dmfrancisco / jscoach-client is a manually curated list of packages related to React, Webpack, Babel and PostCSS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Welcome to the repository that used to power the client interface.

I started in late 2015 and maintained it somewhat actively until 2019. It has been neglected since then but now, in 2020, the project has new maintainers. This is an archive of the old version of the site. You can find the active repository here.

Screenshot of the welcome page:

Screenshot of the welcome page

Screenshot of the results page:

Screenshot of the results page

Screenshot of a package modal:

Screenshot of a package modal

Part of web comic – JS coach with Space Horse and Cláudio:

Part of web comic

Part of web comic – The Great Elogin appears and she wants things shipped:

Part of web comic

Found a bug or have feedback?

Please open an issue in the support repository. Feel free to submit PRs here.

Looking for the old source?

Check out the classic branch.

Setting up

Search with Algolia

Duplicate the existing .env file in the root directory of this subproject and name it .env.local. This file is already on the .gitignore file so you don't accidentally commit it to your repository. Visit the algolia website and fill the following environment variables:

# Algolia configs

Your primary index is used to browse libraries by popularity (it uses stars, downloads and dependents to rank a library) and also to sort the results by relevance when the user is searching. We will now create a replica so the user can browse libraries sorted by "updated at" too.

Open your index page on Algolia and click on the "Replicas" tab. Click "Add a value" to create a replica index with a name such as "Library_updated_at_development". If you gave either your primary index or the replica names that don't match the defaults, you can update the following variables on the .env file:

# List of primary indexes and replicas to search in

Deploying to GitHub pages

GitHub Pages doesn’t support routers that use the HTML5 pushState history API under the hood. To work around that we use a trick to teach GitHub Pages to handle 404 by redirecting to the index.html page with a special redirect parameter. You can find a detailed explanation of this technique in this guide.

If you are setting up a Project Pages site and not using a custom domain (i.e. your site's address is, then you need to set segmentCount to 1 in the 404.html file in order to keep /repo-name in the path after the redirect.

Apart from that, deployment works exactly as usual for apps created using create-react-app.

About is a manually curated list of packages related to React, Webpack, Babel and PostCSS

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 87.5%Language:HTML 8.1%Language:CSS 4.4%