dmtrrk / WiremockUI

Wiremock UI - Tool for creating mock servers, proxies servers and proxies servers with the option to save the data traffic from an existing API or Site.

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DOWNLOAD LINK: CHOCOLATEY: choco install wiremockui

Wiremock UI

Is a project done in .NET Framework 4.5 that creates mock servers using the famous Wiremock (

The tool is completely visual and features of Wiremock have been enhanced:

  • Easy to create and run a server Wiremock
  • Create and manage more than one server Wiremock in one place
  • Create multiple scenarios for the same API or website with the intention of switching them as needed.
  • Viewing the maps with your corresponding answer in the form ofTreeView
  • Manage maps from Wiremock with the options: create, Edit, Remove, duplicate, disable and visualization in the form of JSON
  • Advanced text editor with the following options:
    • Highlight for the languages: JSON / XML / HTML / JavaScript / C# / PHP / LUA /VB.NET
    • JSON and XML formatters
    • AutoWrap
    • Search and replacement
    • Go to line
  • The management of maps (inside the tool) dispenses with the restart of the server.
  • Logs in text and table views with the options:
    • Analysis of time
    • Re-run the request with the internal toolWeb Request
    • Compare requests that did not match with any TreeView map.
  • Built-in tools:
    • Web Request: Is a simple executor of HTTP calls that can help debug
    • Text Compare: Is a simple text comparer
    • Text editor: Text Editor with formatting options to JSON or XML
    • JSON Viewer: JSON Viewer in the form of a tree.

Installation (Manual)

  1. Download the .zip file by clicking here
  2. Extract the .zip anywhere
  3. Open the fileWiremock.exe


No need for installation

Installation (Chocolatey)

choco install wiremockui



choco upgrade wiremockui


choco uninstall wiremockui



When creating a new server, a scenario will also be created, you can have more than one scenario for a same server, switching them as needed using the option Set as Default that exists in the options of the scenarios.

  • Click with the right side of the mouse over the item Servers and clickAdd Server
  • The Server Port field will be automatically generated, but you can change it at any time.
  • You do not need to fill in the Target URL field, because the idea is to create a server from scratch. If you want to generate an initial mass with an existing API, use this field and run the server in write mode Start and Record .

  • Add scenario: Adds a new scenario. Only one scenario may be active at a time.
  • Start: Starts a server using the physical mappings folders and data__files
  • Start (Only Proxy): Starts a server just as proxy bypassing the saved files if any.
  • Start and Record: Starts a server as a proxy in write mode
  • Restart: Restarts the server while maintaining the kind of execution that was started
  • Stop: Stop the server
  • Open Server folder: Opens the folder where are all the scenarios
  • Open Targer URL in browser: Opens the original URL in the Browser
  • Open Server URL in browser: Open the wiremock server URL in the Browser
  • Duplicate: Duplicates the entire server, including the scenarios and all files
  • Edit: Edit Server information
  • Remove: Removes the server

  • Click with the right side of the mouse on the desired server and clickAdd scenario
  • You can have more than one scenario for a same server, this is useful for situations where you don't want to waste time creating advanced matches using match options of wiremock.

  • Add map: Adds a new map, this map will be the basics of a map of the wiremock.
  • Set as Default: Indicates that the files of this scenario will be used when the server is started.
  • Open scenario folder: Opens the folder that contains the files for this scenario
  • Duplicate: Duplicate this scenario and all your files
  • Edit: Edit scenario
  • Remove: Removes the scenario
  • Show URL: When active, displays the URL of tree maps
  • Show Name: When active, displays the name of the file in the tree

  • To add a new map, click with the mouse on the direct side item Scenario1 .
  • A map file will be created with the basics of the Wiremock settings. For more information about how to configure a map go to:

  • Rename: Renames the file, when this occurs, the answer file is also renamed and will stay with the same name, but keeping your original extension.
  • Duplicate: Duplicates this map
  • Remove: Removes the map
  • Enable: When disabled, this map will be ignored
  • View in Web Request: Opens the map in WebRequest allowing executes it.
  • View in explorer: Opens the file manager with the selected file.

  • When opening a map file or any other file JSON, you can view it with the JSON Viewer tool.
  • Click with the right side of the mouse over the desired attribute for more options:
    • View text editor: Displays the content in a new window
    • View as Json: Displays the content in a new window JSON Viewer
    • Expand all: Opens all the children of the node
    • Close all: Closes all children of the node
  • This viewer is also available inTools -> JSON Viewer

  • View in explorer: Opens the file manager with the selected file.

