dncmn / MagicOnion

gRPC based HTTP/2 RPC Streaming Framework for .NET, .NET Core and Unity.

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gRPC based HTTP/2 RPC Streaming Framework for .NET, .NET Core and Unity.

Quick Start

for .NET 4.6, 4.7 and .NET Standard 1.5(.NET Core) available in NuGet. Unity supports see Unity Supports section. HttpGateway + Swagger Intergarion supports see Swagger section.

Install-Package MagicOnion

Let's implements Server, Server has two parts, interface and implementation.

using Grpc.Core;
using MagicOnion;
using MagicOnion.Server;
using System;

// define interface as Server/Client IDL.
// implements T : IService<T>.
public interface IMyFirstService : IService<IMyFirstService>
    UnaryResult<int> SumAsync(int x, int y);

// implement RPC service.
// inehrit ServiceBase<interface>, interface
public class MyFirstService : ServiceBase<IMyFirstService>, IMyFirstService
    public async UnaryResult<int> SumAsync(int x, int y)
        Logger.Debug($"Received:{x}, {y}");

        return x + y;

and, launch the server.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        GrpcEnvironment.SetLogger(new Grpc.Core.Logging.ConsoleLogger());

        var service = MagicOnionEngine.BuildServerServiceDefinition(isReturnExceptionStackTraceInErrorDetail: true);

        var server = new global::Grpc.Core.Server
            Services = { service },
            Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", 12345, ServerCredentials.Insecure) }
        // launch gRPC Server.

        // sample, launch server/client in same app.
        Task.Run(() =>


    // Blank, used by next section 
    static async void ClientImpl()

write the client.

static async void ClientImpl()
    // standard gRPC channel
    var channel = new Channel("localhost", 12345, ChannelCredentials.Insecure);

    // create MagicOnion dynamic client proxy
    var client = MagicOnionClient.Create<IMyFirstService>(channel);

    // call method.
    var result = await client.SumAsync(100, 200);
    Console.WriteLine("Client Received:" + result);

MagicOnion allows primitive, multiple request value. Complex type is serialized by LZ4 Compressed MsgPack by MessagePack for C# so type should follow MessagePack for C# rules.

Project Structure

If creates Server-Client project, I recommend make three projects. Server, ServerDefinition, Client.


ServerDefinition is only defined interface(IService<T>)(and some share request/response types).

If debugging, I recommend use SwitchStartupProject and launch both Server and Client.

"MultiProjectConfigurations": {
    "Server + Client": {
        "Projects": {
            "FooService": {},
            "FooClient": {}

It can step-in/out seamlessly in server and client.


// Definitions
public interface IMyFirstService : IService<IMyFirstService>
    UnaryResult<string> SumAsync(int x, int y);
    Task<UnaryResult<string>> SumLegacyTaskAsync(int x, int y);
    Task<ClientStreamingResult<int, string>> ClientStreamingSampleAsync();
    Task<ServerStreamingResult<string>> ServertSreamingSampleAsync(int x, int y, int z);
    Task<DuplexStreamingResult<int, string>> DuplexStreamingSampleAync();

// Server
public class MyFirstService : ServiceBase<IMyFirstService>, IMyFirstService
    // VisualStudio 2017(C# 7.0) supports return `async UnaryResult` directly
    // I recommend disable async-warning on project level. <NoWarn>1998</NoWarn>
    public async UnaryResult<string> SumAsync(int x, int y)
        Logger.Debug($"Called SumAsync - x:{x} y:{y}");

        return (x + y).ToString();

    // VS2015(C# 6.0), use Task
    public async Task<UnaryResult<string>> SumLegacyTaskAsync(int x, int y)
        Logger.Debug($"Called SumAsync - x:{x} y:{y}");

        // use UnaryResult method.
        return UnaryResult((x + y).ToString());

    public async Task<ClientStreamingResult<int, string>> ClientStreamingSampleAsync()
        Logger.Debug($"Called ClientStreamingSampleAsync");

        // If ClientStreaming, use GetClientStreamingContext.
        var stream = GetClientStreamingContext<int, string>();

        // receive from client asynchronously
        await stream.ForEachAsync(x =>
            Logger.Debug("Client Stream Received:" + x);

        // StreamingContext.Result() for result value.
        return stream.Result("finished");

    public async Task<ServerStreamingResult<string>> ServertSreamingSampleAsync(int x, int y, int z)
        Logger.Debug($"Called ServertSreamingSampleAsync - x:{x} y:{y} z:{z}");

        var stream = GetServerStreamingContext<string>();

        var acc = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < z; i++)
            acc = acc + x + y;
            await stream.WriteAsync(acc.ToString());

        return stream.Result();

    public async Task<DuplexStreamingResult<int, string>> DuplexStreamingSampleAync()
        Logger.Debug($"Called DuplexStreamingSampleAync");

        // DuplexStreamingContext represents both server and client streaming.
        var stream = GetDuplexStreamingContext<int, string>();

        var waitTask = Task.Run(async () =>
            // ForEachAsync(MoveNext, Current) can receive client streaming.
            await stream.ForEachAsync(x =>
                Logger.Debug($"Duplex Streaming Received:" + x);

        // WriteAsync is ServerStreaming.
        await stream.WriteAsync("test1");
        await stream.WriteAsync("test2");
        await stream.WriteAsync("finish");

        await waitTask;

        return stream.Result();

Client sample.

