dodoru / js-http-errors

Best Practices for Http Api Error Response Handling

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Best Practices for HTTP API Error Handling

  1. be easy and flexible to humans
  2. support richer error codes with custom 5-digit errno
  3. auto detect standard HTTP_STATUS_CODES with status
  4. auto generate random request_id
  5. JSON-API Response:
  • responseData:{ <int:code>, <str:error> ,<str:request_id> }
  • responseDataV2: { <obj:error> , <str:request_id> }


require nodejs > v7.6.0 for class extends support

npm install js-http-errors

parameters (attributes of ApiError)

  • @status :int:alias=status_code:

    • HTTP STATUS CODE, default = 400
    • HTTP返回状态码,默认值400
  • @message :str:alias=error_msg:

    • error message content
    • 错误文本信息
  • @errno :int:alias=code:

    • error code, default=40000
    • suggest to use 5-digit number with its first 3-digit represent HTTP STATUS CODE
    • 错误码, 默认值为 40000, 建议使用 5 位数,其中前 3 位应设计等于 http status code 返回状态码
  • @trackError:object:

    • Original Error Tracked by ApiError, default is null
    • 原始错误Error,默认值为 null


1. ApiError

const http_errors = require("js-http-errors");

// 0. support init Error by `new ApiError` || `` || `apiError` 
let e1 = new http_errors.ApiError(40100);
let e2 = new http_errors.ApiError(401);
let e3 = new http_errors.ApiError({errno:40102, message:"require re-login"});

// or 
let e4 =;
let e5 =;
let e6 ={errno:40102, message:"require re-login"});

// or
let e7 = http_errors.apiError(40100);
let e8 = http_errors.apiError(401);

// 1. json response data with random request_id
    code: 40100,
    error: 'User Require Login',
    request_id: 'X6822759T8242827'

    request_id: 'X6822759T5B7U3TR',
    error: {
        name: 'ApiError',
        errno: 40100,
        message: 'Unauthorized',
        trackError: null

// 2. suggest to use `apiError` or ``, avoid to renew ApiError duplicated 
let e9 = http_errors.apiError({errno:40102, message:"require re-login"});
let e10 = http_errors.apiError(e9);     
// e9 === e10 , while e9 !== new http_errors.ApiError(e9)

// 3. throw Error immediately by `abort`
http_errors.abort(401);             // detect message from HTTP_STATUS_CODES                  
http_errors.abort(40100);           // detect message from defaultErrnoMessages

let err = new Error("Local Error")
http_errors.abort(403, err);            
// equal to: `http_errors.abort({status:403, trackError:err});`         


  • Auto detect error message by status with HTTP_STATUS_CODES
// standard http status codes and messages
    // 1xx Informational response
    "100": "Continue",
    "101": "Switching Protocols",
    "102": "Processing",
    "103": "Early Hints",           // RFC 8297

    // 2xx Success
    "200": "Ok",
    "201": "Created",
    "202": "Accepted",
    "203": "Non Authoritative Information",
    "204": "No Content",
    "205": "Reset Content",
    "206": "Partial Content",
    "207": "Multi Status",
    "208": "Already Reported",      // RFC 5842 WebDAV
    "218": "This Is Fine",          // not standard, Apache Web Server
    "226": "Im Used",               // RFC 3229

    // 3xx Redirection
    "300": "Multiple Choices",
    "301": "Moved Permanently",
    "302": "Moved Temporarily",
    "303": "See Other",
    "304": "Not Modified",
    "305": "Use Proxy",
    "307": "Temporary Redirect",
    "308": "Permanent Redirect",

    // 4xx Client errors
    "400": "Bad Request",
    "401": "Unauthorized",
    "402": "Payment Required",
    "403": "Forbidden",
    "404": "Not Found",
    "405": "Method Not Allowed",
    "406": "Not Acceptable",
    "407": "Proxy Authentication Required",
    "408": "Request Timeout",
    "409": "Conflict",
    "410": "Gone",
    "411": "Length Required",
    "412": "Precondition Failed",
    "413": "Request Too Long",
    "414": "Request Uri Too Long",
    "415": "Unsupported Media Type",
    "416": "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
    "417": "Expectation Failed",
    "418": "Im A Teapot",
    "419": "Insufficient Space On Resource",
    "420": "Method Failure",
    "421": "Misdirected request",
    "422": "Unprocessable Entity",                  // RFC 4918 WebDAV
    "423": "Locked",                                // RFC 4918 WebDAV
    "424": "Failed Dependency",                     // RFC 4918 WebDAV
    "425": "Too Early",                             // RFC 8470
    "426": "Upgrade Required",                      // RFC 2817: require client use TLS/1.0
    "428": "Precondition Required",
    "429": "Too Many Requests",
    "431": "Request Header Fields Too Large",
    "449": "Retry With",                            // RFC 2616 WebDAV: Microsoft
    "451": "Unavailable For Legal Reasons",         // RFC 7725: used in Exchange ActiveSync

    // 5xx Server errors
    "500": "Internal Server Error",
    "501": "Not Implemented",
    "502": "Bad Gateway",
    "503": "Service Unavailable",
    "504": "Gateway Timeout",
    "505": "Http Version Not Supported",
    "506": "Variant Also Negotiates",               // RFC 2295
    "507": "Insufficient Storage",                  // RFC 4918 WebDAV
    "508": "Loop Detected",                         // RFC 5842 WebDAV
    "509": "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded",              // not standard, but common
    "510": "Not Extended",                          // RFC 2774
    "511": "Network Authentication Required",
    "600": "Unparseable Response Headers",           // not standard, used infrequently in China
  • Want to customize the HTTP_STATUS_CODES ?
const HTTP_STATUS_CODES = require("js-http-errors").HTTP_STATUS_CODES;
HTTP_STATUS_CODES[401] = "Login Required"

3. ErrnoMessages

  • richer error codes and messages
const defaultErrnoMessages = {
    40000: 'Unknown Error',
    40005: 'Invalid Http Request',
    40099: 'Mysql Execute Error',
    40100: 'User Require Login',
    40300: 'User Forbidden/Unauthorized',
    40400: 'Source Not Found',
    40900: 'SqlError: You should not insert a duplicated item to database',
  • you may update the defaultErrnoMessages to customize errno messages
const defaultErrnoMessages = require("js-http-errors").defaultErrnoMessages;
defaultErrnoMessages[40041] = "Invalid Password"
  • suggest to use 5-digit-number with its first 3-digit represent HTTP STATUS CODE


Best Practices for Http Api Error Response Handling


Language:JavaScript 100.0%