Install dependencies
npm install
Copy the payproc.sample.conf file to payproc.conf and edit it.
$ cp payproc.sample.conf payproc.conf
$ vi payproc.conf
"config": {
"API_KEY": "blocktrail api key",
"API_SECRET": "blocktrail secret",
"WALLET_NAME": "the wallet name",
"WALLET_PASSWORD": "the wallet password",
"USE_TESTNET": true,
"PORT": 11306,
"DB_FILE": "payproc.db",
"FWD_PAY_DELAY": 600000
- Adjust the settings to match your Blocktrail information and the server's port number.
- The configuration, FORWARD_BAL_THRESHOLD, is in Satoshis (1 BTC = 100,000,000 Satoshis).
- FWD_PAY_DELAY is number of milliseconds to between payment forwarding scans.
Run the server
node payproc.js
To generate a receive address for payments, use /payproc/receive.
$ curl "http://localhost:11306/payproc/receive?address=2N4ajxiM1xHc83mehV2LTXk2Z65TAfc9MhX&amount=0.432"
address Address to receive coins
amount Amount to send to address in BTC
temporary address The temporary address that can be shown to the buyer.
To check the total amount of the unconfirmed balance of the given BTC address:
$ curl "http://localhost:11306/payproc/getreceivedbyaddress/2N4ajxiM1xHc83mehV2LTXk2Z65TAfc9MhX"
Path Parameter:
/payproc/getreceivedbyaddress/[BTC ADDRESS] The temporary payment address to monitor.
The unconfirmed balance in BTC.
To check whether the service is alive or not.
$ curl "http://localhost:11306/payproc/ping"
ALIVE Payproc is alive