dmakeroam / Challenge-01

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Frontend Developer Assignment: Pokédex Challenge


Welcome to the Pokédex Challenge! This project is designed as an assignment for an frontend developer candidates to demonstrate their skills in React, API integration, and modern web development practices.

Your task is to build a simple web application that displays a list of Pokémon using data from the PokeAPI. The application should include features such as searching, pagination, and displaying details for each Pokémon.


  • Framework: The application should be built using React.
  • Styling: You can use any css libraly/framework of your choice.
  • API Integration: Fetch data from the PokeAPI.
  • Features:
    • Display a list of Pokémon.
    • Implement search functionality to filter Pokémon by name.
    • Implement pagination.
    • Display an image and details for each Pokémon in a card layout.

Evaluation Criteria

Your submission will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Functionality: Does the application work as expected?
  • Code Quality: Is the code clean, well-organized, and properly commented?


Home page After click the next button Searching example 1 Searching example 2 Searching example 3 with next

Extra Score

  • Use Github Actions or DevOps tools of your choice to deploy the project.
