doc22940 / arborist

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Inspect and manage node_modules trees.


const Arborist = require('@npmcli/arborist')

const arb = new Arborist({
  // options object

  // where the packages are.  defaults to cwd.
  root: '/path/to/package/root',

  // url to the default registry.  defaults to npm's default registry
  registry: '',

  // if not provided, registry requests are unauthenticated
  auth: {
    '': 'deadbeefcafebad',
    '': 'correcthorsebatterystaple',

  // map scopes to specific registries
  scopes: {
    '@acme-internal': ''


// returns a promise.  reads the actual contents of node_modules
arb.loadActual().then(() => {
  // now arb.tree is loaded

// read just what the package-lock.json says
arb.loadLogical().then(() => {
  // now arb.logicalTree is loaded
  // this fails if there's no package-lock.json or package.json in the folder
  // note that loading this way should only be done if there's no
  // node_modules folder

// trust package-lock.json, but fall back to loadActual if not found
arb.loadFast().then(() => ...)


// These make changes to the objects in memory, but do not update
// what's actually stored in `node_modules`.  They do add things
// to the cache, however, using cacache to talk to the registry.

// All of these return a promise, and update arb.targetTree and arb.actions

// add a package at the root level.
arb.add(spec).then(() => {
  // arb.targetTree is updated
  // arb.actions tracks a list of operations to be performed

// remove extraneous/dev/optional deps
  // both of these default to true
  dev: true, // include dev deps, at the top level
  optional: true, // include optional deps
}).then(() => ...)

// just calculate the target tree for installation
// If a package-lock.json is present, then it generates the list of actions
// required to bring the node_modules folder into sync with the lock
  dev: true, // include devDeps at the top level
  optional: true, // include optional dependencies
  deep: false, // install deps in linked trees as well
}).then(() => ...)

// upgrade one dependency, or all of them
// effectively the same as calculate, but without a package-lock
  name: null, // update just one named dependency
  depth: Infinity, // how deep to traverse the tree updating?
  restrict: true, // limit to the semver requirements in package.json
  deep: false, // whether to update the contents of linked trees as well
}).then(() => ...)


// Make the targetTree be the thing that's on disk
// This takes all the actions in arb.actions,
// and writes package-lock.json and package.json appropriately
  save: true, // write package-lock.json and package.json files
}).then(() => { /* node_modules is written */ })


A node_modules tree is a logical graph of dependencies overlaid on a physical tree of folders.

A Node represents a package folder on disk, either at the root of the package, or within a node_modules folder. The physical structure of the folder tree is represented by the node.parent reference to the containing folder, and node.children map of nodes within its node_modules folder, where the key in the map is the name of the folder in node_modules, and the value is the child node.

A node without a parent is a top of tree.

A Link represents a symbolic link to a package on disk. This can be a symbolic link to a package folder within the current tree, or elsewhere on disk. The is a reference to the actual node. Links differ from Nodes in that dependencies are resolved from the target location, rather than from the link location.

An Edge represents a dependency relationship. Each node has an edgesIn set, and an edgesOut map. Each edge has a type which specifies what kind of dependency it represents: 'prod' for regular dependencies, 'peer' for peerDependencies, 'dev' for devDependencies, and 'optional' for optionalDependencies. edge.from is a reference to the node that has the dependency, and is a reference to the node that requires the dependency.

As nodes are moved around in the tree, the graph edges are automatically updated to point at the new module resolution targets. In other words, edge.from,, and edge.spec are immutable; is updated automatically when a node's parent changes.

class Node

Both arb.tree and arb.targetTree are Node objects. A Node refers to a package folder, which may have children in node_modules.

  • The name of this node's folder in node_modules.

  • node.parent Physical parent node in the tree. The package in whose node_modules folder this package lives. Null if node is top of tree.

    Setting node.parent will automatically update node.location and all graph edges affected by the move.

