dixonwille / InitialAvatars

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Initial Avatars

This package creates an avatar image based off the initials given and colors that are passed in. It will output something similar to googles default avatar for a user.


There are two commands that use this package. Avatar is a command line tool that create the svg file (Not implemented yet). AvatarServer is an API endpoint that can be used by a web service to get an svg avatar on the fly.

Using the server

The only endpoint that is open is /avatar/{initials}. initials is used as the text inside the circle. You can tack on the color query parameter like so /avatar/wd?color=ff0000 and give it a 6 digit hex value for the color you want to use. If a color is not supplied it will generate a random color for you.


If a .env file exist in the root directory of where the server is running, it will update all the environment variables you set in it. Currently it is only looking for what port it listens on.


This will bind the server to listen on port 8080. If not variable is found then port 80 is used by default.

You can also use the -l flag to specify what port to listen on. If both are used then the flag takes priority.

Systemd Daemon

NOTE: Must compile before trying to run it.

I have included a systemd service file that you can use to set this server to run on system boot. If you are using this file it is recommended that it is put in /usr/lib/systemd/system and any changes you want to make are put in /etc/systemd/system. In the later I would change the ExecStart to point to where you installed the server (default is /usr/bin/AvatarServer). Also add an Environment variable here for AVATAR_PORT if you would like for the server to listen on something other than port 80.

So for example:

  1. Create a folder /etc/systemd/system/avatarServer.service.d/
  2. Create file in this folder named avatarServer.conf (only requirement is it is suffixed with .conf)
  3. Add settings that you would like to include or override with the default file (the one located in /usr/lib/systemd/system)
  4. Such a file may look like this:

This file would have AvatarServer listening on port 8080, changes where the server is found, and also requries that apache2 be running.

Read more here to learn how to use systemd.



Language:Go 100.0%