doggybootsy / discord-hacks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Note: I am not apart of Discord

Console Hacks


Table of Contents

get module filter function
send local embeds
silent typing
enable developer mode
enable discords message reporting system
collapsible sidebar
login via token
get your token
get all badges
get all private channel ids
phone email verification bypass
toggle nsfw allowed
free discord nitro

Get Module Filter Function

Details and Code

Filters through all of discords exported webpack modules

If you have the app injection you dont need to add this, if you dont you only need to paste this code in console once per load (If you reload you need to add it again)

let webpackExports = !webpackChunkdiscord_app.webpackExports ? webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[Math.random()],{},(exports) => {
  webpackChunkdiscord_app.webpackExports = exports
  return exports
}]) : webpackChunkdiscord_app.webpackExports

function getModule(filter, first = true) {
  let modules = []
  function byPropsAll(...props) {
    const norm = getModule(m => props.every((prop) => typeof m[prop] !== "undefined"), false)
    let def = []
    for (const module of getModule(m => props.every((prop) => typeof m.default?.[prop] !== "undefined"), false)) 
    return [...norm, ...def]
  function byDisplayName(displayName) {
    const norm = getModule(m => m.default?.displayName === displayName, false)
    const type = getModule(m => m.default?.type?.displayName === displayName, false)
    const rend = getModule(m => m.default?.type?.render?.displayName === displayName, false)
    return [...norm, ...type, ...rend]
  if (Array.isArray(filter)) {
    modules = byPropsAll(...filter)
  else if (typeof filter === "string") {
    modules = byDisplayName(filter)
  else if (typeof filter === "function") {
      for(let ite in webpackExports.c) {
      if(!, ite)) return
      let ele = webpackExports.c[ite].exports
      if(!ele) continue
      if(filter(ele)) modules.push(ele)
  if (first) return modules[0]
  return modules

Example: getModule("PanelButton"), getModule(["createElement"]), getModule(["Messages"], false)[1], and DrApi.find(e => e.default?.definition?.label === "Desktop Multi Account")


Details and Code

Patches a module with a function

If you have the app injection you dont need to add this, if you dont you only need to paste this code in console once per load (If you reload you need to add it again)

function patch(module, funcName, callback, type = "after") {
  const original = module[funcName]
  if (!module[funcName].__originalFunction) module[funcName].__originalFunction = original
  if (!module[funcName].__patches) module[funcName].__patches = []

  if (type === "after") module[funcName] = function() {
    const result = original.apply(this, arguments)
    callback.apply(this, [[...arguments], result])
    return result
  else if (type === "before") module[funcName] = function() {
    callback.apply(this, [...arguments])
    return original.apply(this, arguments)
  else if (type === "instead") module[funcName] = function() {
    return callback.apply(this, [[...arguments], original])
  else throw new Error(`Unknown patch type: ${type}`)
  Object.assign(module[funcName], original)
  module[funcName].toString = () => original.toString

  const position = module[funcName].__patches.push([module, funcName, callback, type]) - 1
  // Unpatch all patches on 'module[funcName]', then re-patch them unless they are the one getting unpatched
  return () => {
    module[funcName] = module[funcName].__originalFunction
    module[funcName].__patches.splice(position, 1)
    const oldPatches = module[funcName].__patches
    module[funcName].__patches = []
    for (const _patch of oldPatches) setImmediate(patch, ..._patch)

Object.assign(patch, {
  before: (module, funcName, callback) => patch(module, funcName, callback, "before"),
  after: (module, funcName, callback) => patch(module, funcName, callback, "after"),
  instead: (module, funcName, callback) => patch(module, funcName, callback, "instead")

Send Local Embeds

Details and Code

Send a fake message with a embed and a message in the current channel (Do not the alert means nothing)

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function

let { getChannelId } = getModule(["getChannelId", "getVoiceChannelId"])
let { receiveMessage } = getModule(["receiveMessage"])
let { createBotMessage } = getModule(["createBotMessage"])
let { getCurrentUser } = getModule(["getCurrentUser"])

function sendFakeEmbed(message, embed) {
  let msg = createBotMessage(getChannelId(), message, [embed]) = getCurrentUser()
  msg.mention_everyone = false
  msg.type = 0
  msg.flags = 16
  receiveMessage(msg.channel_id, msg)

Example: sendFakeEmbed("Message Content") and sendFakeEmbed("Message Content", { title: "Message Embed Title" })

Silent Typing

Details and Code

Make everyone can't see you're typing

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function and Patcher Function

