Capstone project for Udacity's Cloud DevOps Nanodegree
The goal of the project is to set up a Kubernetes cluster using AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service to deploy a docker image leveraging Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline.
A simple python app, was created using Flask that displays a web page. This simple app was created to illustrate how apps can be contanerized with docker and used as microservice with the use of kubernetes.
master => This branch contains the latest code that is running is production. So this could be from green or blue branch blue => This branch contains code for implementing blue/green deployment. green => This branch contains code for implementing blue/green deployment
This project implements a solution for blue/green deployment to achieve a zero-dowmntime deployment. /CloudFormation/Udacity DevOps Capstone project.pdf shows a high-level diagram for this implementation
- Udacity DevOps Capstone project.pdf: Network diagram for the project
- blue-service-webpage-v4.png: screenshot to indicate updated app for blue service
- blue-service-pipeline-success.png: screenshot indicates pipeline for blue service was successful
- html-lint-fail.png: screenshot to indicate failure on lint stage
- AWS-EKS-Clusters.png: screenshot to indicate clusters names that were in created in aws.
- Image-scan-failure.png: screenshot to indicate failure on the aquascan image.
- Pipeline-security-scan.png: screenshot indicates pipeline with aquascan
- ec2-instances.png: screenshot to indicate ec2 instances used in the k8 cluster and the jenkins instance
- route53-hosted-zone.png: screenshot to indicate the dns service used
- green-service-pipeline-success-detail.png: screenshot to give more info
- green-service-webpage-v1.png: screenshot of green service webpage for first version of app
- green-service-pipeline-success.png: screenshot of successful pipeline for green-service.
- aws-loadbalancers-page.png: aws loadbalancers used for deploying each service.