dmbutalsodm / HartOptimization

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Hart Optimization

This is a project to manage the jobs and scheduling at Hart Precision Machining.



Tool is a type that represents a tool that can either be in a machine or not.

To instantiate it, an object with the field id and any other properties the tool has, such as physical measurements or source or etc.

Tool Endpoints

GET /api/tools
Gets a list of all tools and their attributes

GET /api/tools/:id
Gets a specific tool, found by its id

POST /api/tools
Creates a new tool. name field required, any additional fields are optional.

POST /api/tools/freeTools
Removes tools from machines. Takes an array called tools in the post body with the IDs of the tools to be removed.

Tool Manager

Tool Manager is a singleton that holds all the tools, and takes care of various tasks involving the collection


Machine is a type that represents a machine that holds tools and can process ops.

Machine Endpoints

GET /api/machines
Gets a list of all machines and their attributes

GET /api/machines/:id
Gets a specific machines, found by its id

POST /api/machines
Creates a new machines. name field is required, any additional fields are optional.

POST /api/machines/:id/addTools
Loads tools into the machines. The post body should have an array called tools with the tool IDs that are to be loaded into the machine.
Tools can only be loaded into one machine at once, so loading a tool into a machine that is already loaded into another will result in a transfer, not an error.

Machine Manager

Machine Manager is a singleton that holds all the machines, and takes care of various tasks involving the collection.

Op Manager

OpManager is a type that interfaces with the database to coordinate op information.

Op Endpoints

POST /api/ops
Creates an op that can be performed on a machine. Takes up to 6 parameters in its post body.

  • name: The name of the op.
  • opCode: The code for the operation in the manufacturing process. Usually 2 digits.
  • part: The part that this op belongs to.
  • intervals: the amount of 15-minute intervals the op takes.
  • isSequential: Whether or not this op is chained to the next.
  • tools: [optional] An array of the Tool IDs that this op needs to complete.
  • machines: [optional] An array of the Machine IDs that are capable of completing this op.

POST /api/ops/updatemachines
Updates the machines that can complete a specific op.
Takes 3 parameters:

  • opId: The op ID to update.
  • toAdd: An array containing the machine IDs that will be added to the op.
  • toDelete: An array containing the machine IDs that will be removed from the op.

POST /api/ops/updatetools
Updates the tools that can complete a specific op.
Takes 3 parameters:

  • opId: The op ID to update.
  • toAdd: An array containing the tool IDs that will be added to the op.
  • toDelete: An array containing the tool IDs that will be removed from the op.

POST /api/ops/edit
Takes some of the same required parameters of POST /api/ops to change details about an existing op.

  • opId: The ID of the op to edit.
  • name: [optional] The name of the op.
  • opCode: [optional] The code for the operation in the manufacturing process. Usually 2 digits.
  • intervals: [optional] the amount of 15-minute intervals the op takes.
  • isSequential: [optional] Whether or not this op is chained to the next.

POST /api/ops/delete
Deletes an existing op.

  • opId: The op to delete.


Parts are groupings of ops required to produce a physical product.

Part endpoints

GET /api/parts
Returns a collection of all the parts that are in the system. Includes the part details, as well as each op required to make the part, and the machines and tools that the particular op needs.

GET /api/parts/:id
Returns the details for a specific part, including the part details, as well as each op required to make the part, and the machines and tools that the particular op needs.

POST /api/parts
Creates a new part in the system. Name is the only required field.


Jobs are runs of a part number in a certain quantity, with a certain start date.

Job endpoints

GET /api/jobs
Returns a list of all the jobs in the system. Includes id, partId, count, name, startDate, and priority.

POST /api/jobs
Creates a new job. Requires 4 parameters in the post body.

  • name: The name of this job.
  • partId: The ID of the part that is running in this job.
  • partCount: The amount of parts that are to be made in this job.
  • startDate: The day this job will start, in YYYY/MM/DD format.

POST /api/jobs/updatepriority Changes the priority of an existing job.

  • jobId: The ID of the job to edit.
  • priority: The new priority to apply to the job.

POST /api/jobs/delete Deletes an existing job.

  • jobId: The ID of the job to delete.



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