dmauser / azure-vm-net-tools

How to get popular networking tools installed on Azure Linux or Windows VMs.

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Installing networking tools on Azure VMs

In this article


Scenario 1: Deploy a new Azure Linux VM with Network Tools using CLI

Scenario 2: Install network utilities on your existing Linux VMs


On this post we will demonstrate how to deploy useful network utilities/tools on your Azure VMs (Linux and Windows).

Linux (Ubuntu)

It is important to note all procedures below have been tested on Linux Ubuntu 18.04. You may need to make changes depending on your Linux distro.

Please review the list of network tools installed inside the content of the script. You can also define your own startup script and replace the script URL on the variable nettoolsuri listed in the examples below.


Note:: an Azure Shell script lxvm-nettools.azcli with the scenarios below are also included in this repo.

Scenario 1: Deploy a new Azure Linux VM with Network Tools using CLI

# Define variables
rg=LAB-NetTools ## Define your resource group
location=southcentralus # Define your location
vnetname=AzureVNET # Azure VNET name
vmname=AzVM1 # Azure VM Name

# Create VNET/Subnet
az group create --name $rg --location $location
az network vnet create --resource-group $rg --name $vnetname --location $location \
--address-prefixes \
--subnet-name subnet1 \

# Create VM using
az network public-ip create --name $vmname-pip --resource-group $rg --location $location --sku Basic --allocation-method Dynamic
az network nic create --resource-group $rg -n $vmname-nic --location $location \
--subnet subnet1 \
--vnet-name $vnetname \
--public-ip-address $vmname-pip
az vm create -n $vmname --resource-group $rg --size Standard_B1s --image UbuntuLTS \
--admin-username $username \
--nics $vmname-nic \

## Run Extension Script
az vm extension set \
--resource-group $rg \
--vm-name $vmname \
--name customScript \
--publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
--protected-settings "{\"fileUris\": [\"$nettoolsuri\"],\"commandToExecute\": \"./\"}" \

## Obtain Public IP and ssh to the target machine.
pip=$(az network public-ip show --name $vmname-pip --resource-group $rg --query ipAddress -o tsv)
# ssh to the VM and test the tools are present (traceroute and others)
ssh azureadmin@$pip
# 1) Run traceroute
# 2) Run curl localhost and you should see your VM name.

Scenario 2: Install network utilities on your existing Linux VMs

Install network utilities on all Linux VMs inside a resource group.

# Define variables
rg=RSLAB-EUS2-AZFW ## Define your resource group

# Loop below will list all your Linux VMs and install the network utilities on them.
for vm in `az vm list -g $rg --query "[?storageProfile.osDisk.osType=='Linux'].name" -o tsv`
 az vm extension set \
 --resource-group $rg \
 --vm-name $vm \
 --name customScript \
 --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
 --protected-settings "{\"fileUris\": [\"$nettoolsuri\"],\"commandToExecute\": \"./\"}" \

Windows (coming soon)


How to get popular networking tools installed on Azure Linux or Windows VMs.

License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 61.0%Language:Shell 39.0%