-cache policy docker-ce
sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce

docker status:

sudo systemctl status docker

grant permission:

sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)

###subsequent starting group of services, use EITHER one of these:

docker-compose up
	hit Ctrl+C to stop

docker-compose up --detach
	docker-compose stop

docker-compose start
	docker-compose stop



Language:JavaScript 37.8%Language:HTML 34.7%Language:CSS 18.7%Language:Dockerfile 8.8%