dobegor / ambassador-codegen-module

Swagger Codegen module for generating Ambassador mapping configurations from OAS definitions

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ambassador Swagger Codegen Module

This project provides a Swagger Codegen 3.X template for generating Ambassador Mapping resources from OAS/Swagger definitions.


Clone this repo and build with

mvn clean install

and use with

java -cp <path to swagger-codegen-cli>:target/ambassador-swagger-codegen-1.0.0.jar \
   io.swagger.codegen.v3.cli.SwaggerCodegen generate \
   -l ambassadorGenerator \
   -i <path/url to OAS definition> \
   -o <output folder>
   --additional-properties targetNamespace=mynamespace,targetService=myservice,servicePrefix=/myservice


The codegen template has several configuration options that can be provided either by command-line or via OAS extensions in your spec.

The command-line arguments are

  • targetService: specifies the target service to use in the generated mapping file - required
  • targetNamespace: specifies the target namespace to use in the generated mapping file, default is "ambassador"
  • overrideExtensions: boolean that controls if command-line arguments should override any extensions in the source OAS definition, default is false
  • servicePrefix: specified an additional prefix to prepend all paths, for example "/myservice". This will be removed when forwarding to the target service (see example below)
  • ignoreOperations: a comma-separated list of operationIds to exclude from the generated mapping file

The corresponding OAS extensions are specified under an x-ambassador node at either the top or operation level in your OAS definition:

  service: myservice
  namespace: mynamespace
  prefix: /myservice

If you want to exclude a specific operation via extensions you can simply add

  ignore: true

to that operation.

Sample Using with Ambassador

Here comes a quick walkthrough showing howing this all works with Ambassador - using the Sample Petstore Service.

You'll need to have Ambassador running in a local cluster/namespace as created by the Ambassador Getting Started guide.

Start by deploying petstore to your local cluster using the provided petstore deployment file

kubectl apply -f petstore-deployment.yaml 

Make sure petstore has been deployed alongside all the other Ambassador services;

> kubectl get pods -n ambassador
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ambassador-97dd6c4cb-v2vsx             1/1     Running   89         54d
ambassador-injector-7d7bdcf58b-phlsx   1/1     Running   1          54d
ambassador-redis-6594476754-wv569      1/1     Running   1          54d
petstore-6b6bf5f798-xqxf4              1/1     Running   0          13s
telepresence-proxy-7d4f567fb9-s8slz    1/1     Running   5          54d

Now run the provided maven generate profile to generate Ambassador mapping files from the public Petstore V3 OAS definition;

mvn test -P test

The mappings are all generated into the target/ambassador folder - apply the PetApi mapping using

kubectl apply -f target/ambassador/PetApi-mapping.yaml 

Petstore is now mapped under /petstore using the Ambassador API Gateway - curl away!

> curl -k https://localhost/petstore/api/v3/pet/findByStatus?status=available
[{"id":1,"category":{"id":2,"name":"Cats"},"name":"Cat 1","photoUrls":["url1","url2"],"tags":[{"id":1,"name":"tag1"},{"id":2,"name":"tag2"}],"status":"available"},{"id":2,"category":{"id":2,"name":"Cats"},"name":"Cat 2","photoUrls":["url1","url2"],"tags":[{"id":1,"name":"tag2"},{"id":2,"name":"tag3"}],"status":"available"},{"id":4,"category":{"id":1,"name":"Dogs"},"name":"Dog 1","photoUrls":["url1","url2"],"tags":[{"id":1,"name":"tag1"},{"id":2,"name":"tag2"}],"status":"available"},{"id":7,"category":{"id":4,"name":"Lions"},"name":"Lion 1","photoUrls":["url1","url2"],"tags":[{"id":1,"name":"tag1"},{"id":2,"name":"tag2"}],"status":"available"},{"id":8,"category":{"id":4,"name":"Lions"},"name":"Lion 2","photoUrls":["url1","url2"],"tags":[{"id":1,"name":"tag2"},{"id":2,"name":"tag3"}],"status":"available"},{"id":9,"category":{"id":4,"name":"Lions"},"name":"Lion 3","photoUrls":["url1","url2"],"tags":[{"id":1,"name":"tag3"},{"id":2,"name":"tag4"}],"status":"available"},{"id":10,"category":{"id":3,"name":"Rabbits"},"name":"Rabbit 1","photoUrls":["url1","url2"],"tags":[{"id":1,"name":"tag3"},{"id":2,"name":"tag4"}],"status":"available"}]
> curl -k https://localhost/petstore/api/v3/pet/2
{"id":2,"category":{"id":2,"name":"Cats"},"name":"Cat 2","photoUrls":["url1","url2"],"tags":[{"id":1,"name":"tag2"},{"id":2,"name":"tag3"}],"status":"available"}

(The "-k" option is added to allow the default self-signed certificate used by Ambassador)

Mapping Generation

The generated mapping is prohibitive in the sense that it only maps the exact matching method and path (including path parameters) for each operation. For example, the generated mapping for the getPetById operation above results in:

kind:  Mapping
  name: petstore-getpetbyid
  namespace: ambassador
  prefix: "/api/v3/pet/{.*}"
  prefix_regex: true
  method: GET
  service: petstore

If a servicePrefix is specified this is removed from the url using a regex rewrite - for example if we add "servicePrefix=/petstore" to the configuration for the above generation we would get the following mapping:

kind:  Mapping
  name: petstore-getpetbyid
  namespace: ambassador
  prefix: "/petstore/api/v3/pet/{.*}"
  prefix_regex: true
  method: GET
  service: petstore
    pattern: '/petstore(.*)'
    substitution: '\1'

which effectively removes the prefix when forwarding the request to the service.

Using with Swagger Generator

You can add the created target jar file to the standalone Swagger Generator as described at

An example invocation of the running generator with curl:

curl -X POST "<generator host>/api/generate" \ 
    -H "accept: application/octet-stream" -H \
    "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
      \"type\":\"CONFIG\",\"codegenVersion\":\"V3\",\"options\":{ \"additionalProperties\":{\"targetService\":\"petstore\"}}}"


Swagger Codegen module for generating Ambassador mapping configurations from OAS definitions

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 90.2%Language:HTML 9.8%