dm-wr7 / not-walmart

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not Walmart

This is an application built for demonstrating principles of React and Node.js using Express.

Working example

Application plan

A good plan is essential to a successful app. Here you will find wireframes, a component tree (featuring state, props, and methods for each component), and planned out endpoints for the back end.


Component Tree


Steps to complete

Back end (Express)

According to our plan we need endpoints that do the following:

  • GET /api/products | getAllProducts
    • Serve up the array of products stored in the data.json file.
  • GET /api/cart | getCart
    • Serve up an object to be stored in the cartController.js file. The object should contain a total property (number) and a items property (array of objects).
    • Each item in the cart.items array should have id, cart_id, name, image, price, and quantity properties.
  • POST /api/cart | addToCart
    • Add a product to our cart and serve the updated cart object
    • It requires that the body have product_id and quantity properties.
    • We should first check if the product is already in our cart.items array. If it is, we should just update the quantity.
    • If the product is not currently in our array, we should use the product_id to find the corresponding product, add a cart_id and quantity property to it and push it to our cart.items array.
    • We then need to update the total property on the cart and send the entire cart object.
  • PUT /api/cart/cart_id | changeQuantity
    • Change the quantity of a specified product in our cart.
    • Requires a cart_id on params and a action query (must be 'up' or 'down')
    • Find the corresponding item in our cart.items array and modify the quantity accordingly
    • If the quantity would drop to 0, we should remove the item.
    • Calculate the updated total property
    • Serve up the updated cart object
  • DELETE /api/cart/cart_id | removeFromCart
    • Remove a specified product from our cart
    • Requires a cart_id on params
    • Use that cart_id to find the correct item and remove it from the cart.items array
    • Calculate the updated total property
    • Serve up the updated cart object
  • DELETE /api/cart | checkout
    • Reset the cart object to its starting values
    • Serve up updated cart object

Once that functionality is intact, we should test all of it using Postman.

Front end (React)

We need the following components

  • Header (function)
    • Just displays header
  • Display (class)
    • Our main logic component
    • state should include: products (array) and cart (object: total (number), items (array))
    • Methods should include: componentDidMount, addToCart, changeQuantity, removeFromCart, checkout
      • Each of these should make corresponding network calls to their matching endpoints
  • Products (function)
    • props should include: products (array), addToCart (function)
    • This component will map over our products array and return a Product component for each item.
  • Product (class)
    • props should include data (object), addToCart (function)
    • state should include quantity (number)
    • methods should include changeQuantity and handleAddToCart
    • Should display all info about product
    • Should allow to select a quantity and add that item to cart.
  • Cart (function)
    • props should include cart (object), changeQuantity, removeFromCart, checkout (functions)
    • It should contain our cart total and a map of the items array in the cart prop which will return a CartItem for each item
    • There should also be a button to checkout
  • CartItem (function)
    • props should include data (object), changeQuantity, removeFromCart (functions)
    • Should show all info about the product
    • Should provide buttons to either increase or decrease quantity
    • Should allow to remove item from cart



Language:JavaScript 75.0%Language:CSS 16.1%Language:HTML 8.9%