dkackar / go_game_capture

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


By Deepa Kackar

Purpose: Logic for the capture of stones in GO Game ONLY


Does not clear the captured stones

Does not validate moves and other game logic


Ruby Run: ruby gridium_go.rb (Tests are NOT in this source file)

Ruby Test of Go Captures: rspec spec/gridium_go_spec.rb

(File ruby_spec_results contains save output of rspec)

Python Run: python (Tests ARE in this source file)

Python Test of Go Captures: python

################################################################ Some details

  1. ADJACENTS = [[1,0],[0,1],[-1,0],[0,-1]] The x,y increments that should be added to the current square coordinates to get the adjacent square cordinates

  2. MAX = 19
    Board Size

  3. Method: check_adjacents(color,row,col) Once a move is made, this method will call for checking of captures from each adjacent squares ADJACENTS array is used to get adjacent squares

    Returns true if atleast one adjacent results in capture

  4. check_capture(opp_color,row,col,ignore_pos=nil)

    Case 1: Capture by opponent a. Recursion if current player move and sequence of adjacent stones is opponent

    b. FALSE is returned if EMPTY square next to color square

    c. TRUE is returned if BOUNDARY or current player stone next to opponent stone

    Case 2: Bad move causing capture of self stones by opponent a. Recursion if current player move and sequence of adjacent stones is current player stones

    b. FALSE is returned if EMPTY square next to color square

    c. TRUE is returned if BOUNDARY or opponent stone next to current player stone



Language:Ruby 67.3%Language:Python 32.7%