djemar / se2-2021-04-SPG

Solidarity Purchasing Group project developed for the Software Engineering II course @ Politecnico di Torino, 2021.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Solidarity Purchasing Group project developed for the Software Engineering II course @ Politecnico di Torino, 2021.

Getting Started with Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Run locally


React client application routes

TODO: update with react routes

API Server

  • GET /api/products

    • Retrieves all the products.
    • request parameters and request body content: //
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_user: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product,
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/products

    • Retrieves all the products.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {category: category of the product}.
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_farmer: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/products-by-date

    • Retrieves all the products that can be sold at that specific date.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {date: date at which the products can be sold }.
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_user: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/products-from-date

    • Retrieves all the products that can be sold from a certain date.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {date: date from which the products can be sold }.
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_user: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/products-to-date

    • Retrieves all the products that can be sold until a certain date.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {date: date until which the products can be sold }.
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_user: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/products-between-dates

    • Retrieves all the products that can be sold between a starting date and an ending one.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {startDate: date from which the products can be sold, endDate: date until which the products can be sold }.
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_user: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/new-user

    • Insert a new user.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {name: first name of the user to be inserted, surname: surname of the user to be inserted, email: email of the user to be inserted, hash: hash of the password selected by the user, Type: Type of the user (Client, Farmer, Employee or Manager), address: address of the user to be inserted, phone: phone number of the user to be inserted (as a string), country: country of the user to be inserted, city: city of the user to be inserted, zip_code: zip code (CAP, in Italy) of the user to be inserted (as an Integer) }.
    • response body content:
      • user = {
        • user_id: id of the new user,
        • name: name of the new user,
        • surname: surname of the new user,
        • email: email of the new user,
        • hash: hash of the password selected by the new user,
        • Type: Type of the user just inserted,
        • wallet_balance: initial client balance in Euros (set to 0.0 € initially) if Type is Client / NULL otherwise
        • address: address of the new user,
        • phone: phone number of the new user (as a string),
        • country: country of the new user,
        • city: city of the new user,
        • zip_code: zip code (CAP, in Italy) of the new user (as an Integer) };
  • POST /api/order

    • Insert order in the DB.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • order: {
        • "order_id": order's id,
        • "ref_user": user's id,
        • "productList": array of: [{ "ref_product": product's id, "quantity": product's quantity }],
        • "date_order": order's date
        • "total": total amount }
    • response body content : none
  • GET /api/orders

    • Retrieves all the orders.
    • request parameters and request body content: //
    • response body content:
      • orders = [{
        • order_id: id of the order,
        • ref_product: id of the ordered product,
        • ref_user: id of the client who made the order,
        • date_order: date and time of the order instantiation,
        • quantity: quantity of the ordered products,
        • status: current status of the order (which can be "pending", "approved" or "delivered") {...}];
  • GET /api/orders/unretrieved

    • Retrieves all the orders with status "unretrieved".
    • request parameters and request body content: //
    • response body content:
      • orders = [{
        • order_id: id of the order,
        • ref_product: id of the ordered product,
        • ref_user: id of the client who made the order,
        • date_order: date and time of the order instantiation,
        • quantity: quantity of the ordered products,
        • status: current status of the order (which can be "pending", "approved" or "delivered") {...}]
  • GET /api/client-orders/:clientID

    • Retrieves all the orders made by a specific client.
    • request parameters: clientID
    • request body content: //
    • response body content:
      • orders = [{
        • order_id: id of the order,
        • ref_product: id of the ordered product,
        • ref_user: id of the selected client,
        • date_order: date and time of the order instantiation,
        • quantity: quantity of the ordered products,
        • status: current status of the order, {...}];
  • GET /api/users

    • Retrieves all the users.
    • request parameters and request body content: //
    • response body content:
      • users = [{
        • user_id: id of the current user,
        • name: name of the current user,
        • surname: surname of the current user,
        • email: email of the current user,
        • hash: hash of the password selected by the current user,
        • Type: user type which can be Client, Farmer, Employee, Manager
        • wallet_balance: balance of the wallet in Euros, if Type is Client / NULL otherwise
        • address: address of the current user,
        • phone: phone number of the current user (as a string),
        • country: country of the current user,
        • city: city of the current user,
        • zip_code: zip code (CAP, in Italy) of the current user (as an Integer) }, {...}];
  • POST /api/set-delivered-order

