docluv / Backpack

A content management framework for Single Page Web Applications that Stores View content and manages access.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Library to manage persisting a web application's markup in browser localStorage

backpack is a library to manage persistance of single page application views and data templates in browser localStorage. It is designed to work in concert with spajs and implements an interface the spajs library expects.

When used with spajs there is nothing the developer needs to do except create an instance of backpack and pass it to spajs. backpack will then automatically parse markup, create JSON objects, store them in localStorage and remove the target markup for views and templates from the DOM.

Example from the (High Performance Single Page Web Applications reference application)[]:

var bp = backpack(),

_spa = spa({ "appContext": movie, "bp": bp, "defaultPage": "homeview", "viewWrapper": "#main", "viewTransition": "slide", "defaultTitle": "Modern Web Movies" });

The example is lifted from the source code from a (reference application)[], (live demo)[]. The backpack instance is passed or injected into the spajs object's instatiation.

Internally spajs calls backapck's updateViews method. This performs the parsing of 'view' elements based on either the default selector (".content-pane") or a custom selector passed to the constructor.

if (that.bp && (that.getParameterByName("escaped_fragment") === "")) { that.bp.updateViews(settings.viewSelector); }

When a view is needed the getViewData function is called, passing the viewId. Both backpack and spajs are keyed on an id value being specified for the view. This is how the libraries synchronize views to controllers.

var view = this.bp.getViewData(newViewId);

backpack has a settings object that can be customized upon initialization:

    settings: {
        viewSelector: ".content-pane",
        defaultTitle: "A Really Cool SPA App",
        deferredTimeKey: "lastDeferredTime",
        templateType: "text/x-mustache-template",
        currentClass: "current",
        appName: ""

When creating a new backapck instance pass in an object containing the properties you wish to customize.

The getTemplates function can be called to scavenge for JavaScript templates based on the templateType settings value. By default backpack is designed to work with MUSTACHE using the 'text/x-mustache-template' type value. You can customize this to match the script type you are using. Note, backpack looks for script tags because that is the defacto standard for JavaScript templating engines. In the future backpack should be updated to be a little more flexible.

An example MUSTACHE template:

<script id="MoviePosterGridTemplate" type="text/x-mustache-template"> {{#movies}} {{/movies}} </script>

The getTemplates function accepts and optional parameter, remove, which indicates if the template should be removed from the DOM. By default backpack assumes this to be true as this is a best practice. Found templates are processed and persisted to localStorage.

The getTemplate function can be used to retrieve a single template from localStorage. It accepts a single parameter, the templates id.

backpack implements an assumed interface, since there is no such concept in JavaScript as an interface found in static languages like C# or Java. The functions you must implement to create a compatible library are:

  • updateViews
  • getViewData
  • getTemplates
  • getTamplate
  • settings

(Mudbath)( is another library I have under development that leverage IndexDB to persist views and templates in the browser.

When the updateViews function or getTemplates functions are called backpack will simply overwrite any updates to existing views and add new views to storage. This means you only need to return updated markup since the pravious call, reducing overhead for future requests.


A content management framework for Single Page Web Applications that Stores View content and manages access.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 92.0%Language:HTML 6.1%Language:CSS 1.9%