doesdev / ricks-bricks

Execute cb if called X times within X ms and hasn't been run in X ms

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ricks-bricks NPM version js-standard-style Dependency Status

Run if happened X times within X ms and hasn't been run in X ms

What is it this?

Simply put it's yet another throttling utility. Specifically, I made to restart a server process if ECONNREFUSED is encountered by the reverse proxy beyond the threshold. It has plenty of other potential uses, but more than anything I wanted the logic isolated and reusable. So here it is in module form.

Double you tea eff is that name 'bout brah?

Run if happened X times within X seconds(ms, actually) and hasn't been run in X seconds(ms)
-> rihxtwxsahbrixs
-> rix-twix-sabrixs
-> ricks-bricks


$ npm install --save ricks-bricks


Only execute callback if called with same signature count >= threshold

const rb = require('ricks-bricks')
const someCb = () => console.log('oak yeah')

// set the threshold
const rbOpts = { threshold: 3 }

// call with sig 2 times, 1 less than threshold
rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
// call with differentSig once, doesn't trigger callback
rb('differentSig', someCb, rbOpts)
// call with sig a third time, now meets threshold, executes callback
rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)

Only execute callback if (...) within specified timeframe

const rb = require('ricks-bricks')
const ms = require('pico-ms')
const someCb = () => console.log('oak yeah')
const delay = async (d) => {
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, d))

// this time also we also set resetAfter
const rbOpts = { threshold: 3, resetAfter: ms('5sec') }

async function main () {
// call with sig 2 times, 1 less than threshold
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
  // wait 7 seconds
  await delay(ms('7sec'))
  // call with sig 3rd time, outside resetAfter, doesn't trigger callback
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
  // now call again once, shouldn't meet threshold
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
  // now call again, should meet threshold and call
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)

Only execute callback if (...) throttling calls for X ms

const rb = require('ricks-bricks')
const ms = require('pico-ms')
const someCb = () => console.log('oak yeah')
const delay = async (d) => {
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, d))

// this time also we also set throttle
const rbOpts = { threshold: 3, throttle: ms('5sec') }

async function main () {
  // call with sig 3 times, should execute callback
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
  // call a 4th time and 5th time, it should not execute, end count should be 1
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
  // wait 7 seconds
  await delay(ms('7sec'))
  // call again, should effectively be the 2nd call as far as count is concerned
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)
  // and we call one last time, this should be 3 and trigger cb
  rb('sig', someCb, rbOpts)


rb(signature, callback, options)

  • signature (String - required)
    • Identifier to track
  • callback (Function - required)
    • Function to execute when conditions met
  • options (Object - optional)
    • threshold (Number - optional)
      • How many times rb is called for signature before we execute callback
    • throttle (Number - milliseconds - optional)
      • Once callback is executed don't track until this many ms have passed
    • resetAfter (Number - milliseconds - optional)
      • Reset tracking once this many ms have passed since previous call

rb.cleanupInterval = ms

  • ms (Number - milliseconds - optional [defaults to 30000 (30secs)])
    • Clear stale objects from tracking object every ms millseconds


MIT © Andrew Carpenter


Execute cb if called X times within X ms and hasn't been run in X ms

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%