divyum / Web-Crawler

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Python Crawler

Link Crawler

The Python script link_crawler.py is a simple python crawler which crawls all the links present in a webpage. The user provides the URL of the page to be crawled for the links, in the command line. The code will print all the links present in the page. I have taken guidance from udacity course for making and understanding the code. It is very useful for the beginners to understand the code.

packages required:

  • urllib2
  • sys


$ python link_crawler.py URL

$ python link_crawler.py http://xkcd.com/

RSS Crawler

The Python script rss_crawler.py is a simple python crawler which crawls all the news headlines of a rss page of any news website. The user provides the URL of the rss to be crawled for the news, in the command line. The code will print all the News Headlines present in the RSS feed of the page.

packages required:

  • urllib2
  • sys
  • string
  • re
  • collections


$ python rss_crawler.py URL

$ python rss_crawler.py http://timesofindia.feedsportal.com/c/33039/f/533965/index.rss
