dmchr / http-test-suite

HTTP Server test suite

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web server test suite

Implement a Web server in the programming language of your choice. Libraries for helping manage TCP socket connections may be used (libevent allowed). Libraries that implement any part of HTTP or multiprocessing model must not be used.


  • Respond to GET with status code in {200,404}
  • Respond to HEAD with status code in {200,404}
  • Respond to all other request methods with status code 405
  • Directory index file name index.html
  • Respond to requests for /<file>.html with the contents of DOCUMENT_ROOT/<file>.html
  • Requests for /<directory>/ should be interpreted as requests for DOCUMENT_ROOT/<directory>/index.html
  • Respond with the following header fields for all requests:
    • Server
    • Date
    • Connection
  • Respond with the following additional header fields for all 200 responses to GET and HEAD requests:
    • Content-Length
    • Content-Type
  • Respond with correct Content-Type for .html, .css, js, jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .swf
  • Respond to percent-encoding URLs
  • Correctly serve a 2GB+ files
  • No security vulnerabilities

Testing environment

  • Put Dockerfile to web server repository root
  • Prepare docker container to run tests:
    • Read config file /etc/httpd.conf
    • Expose port 80

Config file spec:

listen 80         # port number
cpu_limit 4       # maximum CPU count to use (for non-blocking servers)
thread_limit 256  # maximum simultaneous connections (for blocking servers)
document_root /var/www/html

Run tests:

git clone
cd http-test-suite

docker build -t bykov-httpd
docker run -p 80:80 -v ./httpd.conf:/etc/httpd.conf:ro -v ./:/var/www/html:ro --name bykov-httpd -t bykov-httpd


Success criteria

  • Must pass test suite
  • Must pass load test
  • Must use all CPUs
  • Perfomance must inrease with increasing number of CPUs
  • Perfomance must be comparable with nginx (same order of magnitude)
  • No errors allowed



HTTP Server test suite


Language:HTML 95.8%Language:JavaScript 3.3%Language:Python 1.0%