To open the text edit options, click with the right side of the mouse over the desired field. The following options are displayed:

  • Undo: Undo a change
  • Redo: Redo a change
  • Edit
    • Word Wrap: Turn on or off the automatic line break
    • Select all: Select all text
    • Copy: Copies the selected text
    • Cut: Cut selected text
    • Paste: Copy what is on the Clipboard to the text field
    • Remove: Removes the selected text
  • Find: Opens a new window with the search options or text replacement.
  • Json: JSON formatting options
    • Format: Let the JSON in a more readable form
    • Escape: "Escapes" the JSON so that he can be used as the value of other JSON
    • Unescape: Back to normal state when JSON this "escaped"
    • Minify: Remove the unnecessary spaces from JSON
    • Edit value: This option only appears when a text is selected, it is used to edit (in separate window) a value of an attribute that contains a "JSON escaped".
  • XML: Has the same options from JSON, however for the XML format
  • Languages: Change the file Highlight being edited according to the language selected.
  • A new text editor is also available inTools -> Text Editor

Starting the server

  • Click with the right mouse button on the desired server
  • ClickStart

  • To start the server, a window containing the logs in the form of text and table are displayed.
  • The first text of the "log" displays the command line (in green) that would be the equivalent to the Java command for the selected option.
  • One of the advantages of using WiremockUI is that you can edit the map files and your responses without the need to restart the service.

Open the server in the browser

  • The log of the grid is more complete than the log in text form, in addition to showing the a more easy, there's still some debug options, such as:
    • Re-run the requests.
    • Compare the requests with the existing maps.
  • These debug options only work with LISTENER type, NET.IN and types NET.OUT are low level calls made by wiremock and that are also displayed here.

  • By clicking with the right button on the LISTENER type, click the Open in WebRequest option.
  • The tool allows you to edit the request data and displays in the status bar the return code with the time that the call took. This tool is also available through the menuTools -> Web Request

  • By clicking with the right button on the LISTENER type, click the Compare option.
  • On the left side will open the contents of the log. Select the file you want to compare by using the button with the downward arrow on the right side of the comparator.
  • This tool is also available in the menuTools -> Text Compare

  • To have a higher accuracy over time, compare the time NET.IN type (column RequestTime ) with the NET.OUT type (column ResponseTime ) of the desired URL. Unfortunately, there is no option needs to get this information, it would be a desire for the next versions of Wiremock (in Java).
  • The NET.OUT type does not return the URL in the field waited, therefore, the location of this line must be manual, i.e. clean the logs and make the call only the URL that you want to measure the time.
  • This option only makes sense when this running as a proxy, it makes no sense to measure the time a mock server.

Add a new server by filling out the option Target URL , so the execution options and recording will appear in the Server menu.

Starting the server

When running in record mode, you will see the log match-headers Options, this means that when generating a map of the route, the headers Content-Type and SOAPAction should be part of the filter if any, i.e. URL , BODY and these headers must be the same to be an answer.

  • After recording, the maps are displayed in the tree and your answers will be available by clicking on + each map.
  • To use the saved files, stop the server with the option Stop and start with the option Start .

Add a new server by filling out the option Target URL , so the execution options and recording will appear in the Server menu.

Starting the server

  • Click with the right side of the mouse on the server
  • Click the optionStart (Only Proxy)

  • File
    • Refresh: Refreshes the screen to return to the initial state.
    • Open files folder: Opens the folder where are all the files.
    • Find in Files: Opens the search tool.
    • Languages: Supports two languages: English and Portuguese
    • Quit: Exits the application
  • Execute:
    • Add Server: Adds a new server
    • Start All: Start all servers
    • Start and record all: Start all servers in write mode
    • Stop all: Stop all servers
  • Tools:
    • Web Request: Opens the WebRequest tool that makes web requests. This tool is very simple, several settings of the HTTP protocol has not been implemented, it was created for rerun requests or maps.
    • Text Compare: Opens the tool that compares text. This tool is very simple, it is only to assist in the comparison of requests with maps that did not match.
    • Text Editor: Opens the text editing tool. The tool is very simple and is designed to help you format some value in JSON or XML format.
    • JSON Viewer: Opens the JSON Viewer tool which helps in viewing the JSON display in form of TreeView
  • About: Opens the about screen.

Is a project built in java that simulates a web service. Technically it was designed to work in two ways:

  • Standalone Mode: is when it is run from the command prompt with the purpose of creating web servers storing the request and responses in the form of files. It can work with 3 types of servers.
    • Run as mock server
    • Execute as a proxy, but recording the data (useful for initial load)
    • Run only as a proxy
  • Testing Framework: is out of our scope, but it can also be used as mock framework API to Java unit tests. In .NET we have mock4net that has inspired Wiremock.