Patcher.instead(getModule(["startTyping"]), "startTyping", () => () => {})

Enable Developer Mode

Details and Code

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function

Enabled discords developer mode (Look at settings)

Object.defineProperty(getModule(["isDeveloper"]), "isDeveloper", {
  get: () => true,
  set () {}

Enable Discords Message Reporting System

Details and Code

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function and Patcher

Allows you to report messages to the discord message reporting system

patch(getModule("MiniPopover"),  "default", ([props]) => {
  const child = props.children.filter(e => e?.props)
  if (child.length) child[0].props.canReport = true

Collapsible Sidebar

Details and Code

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function and Patcher

Adds a button to the toolbar that will collapse the sidebar

let module = getModule("HeaderBarContainer").default.prototype
let React = getModule(["createElement"])
let classes = {
  ...getModule(["title", "container", "themed"]), 
  ...getModule(["iconWrapper", "clickable"]), 
  ...getModule(["container", "subscribeTooltipHeader"])
let tooltip = getModule(["TooltipContainer"]).TooltipContainer
let { sidebar } = getModule(["guilds", "container", "sidebar"])

let Icon = React.memo(() => {
  let [state, setState] = React.useState(document.querySelector(`.${sidebar}.compact`))
  return React.createElement(tooltip, {
    text: state ? "Show" : "Hide", 
    position: "bottom",
    className: `compact-arrow ${classes?.iconWrapper}${state ? " active" : ""}`,
    key: "compact-arrow",
    children: [
      React.createElement("svg", {
        width: "24",
        height: "24",
        viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
        fill: "currentcolor",
        onClick: () => {
        children: [
          React.createElement("path", {
            d: "M15.535 3.515L7.05005 12L15.535 20.485L16.95 19.071L9.87805 12L16.95 4.929L15.535 3.515Z"

document.head.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement("style"), {
  innerHTML: [
    ".compact-arrow { transition: transform 0.2s ease-in-out; color: var(--interactive-normal) }", 
    " { transform: rotate(180deg)  }",
    ".compact-arrow:hover { color: var(--interactive-active)  }",
    `.${sidebar} { transition: width 0.2s ease-in-out }`,
    `.${sidebar}.compact { width: 0 }`,
    `.${classes.container}, .${classes.panels} { width: 240px }`,

patch(module, "renderLoggedIn", (_, res) => {


Login Via Token

Details and Code

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function

Allows you to sign into a discord account via token (DO NOT USE A BOT ACCOUNT)


Get Your Token

Details and Code

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function

Shows you your token (DO NOT SHARE THIS TO ANYONE)


Get all badges

Details and Code

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function

Gives you all badges (Locally)

Object.defineProperty(getModule(["getCurrentUser"]).getCurrentUser(), "flags", {
  get: () => 219087

Get All Private Channel IDs

Details and Code

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function

Shows you all private channel ids


Phone, Email verification bypass

Details and Code

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function

Bypass Phone and email verification in server, this cannot let you send message but you still can connect and and talk in voice channels credits

let user = getModule(["getCurrentUser"]).getCurrentUser() = "+1234567890" = ""
user.verified = true

Toggle NSFW Allowed

Details and Code

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function

Toggles the ability to see inside NSFW channels

getModule(["getCurrentUser"]).getCurrentUser().nsfwAllowed = true

Change true to false to disable

Free Discord Nitro

Details and Code


(Only For Screensharing !!!)

Requirements: Get Module Filter Function and Patcher

Allows you to have free nitro (Emotes and Screenshare)

let sendMessage = getModule(["sendMessage"])
let { getCurrentUser } = getModule(["getCurrentUser"])
let EmojiSize = 64

getCurrentUser().premiumType = 2
patch.before(sendMessage, "sendMessage", (_, msg) => {
  for (const emoji of msg.validNonShortcutEmojis) {
    if (emoji.url.startsWith("/assets/")) return
    msg.content = msg.content.replace(`<${emoji.animated ? "a" : ""}${emoji.allNamesString.replace(/~\d/g, "")}${}>`, `${emoji.url}&size=${EmojiSize} `)
patch.before(sendMessage, "editMessage", (_, __, obj) => {
  let msg = obj.content
  if (\d{18}/g) == -1) return
  for (const emoji of msg.match(/<a:.+?:\d{18}>|<:.+?:\d{18}>/g)) 
    obj.content = obj.content.replace(emoji, `${emoji.match(/\d{18}/g)[0]}?size=40`)

App injection

injection Removing for now



Language:JavaScript 100.0%