doesdev / get-scrud

Client for SCRUD style rest APIs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

get-scrud NPM version js-standard-style Dependency Status

Client for SCRUD style rest APIs


$ npm install --save get-scrud


This is a very breaking change, switching to ES Modules and eliminating babel. If you are targeting older browsers you will need to include this module in any babel-ification you're doing.


Module ships single function which accepts options and returns main function

const apiCall = require('get-scrud')(*opts)

  • opts [object - required]
    • host [string - required] (ex. '')
    • port [integer - optional - default: 443] (ex. 80)
    • protocol [string - optional - default is based on port] (ex. http)
    • basePath [string - optional - default: null] (ex. 'api' or '/api')
    • timeout [string | integer - optional - default: '1m' | 60000] (ex. '3m')
    • jwt [string - optional - default: null] (ex. 'abc123')
    • cache [boolean - optional - default: false] use cached instance instead of a fresh one on each invocation of top-level exported function
    • throttle [boolean | object - optional - default: false] throttle API calls, in object form uses the below options, if true the defaults are applied
      • interval [string | integer - default: '45s' | 45000] reset call counter every X ms
      • threshold [integer - default: 45] max calls per interval
      • exclude [array - default: null] calls that are ignored by throttle
        • Array can contain objects, arrays, or strings
        • The following are all equivalent
          • [{ api: 'user', action: 'read' }]
          • [['user', 'read']]
          • ['user:read']

Main function returns Promise that resolves with JSON parsed response data

apiCall(*resource, *action, [*id, *body, *jwt])

  • resource [string - required] (ex. 'posts')
  • action [string - required] (ex. 'search')
  • id [integer - optional - default: null] (ex. 1)
  • body [object - optional - default: null] (ex. {userId: 5})
  • jwt [string - optional - default: null] (ex. 'abc123')

Alternatively address each action with apiCall[action](...)

apiCall.[search, create, read, update, delete](*resource, [*id, *body, *jwt])

  • resource [string - required] (ex. 'posts')
  • id [integer - optional - default: null] (ex. 1)
  • body [object - optional - default: null] (ex. {userId: 5})
  • jwt [string - optional - default: null] (ex. 'abc123')

Change options on an instance

If you need to change any options on an existing instance, you can call the main function with a single argument, which is the new options you want to merge (Object.assign) with the original. That call will be synchronous.


  • opts [object - required] (same as above)


const opts = {
  host: '',
  port: 443,
  timeout: '3m', // or '180s' or 180000
  jwt: `abc123`
const apiCall = require('get-scrud')(opts)
const body = {userId: 1, title: `get scrud yo`, body: `you're scrud`}
const jwt = `def456`

async function callApis () {

  /* no jwt passed, uses jwt set in init if one was set */

  let search = await apiCall('posts', 'search', {userId: 1})
  let create = await apiCall('posts', 'create', body)
  // READ
  let read = await apiCall('posts', 'read', 1)
  let update = await apiCall('posts', 'update', 1, {userId: 5})
  let deleted = !!(await apiCall('posts', 'delete', 2))

  /* passing in jwt to call, overrides jwt set in init if one was set */

  let search = await apiCall('posts', 'search', {userId: 1}, jwt)
  let create = await apiCall('posts', 'create', body, jwt)
  // READ
  let read = await apiCall('posts', 'read', 1, jwt)
  let update = await apiCall('posts', 'update', 1, {userId: 5}, jwt)
  let deleted = !!(await apiCall('posts', 'delete', 2, jwt))



scrud - Super opinionated, minimalistic, PG centric API fabric


MIT © Andrew Carpenter


Client for SCRUD style rest APIs

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%