  • node.meta A Metadata object which looks up resolved and integrity values for all modules in this tree. Set to parent's meta object and updated when parentage changes.

  • node.children Map of packages located in the node's node_modules folder.

  • node.package The contents of this node's package.json file.

  • node.path File path to this package. If a node is a link target, and lives outside of the tree, then node.path will be null.

  • node.realpath The full real filepath on disk where this node lives.

  • node.location A logical unix-style /package/package/... style path indicating where this package lives in its tree. Note that link targets typically always have a location of /, as they are the root of their tree.

  • node.isLink Whether this represents a symlink. Always false for Node objects, always true for Link objects.

  • node.isTop True if this node is the top of its tree, false otherwise.

  • The top node in this node's tree.

  •, node.optional, node.devOptional Indicators as to whether this node is a dev dependency and/or optional dependency. These flags are relevant when pruning optional and/or dev dependencies out of the tree.

    • If none of these flags are set, then the node is required by the dependency and/or peerDependency hierarchy. It should not be pruned.
    • If both and node.optional are set, then the node is an optional dependency of one of the packages in the devDependency hierarchy. It should be pruned if either dev or optional deps are being removed.
    • If is set, but node.optional is not, then the node is required in the devDependency hierarchy. It should be pruned if dev dependencies are being removed.
    • If node.optional is set, but is not, then the node is required in the optionalDependency hierarchy. It should be pruned if optional dependencies are being removed.
    • If node.devOptional is set, then the node is a (non-optional) dependency within the devDependency hierarchy, and a dependency within the optionalDependency hierarchy. It should be pruned if both dev and optional dependencies are being removed.
  • node.edgesOut Edges in the dependency graph indicating nodes that this node depends on, which resolve its dependencies.

  • node.edgesIn Edges in the dependency graph indicating nodes that depend on this node.

  • extraneous True if this package is not required by any other for any reason. False for top of tree.

  • node.resolve(name) Identify the node that will be returned when code in this package runs require(name)

  • node.errors Array of errors encountered while parsing package.json or version specifiers.

class Link

Link objects represent a symbolic link within the node_modules folder. They have most of the same properties and methods as Node objects, with a few differences.

  • A Node object representing the package that the link references. If this is a Node already present within the tree, then it will be the same object. If it's outside of the tree, then it will be treated as the top of its own tree.
  • link.isLink Always true.
  • link.children This is always an empty map, since links don't have their own children directly.

class Edge

Edge objects represent a dependency relationship a package node to the point in the tree where the dependency will be loaded. As nodes are moved within the tree, Edges automatically update to point to the appropriate location.

  • new Edge({ from, type, name, spec }) Creates a new edge with the specified fields. After instantiation, none of the fields can be changed directly.
  • edge.from The node that has the dependency.
  • edge.type The type of dependency. One of 'prod', 'dev', 'peer', or 'optional'.
  • The name of the dependency. Ie, the key in the relevant package.json dependencies object.
  • edge.spec The specifier that is required. This can be a version, range, tag name, git url, or tarball URL. Any specifier allowed by npm is supported.
  • Automatically set to the node in the tree that matches the name field.
  • edge.valid True if satisfies the specifier.
  • edge.error A string indicating the type of error if there is a problem, or null if it's valid. Values, in order of precedence:
    • DETACHED Indicates that the edge has been detached from its edge.from node, typically because a new edge was created when a dependency specifier was modified.
    • MISSING Indicates that the dependency is unmet. Note that this is not set for unmet dependencies of the optional type.
    • PEER LOCAL Indicates that a peerDependency is found in the node's local node_modules folder, and the node is not the top of the tree. This violates the peerDependency contract, because it means that the dependency is not a peer.
    • INVALID Indicates that the dependency does not satisfy edge.spec.
  • edge.reload() Re-resolve to find the appropriate value for Called automatically from the Node class when the tree is mutated.


License:ISC License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%