    • Update the status order with delivered
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : json containing the orderID
    • response body content : //
  • POST /api/recharge-wallet

    • Update the client's wallet
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : json containing the clientID and the amount to recharge
    • responde body content : //
  • POST /api/new-product

    • Add a new product to the database
    • request parameters : //
    • request body content :
      • products = {
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_farmer: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: URL of the image
        • start_date: starting date from when the product will be available
        • end_date: ending date from when the product will be available };
    • response body content : JSON containing all the data from the product
  • POST /api/update-product

    • Add a new product to the database
    • request parameters : //
    • request body content :
      • products = {
        • product_id: id of the product
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_farmer: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: URL of the image
        • start_date: starting date from when the product will be available
        • end_date: ending date from when the product will be available };
    • response body content : JSON containing all the data from the product after the edit
  • POST /api/set-pending-cancellation-order

    • Update the status order with pending_cancellation
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : json containing the orderID
    • responde body content : //
  • GET /api/set-all-pending-cancellation-order

    • Update the status of all orders with pending_cancellation
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : //
    • responde body content : True if the operation has been completed, otherwise error 503
  • GET /api/delete-all-pending-cancellation-order

    • Delete all orders with pending_cancellation or reset the status if the wallet has been updated
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : //
    • responde body content : True if the operation has been completed, otherwise error 503
  • DELETE /api/delete-order/:orderID

    • Delete a specific order
    • request parameters : order's id
    • request body : none
    • responde body content : //
  • POST /api/set-unretrieved-order

    • Update the status order with unretrieved
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : json containing the orderID
    • response body content : //
  • POST /api/insert-scheduled-order

    • Insert order in the DB with the schedule.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • order: {
        • "order_id": order's id,
        • "ref_user": user's id,
        • "productList": array of: [{ "ref_product": product's id, "quantity": product's quantity }],
        • "date_order": order's date
        • "total": total amount
        • "address": address for the delivery
        • "country": country for the delivery
        • "city": city for the delivery
        • "zip_code": city's zip_code
        • "schedule_date": date scheduled for the delivery
        • "schedule_time": time scheduled for the delivery }
    • response body content : none

    Server Database

    • Table USER - it contains id, name, surname, email, password, Type, balance, address, phone, country, city, zip code and company name for a farmer.
    • Table PRODUCT - it contains id, name, description, category, farmer's id, price, availability,unit of measure, path for images, start date and end date
    • Table ORDERS - it contains id, product's id, user's id, date, quantity and status.


    • update_availability
      • This trigger is used to update the availability value on products.

        CREATE TRIGGER update_availability



        UPDATE PRODUCT SET availability = availability - new.quantity

        WHERE product_id = new.ref_product;


    • cancellation_update_availability
      • This trigger is used to restore the availability value on products after a pending cancellation order is deleted.

        CREATE TRIGGER cancellation_update_availability


        WHEN OLD.status = 'pending_cancellation'



        SET availability = availability + OLD.quantity

        WHERE product_id = OLD.ref_product; END

    • update_wallet
      • This trigger is used to update the user wallet when an order is accepted.

        CREATE TRIGGER update_wallet

        AFTER UPDATE ON ORDERS FOR EACH ROW WHEN NEW.status = 'approved'



        SET wallet_balance = wallet_balance -

        (SELECT price*NEW.quantity

        FROM PRODUCT WHERE product_id = NEW.ref_product)

        WHERE user_id = NEW.ref_user;


    Workflow notes

    • At Monday 9 AM, the orders for each users are checked and eventually put on pending cancellation.
    • At Monday 9 PM, all the orders still in pending cancellation are deleted.

    Built with



Solidarity Purchasing Group project developed for the Software Engineering II course @ Politecnico di Torino, 2021.


Language:JavaScript 56.7%Language:CSS 43.0%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:Shell 0.0%