dm / terraform-eks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Creates an EKS cluster using terraform with below features:

  • VPC with 3 subnets
    • gateway
    • public/internal (only egress to internet)
    • private (no ingress/egress from/to internet)
  • A secondary subnet for pubic/internal subnet to extend ip addresses
  • Cluster Autoscaler configuration for IAM
  • ALB with Route53 configuration (certificate needs to be pre-created)

This project is heavily inspired by:


  1. Create a file with aws credentials:
aws_access_key_id = ACCESSKEYID
aws_secret_access_key = SECRET
  1. Populate variables.tfvars
  2. Check the plan
terraform init
terraform plan -var-file=variables.tfvars
  1. Apply if everything is okay (it takes approx 15mins to create the cluster)
terraform apply -var-file=variables.tfvars
  1. After the cluster is created, use the kubeconfig from the output to connect to the cluster using kubectl
terraform output eks_kubeconfig
  1. To route traffic from the ALB to the cluster, create a traefik ingress controller service pointing to nodePort: 3172. Example here
  2. For cluster autoscaling create a cluster-autoscaler deployment pointing to the autoscaling group created by terraform. Example here
  - ./cluster-autoscaler
  - --v=4
  - --stderrthreshold=info
  - --cloud-provider=aws
  - --skip-nodes-with-local-storage=false



Language:HCL 100.0%