doamaral / ruby-rspec-selenium

Using the minimal number of libs to do UI Testing

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Using the minimal number of libs to do UI Testing

Initial project structure

  • bundle init to Generate Gemfile
  • Go to Rubygems and look for the right way to pu rspec and selenium-webdriver at the Gemfile
gem 'rspec', '~> 3.9'
gem 'selenium-webdriver', '~> 3.142', '>= 3.142.6'
  • bundle install to install all gems at Gemfile
  • rspec --init to create rspec structure:
    • spec folder
      • spec_helper.rb file
    • .rspec file

Writing first test script

  • Create the first test file at spec folder test_specfile.rb
  • Describe: our first scenario
    • All starts with a describe plus it (or example) commands
  • To run tests, just type rspec <specfile>.rb
  • It is not a actual test script without an assertion: using expect [More info about Expectations]
  • Creating class file to play around doing tests with an objects

Using Selenium WebDriver

  • First of all, you must Download Firefox, Chrome Driver compatible with your Browser
  • Put its path into the Path environment variable
  • create file test_with_selenium.rb
  • add require 'selenium-webdriver'
  • Start to use Selenium API
    • Start with driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox or :chrome
    • driver.get "<URL>" open and load a Web Page
      • You can use "<URL>", to navigate to a webpage also
  • Exercise element locators with: find_element (HOW, WHAT)
    • HOW: Strategy used to locate elements
      • :id
      • :name
      • :class
      • :tag_name
      • :css
    • WHAT: text to find element
  • RSpec Hooks:
    • before, after:
      • :each
      • :all

Optional Moves

  • One can find interesting moving standard configurations, including stardard Hooks to spec_helper.rb file
    • Do it within RSpec.configure do |config| session
  • Using tags to filter examples: it 'example name', :tag do ... or it 'example name', :tag => 'tag value' do ...
  • Running options
    • Test Progress style: rspec spec/test_*.rb --format documentation
    • Running filtering by tags: rspec spec/test_*.rb --tag tag or rspec spec/test_*.rb --tag tag:'tag value'
    • Running filtering by example name: rspec spec/test_*.rb --example 'example name' or rspec spec/test_*.rb -e 'example name'

What is next

  • Implement POM
  • Explore more types of Elements: Combo box, Radiobutton, check box and Ajax calls


Using the minimal number of libs to do UI Testing


Language:Ruby 100.0%