static async Task UnaryRun(IMyFirstService client)
    // await
    var vvvvv = await client.SumAsync(10, 20);
    Console.WriteLine("SumAsync:" + vvvvv);
    // if use Task<UnaryResult>, use await await
    var vvvv2 = await await client.SumLegacyTaskAsync(10, 20);

static async Task ClientStreamRun(IMyFirstService client)
    var stream = await client.ClientStreamingSampleAsync();

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        await stream.RequestStream.WriteAsync(i);
    await stream.RequestStream.CompleteAsync();

    var response = await stream.ResponseAsync;

    Console.WriteLine("Response:" + response);

static async Task ServerStreamRun(IMyFirstService client)
    var stream = await client.ServertSreamingSampleAsync(10, 20, 3);

    await stream.ResponseStream.ForEachAsync(x =>
        Console.WriteLine("ServerStream Response:" + x);

static async Task DuplexStreamRun(IMyFirstService client)
    var stream = await client.DuplexStreamingSampleAync();

    var count = 0;
    await stream.ResponseStream.ForEachAsync(async x =>
        Console.WriteLine("DuplexStream Response:" + x);

        await stream.RequestStream.WriteAsync(count++);
        if (x == "finish")
            await stream.RequestStream.CompleteAsync();


MagicOnion has built-in Http1 JSON Gateway and Swagger integration for Unary operation.

  • Install-Package MagicOnion.HttpGateway -Pre

HttpGateway is built on ASP.NET Core. for example, with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.WebListener.

static void Main(string[] args)
    // gRPC definition.
    GrpcEnvironment.SetLogger(new ConsoleLogger());
    var service = MagicOnionEngine.BuildServerServiceDefinition(new MagicOnionOptions(true)
        MagicOnionLogger = new MagicOnionLogToGrpcLogger()
    var server = new global::Grpc.Core.Server
        Services = { service },
        Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", 12345, ServerCredentials.Insecure) }

    // ASP.NET Core definition.
    var webHost = new WebHostBuilder()
        .ConfigureServices(collection =>
            // Add MagicOnionServiceDefinition for reference from Startup.
            collection.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(MagicOnionServiceDefinition), service));

public class Startup
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
        // Take from builder.
        var magicOnion = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<MagicOnionServiceDefinition>();

        // Optional:Summary to Swagger
        // var xmlName = "Sandbox.ConsoleServerDefinition.xml";
        // var xmlPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), xmlName);

        // HttpGateway has two middlewares.
        // One is SwaggerView(MagicOnionSwaggerMiddleware)
        // One is Http1-JSON to gRPC-MagicOnion gateway(MagicOnionHttpGateway)
        app.UseMagicOnionSwagger(magicOnion.MethodHandlers, new SwaggerOptions("MagicOnion.Server", "Swagger Integration Test", "/")
            // XmlDocumentPath = xmlPath
        app.UseMagicOnionHttpGateway(magicOnion.MethodHandlers, new Channel("localhost:12345", ChannelCredentials.Insecure));

Open http://localhost:5432, you can see swagger view.



Filter example.

public class SampleFilterAttribute : MagicOnionFilterAttribute
    // constructor convention rule. requires Func<ServiceContext, Task> next.
    public SampleFilterAttribute(Func<ServiceContext, Task> next) : base(next) { }

    // other constructor, use base(null)
    public SampleFilterAttribute() : base(null) { }

    public override async Task Invoke(ServiceContext context)
            /* on before */
            await Next(context); // next
            /* on after */
            /* on exception */
            /* on finally */

Unity Supports

Code is located in src/MagicOnion.Client.Unity/Assets/Scripts/gRPC (port of Grpc.Core) and src/MagicOnion.Client.Unity/Assets/Scripts/MagicOnion (MagicOnion Runtime). There are require MessagePack for C# and UniRx.

MagicOnion's Unity client works on all platforms(PC, Android, iOS, etc...). But it can 'not' use dynamic client generation due to IL2CPP issue. But pre code generate helps it. moc.exeis using Roslyn so analyze source code, pass the target csproj.

moc arguments help:
  -i, --input=VALUE          [required]Input path of analyze csproj
  -o, --output=VALUE         [required]Output path(file) or directory base(in separated mode)
  -u, --unuseunityattr       [optional, default=false]Unuse UnityEngine's RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute on MagicOnionInitializer
  -c, --conditionalsymbol=VALUE [optional, default=empty]conditional compiler symbol
  -n, --namespace=VALUE      [optional, default=MagicOnion]Set namespace root name
  -a, asyncsuffix      [optional, default=false]Use methodName to async suffix

moc.exe is located in packages\MagicOnion.*.*.*\tools\moc.exe.

Who is using this?

MagicOnion is already in production use at kuro-kishi(Mobile RPG on iOS/Android at Japan Market), kuro-kishi receiving 30000 connections and many conncurrent requests.

Author Info

Yoshifumi Kawai(a.k.a. neuecc) is a software developer in Japan.
He is the Director/CTO at Grani, Inc.
Grani is a mobile game developer company in Japan and well known for using C#.
He is awarding Microsoft MVP for Visual C# since 2011.
He is known as the creator of UniRx(Reactive Extensions for Unity)

Blog: https://medium.com/@neuecc (English)
Blog: http://neue.cc/ (Japanese)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/neuecc (Japanese)


This library is under the MIT License.


gRPC based HTTP/2 RPC Streaming Framework for .NET, .NET Core and Unity.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%Language:Batchfile 0.0%