For more information, visit the official website of the tool:

Within the context of tests it is useful to simulate APIs or anything about the HTTP protocol. The server uses, basically, of two folders to work:

  • mappings: this folder contains the files .json , where each file represents a route with your respective answer. There is a lot of settings within each map, all are available in the documentation of the wiremock.
  • __ files: in this folder are the answer files that are configured on a map.

Example of map-GET

This map creates a route that will be hearing the http://[SERVER]:5500/user/all route using the verb GET . When a request is within these rules the contents of the file response.txt will be returned:

  "request": {
    "url": "/user/all",
    "method": "GET"
  "response": {
    "status": 200,
    "bodyFileName": "response.txt",
    "headers": {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"

Example of map-POST

This map creates a route that will be hearing the http://[SERVER]:5500/user/insert”all route using the verb POST and when the body of the request is the same {\"Name\":\"User3\",\"Age\":100} . When a request is within these rules the contents of the file response.txt will be returned:

  "request": {
    "url": "/user/insert",
    "method": "POST",
    "bodyPatterns" : [
        "equalToJson" : "{\"Name\":\"User3\",\"Age\":100}"
  "response": {
    "status": 200,
    "bodyFileName": "response.txt",
    "headers": {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"


The answer is always "raw", without any encapsulation. As in earlier maps, we saw that the response is a file application/json , then that file will have the JSON content, if it was an image, this answer file would have the image extension, example: response.jpg and your content would be a binary.

  "key1": "value"


  • Up the server
    • java -jar "D:\wm\wiremock-standalone-2.8.0.jar" --port 5500 --root-dir "D:\wm\server1" --verbose
  • GET scenario:
    • Url:http://localhost:5500/user/all
    • Method:GET
  • POST scenario:
    • Url:http://localhost:5500/user/insert
    • Method:POST
    • Body:{ "Name": "User3", "Age": 100}

It is very useful to load the first mass, after that, you can edit the generated files and can create several scenarios. To use the generated files need to change the form of execution for mock server.


  • Up the server in write mode:
    • java -jar "D:\wm\wiremock-standalone-2.8.0.jar" --port 5502 --proxy-all "" --record-mappings --root-dir "D:\wm\server2" --verbose --match-headers Content-Type
  • Open the URL in your browser:http://localhost:5502
  • Stop the server
  • Edit any file
  • Restart the server in order to use the saved files
    • java -jar "D:\wm\wiremock-standalone-2.8.0.jar" --port 5502 --root-dir "D:\wm\server2" --verbose
  • Clear the browser cache
  • Rerun:http://localhost:5502

In our context, it can be useful when you need to use the original service without having to change the URL in the client.


  • Up the server in proxy mode (ignoring the maps saved):
    • java -jar "D:\wm\wiremock-standalone-2.8.0.jar" --port 5502 --proxy-all "" --verbose
  • Open the URL in your browser:http://localhost:5502

The .JAR of Wiremock does not run using processes. The .JAR last version of Wiremock was converted to .NET using the "IKVM". With this, it was possible to increase the use of the tool, having direct access to the main classes.

  • It uses Windows Forms as a paradigm, so you need to have the .NET Framework 4.5 installed.
  • All saved files will be saved in a folder named .app which is at the root of where's the .exe .

At the moment, I will not add new features due to lack of time, I will be available only for bugs and minor improvements. If you want to contribute with new ideas or fixes, just contact us or access the board of the project.

  1. I see that the main point of improvement would be in the form "FormMaster". He's in a lot of lines and little componentised.
  2. Another important point is to improve the persistence layer, at the moment, the calls are not centered leaving the dangerous situation for future improvements and this aggravates by being on a database in the form of a single file.

Important links for the project:


Tool that converts the Java Wiremock for .NET.


Framework to facilitate data persistence



WiremockUI is an open source project. Starting in 2017, many hours have been invested in the creation and evolution of this project.

And all with only one goal: make it a good mock tool to improve the daily lives of the developers. If the WiremockUI was useful for you, or if you want to see it evolve increasingly, consider making a small donation (any amount). Help us also with ideas and possible problems.

Anyway, we appreciate you for have come up here;)




The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2017 Glauber Donizeti Gasparotto Junior

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute , sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


This text was translated by a machine


Wiremock UI - Tool for creating mock servers, proxies servers and proxies servers with the option to save the data traffic from an existing API or Site.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 95.1%Language:HTML 3.2%Language:Python 1.4%Language:PowerShell 0.2%Language:Batchfile 0.0%