dmill-bz / gremlin-bin

Placeholder for gremlin-bin website issues

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This github repo is a placeholder for all the issues and information pertaining to the former website . GremlinBin is a website that allows you to run gremlin queries against test graphs; then save them to share them with the community. Think of it as a pastebin/jsfiddle for gremlin queries.

It also provides a visualization tool to make things even easier.

App Screenshot

Current features

  • Ability to query graphs using the gremlin query language
  • OLTP implementations (no OLAP envs)
  • Support TinkerGraph graphs
  • Display DB results as JSON
  • Display DB results as Console output
  • Visualization tool

Future plans

  • Mobile support (iOS, Android ...)
  • Ability to configure the data displayed on the visualization tool.
  • Ability to Import files (graphml, graphson, etc.)
  • Support Titan graphs
  • Support OrientDB graphs
  • Support Neo4j + cypher? ( will need to check licensing)
  • Better Visualization tool, more interactive features.

Distant plans

  • OLAP implementations
  • Adding more backends and languages (orientSQL? sparQL? etc.)


Placeholder for gremlin-bin website issues