djemar / webapp_exam_survey

Web Application I exam project @ Politecnico di Torino, 2021.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Exam #1: "SURVEY"

Student: s281660 MARINO DIEGO

React Client Application Routes

  • Route /: Home page.

    Here the user will find the list of available surveys ready to be filled out. In case an admin is logged in, this route redirects to /admin/mySurveys.

  • Route /login: Login page.

    Here the user will be able to enter his admin credentials in the login form and log into the website. In case an admin is already logged in, this route redirects to /admin/mySurveys.

  • Route /survey/:id: Survey page.

    Here the user can fill out the survey and send his submission. In case an admin is logged in, this route redirects to /admin/mySurveys.

    The :id param is the surveyId integer saved inside the database.

  • Route /admin/mySurveys: Admin dashboard.

    This is the landing page after the login. Here, an admin can view his own surveys and related submissions. There's also a button to create a new survey. In case a unauthorized user tries to access this page, he is redirected to /login.

  • Route /admin/create: Create a new survey page.

    After clicking the "Create Survey" button in the dashboard, the user lands here, where he can create a new survey, adding questions and whatever else is needed. In case a unauthorized user tries to access this page, he is redirected to /login.

API Server


URL: /api/sessions

Method: POST

Description: Login Request body: An JSON object representing the user credentials (Content-Type: application/json).

    "username": admin;
    "password": admin;

Response: 401 Unauthorized (user not authenticated), 200 OK (user authenticated).

Response body:

    "adminId": "1",
    "username": "admin",


URL: /api/sessions/current

Method: DELETE

Description: Logout

Request body: None

Response: None

Response body: None


URL: api/sessions/current

Method: GET

Description: Get information about the user: adminId, username.

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success), 401 Unauthorized (fail).

Response body: A JSON object.

    "adminId": 1,
    "username": "admin"


URL: /api/surveys

Method: GET

Description: Get all surveys.

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success) or 500 Internal Server Error (generic error).

Response body: An array of JSON objects, each describing a survey.

[ {
        "surveyId": 6,
        "title": "Never gonna give you up",
        "adminId": 2
        "surveyId": 20,
        "title": "Let's sing! Cartoon Edition",
        "adminId": 1


URL: /api/surveys/:id

Method: GET

Description: Get a survey identified by its id.

Params: :id -> integer contained in the db (surveyId).

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success), 404 Not Found (survey not found) or 500 Internal Server Error (generic error).

Response body: An JSON object, describing a survey.

Response 200 OK:

    "surveyId": 21,
    "title": "Italiani e il cibo",
    "adminId": 2,
    "questions": [
            "questionId": 32,
            "questionText": "Quale è la pasta più buona? E perchè proprio la carbonara?",
            "min": 0,
            "max": 0,
            "pos": 0,
            "surveyId": "21",
            "answers": [
                    "answerId": 59,
                    "pos": 0,
                    "answerText": "",
                    "questionId": 32,
                    "surveyId": 21
                }, ...
        }, ...

Response 404 Not Found:

    "error": "SURVEY not found."


URL: /api/surveys

Method: POST

Description: Create a new survey.

Request body: A JSON object representing the new survey (Content-Type: application/json).

   "title":"Usability Testing:",
         "text":"How old are you?",
            }, ...
         "text":"What’s your highest level of education?",
      }, ...

Response: 201 Created (success), 503 Service Unavailable (generic error). If the request body is not valid, 422 Unprocessable Entity (validation error).

Response body: None


URL: /api/submissions

Method: GET

Description: Get all submissions.

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success) or 500 Internal Server Error (generic error).

Response body: An array of JSON objects, each describing a submission.

        "user": "Pablo",
        "surveyId": 20,
        "answers": [
                "answerText": "Maledetti Scarafaggi - Giorgio Vanni",
                "answerId": -1,
                "questionId": 28
            }, ...
    }, ...


URL: /api/submissions

Method: POST

Description: Create a new submission.

Request body: A JSON object representing the new submission (Content-Type: application/json).

      }, ...

Response: 201 Created (success), 503 Service Unavailable (generic error). If the request body is not valid, 422 Unprocessable Entity (validation error).

Response body: None

Database Tables

  • Table admins (adminId, username, password) - contains login credentials (username and hashed password) for the admins.
  • Table surveys (surveyId, title, adminId) - contains the survey title and the id of the admin who created it.
  • Table questions (questionId, questionText, min, max, pos, surveyId) - contains the question text and its properties: min, max, position in the survey, plus a reference to the survey it belongs to.
  • Table answers (answerId, answerText, pos, questionId, surveyId) - contains the answer text and its position in the question, plus a reference to the survey and question it belongs to.
  • Table submissions (submissionId, user, answerText, answerId, questionId, surveyId) - contains the submission sent by a user and his answers. In case it is an open-ended answer, the answer text is contained in the answerText column, while the answerId column has a default value of -1. If it is a close-ended answer, the selected answer ID is contained in the answerId column, while the answerText column is empty.

Main React Components

  • Survey (in Survey.js): It provides the skeleton for displaying the survey to the user. It initializes the survey with the correct type of cards for each question.
  • CloseEndedQuestion (in CloseEndedQuestion.js): Card for close-ended questions.
  • OpenEndedQuestion (in OpenEndedQuestion.js): Card for open-ended questions.
  • SurveyTemplate (in SurveyTemplate.js): It provides the skeleton for creating the survey to the admin. It manages the addition of new questions and the publishing of a new survey.
  • QuestionTemplate (in QuestionTemplate.js): Provides the skeleton for configuring a question during the creation of a new survey. It manages the deletion and the reordering of a question; it also validates and save each question.
  • CloseEndedTemplate (in CloseEndedTemplate.js): Card for close-ended questions, used during the creation of a new survey.
  • OpenEndedTemplate (in OpenEndedTemplate.js): Card for open-ended questions, used during the creation of a new survey.
  • AdminDashboard (in AdminDashboard.js): Dashboard component for the admin home page. It displays an admin's surveys and the related submissions.



Users Credentials

Username Password Surveys
johnwick continental Let's sing! Cartoon Edition, Usability Testing:
dantes montecristo Never gonna give you up, Italiani e il cibo


Web Application I exam project @ Politecnico di Torino, 2021.


Language:JavaScript 89.0%Language:CSS 8.2%Language:HTML 2.7%