docspell / rpi-scripts

Scripts for installing docspell on a raspberry pi.

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Docspell on a Raspberry Pi

This repository contains scripts and notes to automate most of creating a raspberry pi with docspell on it.

Note: This is a poor-mans way, instead of e.g. generating images that can be dd-ed onto a sd card… which may come later. Any help here is much appreciated! So don't hesitate to submit issues and/or pull requests :-)

The advantage of this method, however, is that you can pick what to install, e.g. only install docspell + solr to an raspberry pi that already has postgres running (which requires a raspbian or raspbian-based system).


The RPIs run DietPi linux distribution (which is based on raspbian).

  • Docspell is installed via the provided DEB files
  • The config is changed such that both (joex + restserver) use the same file
  • PostgreSQL is installed
  • Apache SOLR is installed
  • Docspell is started with a default config suitable for "in-house" setups (i.e. not exposed to the internet)


I'm using here the following (about 250€, summer 2020):

  • Raspberry Pi Model 4, 8GB RAM (the 4G model should work, too, but the 8G model is recommended)
  • Some flash card, using a 64G here, but a 8G one would be enough
  • external 500GB USB SSD hard disk: this stores the postgres data, solr, backups and incoming files
  • case + power supply

Prepare the USB disk

The disk should be formatted already and a disk label should be set so that it can be referenced no matter which usb port it is plugged in. This is done by the following script. On your computer, run this:

./scripts/ /dev/<usb-disk>

Be aware that it will reformat the drive and everything on it will be destroyed!


A new Pi needs to first install dietpi. Insert the SD Card and run:

scripts/ /dev/<sdcard>

It will download the dietpi image and copy it onto the card. When sshing into the machine (default password is dietpi) the first time, you will be guided through the setup.

Choose the following Options:

  • SSH Server: OpenSSH (instead of Dropbear, needed for scp)
  • Webserver: Nginx (used as reverse proxy)
  • Samba server

Run „Install”.

Login again for final steps, then logout. Now it is ready to apply the things from this repo.


The following will install everything required to run docspell and docspell itself.

Go to config/global and check the settings. Every machine must be configured with a name and an IP address. When everything looks ok, run

./rpii setup <name>

This will run necessary commands on the machine configured with <name>. Use special name all to run setup for all machines.

What happens when executing this?

The rpii setup simply executes all scripts/task_* in a specific order. These scripts change/remove config files on your pi, so please look at them first!.

To only run a specific task, use rpi task <taskname> all, and replace <taskname> with the name of a task (the part following task_). For example, this installs solr (from the webpage, not via apt): rpi task solr all. The all means "do this on all machines". Which machines are defined in config/global.

What is included?

Requirements for Docspell

  • Solr 8.6
  • PostgreSQL
  • Java
  • consumedir, configured to watch a directory



  • "Incoming" (german: "Eingehend"): the folder that is watched to import files in docspell. You can mount/access it from a remote computer and drop files in there to be processed.
  • "Config": the folder containing the docspell configuration file. You still must restart the app(s) manually after making changes.
  • "Backups": a folder with daily database backups. You can copy them to some other place.


  • acting as a simple reverse proxy (no certs/https)

Periodic DB-Dumps

  • a systemd timer is setup to periodically dump the database, keeping last N files
  • they should be copied somewhere for backup


  • currently, docx files don't seem to work here, because libreoffice crashes (not really sure what happens exactly…). This might be mitigated by using a different base image (e.g. raspbian)
  • Not a real limitation, but: ocrmypdf is installed via apt, which means it is a very old version. All my attempts to install it via other means failed….


Scripts for installing docspell on a raspberry pi.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 100.0%