dkalog / sopnode_emu

Slices-summer school

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This page covers how to start and setup a software emulator of an sdn enabled network managed by onos and composed of stratum switches using vagrant and virtualbox.

First we need to install vagrant and virtualbox, which will be our tool to setup our developper envirenement and maange Vms.

Virtualbox installation

On Linux (such as Fedora)

Download .run file for linux-64bit from then execute the downloaded file (e.g., sh <linux-64bit file>.run).

To verify that virtualbox is installed correctly, use this command :

vboxmanage --version

On Windows and MacOS

Follow instructions on

Vagarant Installation

From the website below, download and install the appropriate version of vagrant depending on your OS.

Download the emulator image

Vagrant will automatically search for the box and download it on your first vagrant up command, but you can also download the box manually if you wish to.

If you want to download the box manually, go to the link below and download the box :

after downloading the box you can add it to vagrant with this commad:

vagrant box add [Path to the downloaded box] --name lahsini/sopnode --force

verify that the box is added correctly by typing the command. You should see the box named "lahsini/sopnode" listed with the available boxes.

vagrant box list

Basic vagrant commands

To verify that vagrant is installed correctly, use this command

vagrant -v

From within the directory where the Vagrant file is located:

to create, start, and configure guest machines according to your Vagrantfile

vagrant up

to connect via SSH to a running Vagrant machine and get shell access.

vagrant ssh

to shut down a running machine Vagrant is managing.

vagrant halt

the equivalent of running a halt followed by an up.

vagrant reload

list all the boxes that are installed into Vagrant.

vagrant box list

remove a box from Vagrant that matches the given name.

vagrant box remove <NAME>

Start the environment - Vagrant setup

git clone sopnode_emu
cd sopnode_emu

All of these commands can take several minutes to finish specially if you dont have the image downloaded.

  • To start the first switch (sw1):
cd switch1
vagrant up
cd ..
  • To start the second switch (sw2):
cd switch2
vagrant up
cd ..
  • To start the second switch (sw3):
cd switch3
vagrant up
cd ..

Above commands start 3 vms with bmv2 software switch already installed on them.

We also provide a pre setup box with Ansible that can be used to manipulate the switches.

cd AnsibleController
vagrant up
cd ..

Now you have all your environment setup. To obtain a console on a switch, go in the directory where its Vagrantfile is defined and run the command vagrant ssh. It is worth noting that this particular directory is mounted in the /vagrant directory on the switch.


Slices-summer school

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License