dmlambea / Ext.ux.JEEAuth

JEE FORM-based authentication hook for ExtJS v4.x

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is the README file for the jeeauth.js extension for ExtJS v4.0

Author: Daniel M. Lambea
Email: dmlambea [at] gmail [dot] com
License: This has several licensing options to fit your needs.
This software is licensed under the terms of the Open Source LGPL 3.0 for non-commercial, non-bundling use.
You can read the license terms in the accompanying file COPYING.LESSER. If you wish to bundle this software
in a package that will be sold or otherwise directly generate revenue, please contact me at the email address

0) Files included in this distribution
README - this file.
COPYING - The GPL 3.0 license terms.
COPYING.LESSER - The LGPL 3.0 license terms.
jeeauth.js - the actual library minified for production.
jeeauth-src.js - the actual library's source code.
examples/jeeauth-custom-spanish.js - sample customization (spanish translation of the extension UI).
examples/jeeauth-custom-springsecurity.js - sample customization (Spring Security instead of default JAAS).
examples/authRequest.json - sample authentication request's JSON response.
examples/loginform.css - sample CSS customization of the built-in LoginWindow class.

1) Installation
Include jeeauth.js in your <script>..</script> tags, after any and all ExtJS files.
Include the customization file, if any (e.g. jeeauth-custom-spanish.js), in your <script>..</script> tags, after jeeauth.js.

2) Limitations
Authentication requests have to be received from the server in JSON format. See the authRequest.json sample file
for details on how to provide a JSON boolean flag. The flag has to be named "authRequest". Additionally, any 403 response
from the server ("Forbidden") will trigger the auth mechanism.

3) Overview
In a JEE, form-based, secured webapp the server allows to use all public resources with no limit.
But once a protected resource is accessed, the container checks the authentication information to be current.
If the user is not authenticated or the session has expired, the container automatically saves back the request
and sends the configured login form to the user. Once the POSTed credentials are valid, the container looks for
the saved request, processes it and sends the original request's response to the user.

If we are using AJAX requests, e.g. by using a remote store with a grid, and we let the session expire, then
the grid will receive the login form instead of the expected record data, thus causing an error. This is where
jeeauth makes sense.

Jeeauth overrides the Ext.Ajax.request() method in order to detect the authentication request coming from
the server. Every outgoing request is intercepted. If the response contains a special boolean indicator set
to true, then the request is cached and a login form is shown. The login form's data is then submitted
to the server in an attempt to authenticate the user. The login form is shown and submitted again and again until the success
condition is detected (i.e., when the response is missing the boolean indicator). At this point, jeeauth recovers the original request
and triggers it again transparently. In the example above, the grid would notice nothing. From the grid's point of view,
a request was made and a valid response was received.

Every other requests made while the authentication procedure takes place are queued until the user is authenticated.

4) Usage
4a) Initialization
Simply include the jeeauth file after ExtJS classes. Jeeauth installs automatically by overriding Ext.Ajax's request method.

4b) Customization
The namespace Ext.ux.JEEAuth contains several attributes that allows you get fine grained control over the library. Please
see examples/jeeauth-custom-*.js. The fields are explained here:

  * loginActionConfig: a config object to be applied to the login button in the login form. The handler and the scope cannot
be set, but all other configuration options are valid to be customized.
  * authMaskConfig: config object to be applied as LoadMask during the authentication process.
  * validationErrorTitle: title of the message box that opens when the user tries to submit an invalid login form.
  * validationErrorText: text of the message box that opens when the user tries to submit an invalid login form.
  * blankText: text for the username and password fields when left blank.
  * windowTitle: title of the login window.
  * formAuthenticationURL: the URL to authenticate the user. In JAAS environments it defaults to 'j_security_check'.
  * usernameFieldLabel: label for the username field.
  * passwordFieldLabel: label for the password field.
  * usernameFieldName: name of the username field. In JAAS environments it defaults to 'j_username'.
  * passwordFieldName: name of the password field. In JAAS environments it defaults to 'j_password'.

Also refer to examples/loginform.css for a sample customization of the built-in LoginWindow class.


JEE FORM-based authentication hook for ExtJS v4.x

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%