My Bash Shell in C with features like piping redirection,foreground processes ,background processes and much more!
Specification 1: Foreground and background processes
Specification 2: input-output redirection functionality
Specification 3: command redirection using pipes
Specification 4: i/o redirection + pipes redirection
setenv var [value] :: If environment variable var does not exist, then my shell is creating it
unsetenv var : shell must destroy the environment variable var. It is an error for an unsetenv command to have zero command-line arguments
jobs : prints a list of all currently running jobs along with their pid, in particular,background jobs, in order of their creation along with their state – Running or Stopped.
kjob : takes the job id of a running job and sends a signal value to that process
fg : brings a running or a stopped background job with given job number to foreground.
bg : changes a stopped background job to a running background job
overkill : kills all background process at once.
quit : exits the shell.
CTRL-Z : It is changing the status of currently running job to stop, and pushing it in background process.
CTRL-C : It is causing a SIGINT signal to be sent to the current foreground job of my shell. If there is no foreground job, then the signal does have any effect
Command Recall using ‘UP’ arrow key:
If the ‘UP’ key is pressed ‘K’ times consecutively, the Kth previous command should be executed.
cronjob -c -t -p command which executes a particular command in fixed time interval for a certain period.