dof-dss / lando-d7-to-d8-migrate

Local development framework for migrating Drupal 7 to 8 sites

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo is no longer in use. Configuration and functionality have been folded into the NIDirect repository as per other project structures, see:


To enable Redis cache you will first need a completed install of the site. Enable the Redis module and update /sites/default/settings.php file to set $redis_enabled to true.

The recent update to Drupal Core composer scaffolding scripts can cause a Runtime Exception that the could not be deleted. To fix this in Lando:

  1. cd /mysite/drupal8/web/sites
  2. chmod u+w default

Getting started

Ensure you have the following installed:

  1. Docker CE
  2. Lando
  3. Composer

Now we can download Drupal 8 and import our Drupal 7 assets.

  1. Make a copy of .lando.example.yml naming it .lando.local.yml and edit with your own unique project name.
  2. Create config/.env with any local changes you require: cp config/.env.sample config/.env. As a minimum you'll need to set the 'HASH_SALT' to a random string and set CONFIG_SYNC_DIRECTORY to '../config/sync'
  3. Run 'lando start'
  4. From the /drupal directory run 'lando composer install'
  5. Open your lando site url (displayed at the end of 'lando start', or use 'lando info')
  6. Proceed with the Drupal 9 installation.
  7. On the 'Select an installation profile', check 'Standard' and continue.
  8. Once Drupal has successfully installed you may want to download a database dump from and use 'lando db-import ' to load it into Drupal
  9. Read the following tips to ensure you are using the right development and configuration settings.

If you wish to run migrations:

  1. Copy your Drupal 7 database dump to ./imports/data and site files to ./imports/files (Note that you should copy the 'sites' directory into here, so that the path './imports/files/sites/default/files/articles' exists)
  2. Run 'lando db-import -h drupal7db ./imports/data/[SQL DUMP FILENAME].sql'


  • In your .env file update the CONFIG_SYNC_DIRECTORY to point to the correct path in Lando (e.g. CONFIG_SYNC_DIRECTORY=../config/sync)
  • To get a hash_salt for your .env file run platform drush -p <project> -e <environment> php-eval 'echo \Drupal\Core\Site\Settings::getHashSalt();'
  • If configuration import is taking a long time (> 60 mins) stop the install, clean the database and reboot your machine.
  • Edit settings.local.php file to toggle development settings.
  • Edit settings.php and uncomment the 'config split environment' settings, checking the appropriate boolean assignment is set.
  • Use the 'lando drush/drupal csex' command to import configuration splits.
  • After installing the site, within .lando.local.yml, consider enabling the TurboMode option to improve performance. See the comments in lando.local.yml for more details.

File structure

  • .lando.yml - Lando recipe file.
  • config - Container settings (php.ini etc).
  • drupal8 - Drupal 8 source folder.
  • exports - Drupal 8 exports.
    • config - Configuration manager exports.
    • data - Database dumps.
  • imports - Drupal 7 imports
    • data - Database dumps (to import to drupal7db container).
    • files - /sites/default/files from Drupal 7 (Note that you should copy the 'sites' directory into here, so that the path ./imports/files/sites/default/files/articles exists)
  • scripts - Utilities, site and DB scripts.

Migration tools

Run the following utils using: lando [command]

  • mi-init - Migration init: Runs common migrate clean/setup scripts.
  • mist - Migrate status: Alias of 'drush migrate-status'
  • miup - Migrate upgrade: Exports Drupal 8 database to /exports/data and runs 'drush migrate-upgrade'
  • miip - Migrate import: Alias of 'drush migrate-import'
  • mirs - Migrate reset status: Alias of 'drush migrate-reset-status'


Q: Can this be installed and run as a Lando task?
A: Unfortunately not, as that would require you to run git within the container which isn't ideal or convenient. It's super easy to install , only needs to be done once and Talisman auto-updates too.

Q: It won't let me commit my composer.lock file because it contains suspicious base64 encoded strings. How do I work around that?
A: Talisman is technology agnostic; you see the same issues with Go and node.js projects. You have two choices here:

  1. Carefully review the changes, then override the pre-commit hook: git commit -m "Your message" -n
  2. Carefully manage the ignore stanzas of .talismanrc files per repo, ensuring that the checksums are updated each time the corresponding files are changed.

Option 2 is significantly more secure, but also significantly more inconvenient. Teams will need to decide and agree which approach to take on a case-by-case basis.

thoughtworks/talisman#122 shows efforts to introduce permanent ignore scope for specific files, which may offer a helpful middle ground.


Local development framework for migrating Drupal 7 to 8 sites

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 72.9%Language:PHP 27.1%