dmidlo / typescript_tutorial

Curriculum for a basic typescript tutorial

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Journey Into TypeScript

Hop on board for an adventure into the world of TypeScript! We're going to create a little calculator that can add numbers together just like you did in grade school. Our calculator is going to live on its very own webpage; So, we'll also dip our toes into some HTML and CSS to make our calculator beautiful and welcoming.

Don't worry if you're new to coding, as long as you can find your way around a computer, you're invited! We've got all the directions you need, whether you're on a Windows, MacOS, or a Linux. We’ll take each step together, making sure no one's left behind on this exciting digital trek!

Ready to have some fun and make that calculator come to life? Let’s dive into TypeScript and web development together!

Our Adventure into Web Creation

Embark on a journey into the realm of web development as we write a calculator from scratch. Side by side, we'll traverse through HTML, CSS, and TypeScript, laying down the foundation, brick by brick, until our calculator springs to life on its very own corner of the internet. We’ll also delve into the heart of the command line and learn how to keep track of changes to our code and work with others using git and github workflows. It's totally okay if you're brand new to programming, all you need is a dash of curiosity and a sprinkle of excitement!

Session 1: Saying Hello to HTML

  • Goal: Get friendly with HTML basics and craft a simple webpage that talks about how we add columns of numbers, just like we did back in school.
    • Understanding HTML: What are elements, tags, and attributes?
    • Building a simple webpage that explains the column addition method (or, "The Standard Algorithm").

Session 2: Exploring the Command Line and Version Control

  • Goal: Discover the basics of command line use and integrate Git workflows to track our project's progress.
    • Command Line Basics: Navigating the file system, creating and editing files.
    • Git Workflows: Understanding commits and using version control to fix our code when we break it.

Session 3: Dressing Up with CSS

  • Goal: Dive into some CSS magic to add colors, styles, and formatting to our HTML page from Session 1.
    • The basics of CSS: How to select elements, and apply new styles.
    • Making our text pretty, adding a splash of color, and arranging things nicely on the page.

Session 4: Making Things Click with TypeScript

  • Goal: Understand the basics of TypeScript to make our webpage interactive and fun.
    • Starting off with TypeScript: What are variables, functions, and the different data types.
    • As we work: Testing to make sure everything works well.
    • Bringing our calculator to life: Making it add numbers when we click the buttons.

Session 5: Fancy Tricks for Our Page

  • Goal: Explore more CSS and TypeScript features to enhance our webpage.
    • More CSS fun: Making things transition smoothly, and ensuring our page looks great on all devices.
    • Advanced TypeScript magic: Making our page respond to our interactions.

Session 6: Hosting and Reviewing Our Creation

  • Goal: Host our project on GitHub Pages and review the progress, looking for areas of improvement.
    • Hosting on GitHub Pages: Making our calculator accessible on the web.
    • Reviewing and Refining: Ensuring everything works well and identifying areas for improvement.

Session 7: Celebrating Our Creation and Adding More Features

  • Goal: Reflect on our project, and envision future enhancements or other projects.
    • Git Workflows: Understanding branches and collaborating with others using GitHub flavored pull-requests.
    • Dreaming big: Thinking of other cool features or games we could incorporate.

Handy Guides

  • We’ll have a bunch of online guides, tutorials, and friendly communities to help us out whenever we’re stuck.
  • We can also learn a lot from each other by reviewing each other’s code and solving problems together.

Through each Session, we’ll have little challenges, examples, and stories to help us understand and remember what we learn. Our final project will show us how everything we learned fits together to create something fun and useful. This adventure is all about learning by doing, and helping each other out along the way. Ready to make some digital magic?!

Professional Certifications

This tutorial intents to prepare learners for achieving the following certification:

  • IAAP - International Association of Accessibility Professionals - Web Accessibility Specialist

  • Content intends to align with the following professional certifications ('best effort'):

    • IJI - JSE - Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer Certification
    • IJI - JSA - Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer Certification
    • Salesforce JavaScript Developer I
    • ISTQB Agile Testing
    • ISTQB Advanced Agile Technical Testing
    • ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst
    • ISTQB Advanced Technical Test Analyst
    • GAQM - Global Association for Quality Management - Software Development - Certified Web Developer (CWD)
    • Adobe Certified Professional - Web Design
    • GAQM - Certified User Experience (UX) Designer (CUED)
    • GAQM - Certified Software Tester - Foundation Level (CSTFL)
    • GAQM - Certified Agile Tester - Foundation (CATF)
    • GAQM - Certified Software Automation Tester (CSAT) - Foundation Level
    • GAQM - Certified Professional Selenium Tester (CPST)


Curriculum for a basic typescript tutorial