dmatej / arquillian-container-glassfish

Arquillian GlassFish Containers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Arquillian Connectors Suite

Set of tools that provide a GlassFish Server container adapter for Arquillian.

Originally forked from:

Then forked from:

Quick example usage for the managed connector:

Declare dependency to connector (container adapter):


Configure surefire or failsafe. Some examples given below. Only glassfish.home is required.

                create-jms-resource --restype jakarta.jms.Queue --property Name=queue_test queue_test
                create-jms-resource --restype jakarta.jms.Topic --property Name=topic_test topic_test
                set configs.config.server-config.cdi-service.enable-implicit-cdi=true
                create-file-user --groups student --passwordfile ${}/test-classes/password.txt student
                create-file-user --groups printer --passwordfile ${}/test-classes/password.txt printer
                create-file-user --groups student:alarm --passwordfile ${}/test-classes/password.txt alarm


Arquillian GlassFish Containers


Language:Java 100.0%