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Java and Spring Boot

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Java and Spring Boot

Trainer: Banuprakash C

Full Stack Architect,

Co-founder Lucida Technologies Pvt Ltd.,

Corporate Trainer,

Email: banuprakashc@yahoo.co.in




Softwares Required:

  1. Java 8+ https://www.oracle.com/in/java/technologies/javase/javase-jdk8-downloads.html

  2. Eclipse for JEE

  3. MySQL [ Prefer on Docker]

Install Docker Desktop

Docker steps:

a) docker pull mysql

b) docker run --name local-mysql –p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=Welcome123 -d mysql

container name given here is "local-mysql"

For Mac: docker run -p 3306:3306 -d --name local-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=Welcome123 mysql


$ docker exec -t -i <container_name> /bin/bash

d) Run MySQL client:

bash terminal> mysql -u "root" -p

mysql> exit


OOP ==> Object Oriented Programming Writing programs which resemble real world Tv, AC, Laptop, Fan, Bulb, ...

Every Object has state [ temp, volume, channel, fan speed] and behaviour [On(), off(),
increase(), decrease(), ..]

	state ==> accNo, balance
	debit(), credit(), interest(), checkBalance()


Objects take messages /actions / behaviour ==> exposed thro interface


SOLID design Principles

S ==> Single Responsibility
	  [ UI Object ==> good at accepting data and display part]
	  [ Object ==> Database ==> CRUD ==> CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE]

O ==> Open Close Principle
	 Closed for Change and open for extension	

L ==> Liskov Substitution Principle
	  Generalization and Specialization relationship [ inheritance ]	

I ==> Interface segregation

D ==> Dependency Injection
	Inversion Of Control


	==> platform ==> Java Runtime Environment + APIs [ most of them are integration APIs]
	==> bytecode runs on Java Platform

	Bytecode ==> compiled code

	Development Kit is required to generate bytecode

	1) JDK ==> Java Development Kit ==> Java as programming language
		Source Code [ file.java] ==> javac ==> file.class [ bytecode]
	2) Scala ==> sdk
			  file.scala ==> scalac ==> file.class
	3) Groovy


	Bytecode uses APIs present in Java Platform for execution
	Bytecode is not self-contained

	c, c++ ==> exe ==> self contained


Java Programming language: primitive data types 1) byte ==> 1 byte of memory byte b = 100; 2) short ==> 2 bytes short s = 100; 3) int ==> 4 bytes int x = 100;

4) long ==> 8 bytes
	long l = 100L;

5) float ==> 4 bytes
	float f = 1.4f;

6) double ==> 8 bytes
	double d = 1.4;

7) boolean ==> 1 byte
	boolean flag = true;
8) char ==> 2 bytes ==> unicode character set [ 2306 ==> Devangiri script]
			0-255 ASCII charaset

	char ch = 'A';


$ java --version openjdk 11 2018-09-25

open eclipse Help ==> About



public class Account { private double balance; // state of object

public void deposit(double amt) {
	this.balance += amt;

public double getBalance() {
	return this.balance;


javac Account.java ==> Account.class


public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { Account rahulAcc = new Account(); Account swethaAcc = new Account(); rahulAcc.deposit(5000); swethaAcc.deposit(8000); System.out.println(rahulAcc.getBalance()); } }

javac Example.java ==> Example.class

java Example


Logically grouping of objects in enterprise application development

  1. entity / domain / model Business data ==> data which is long lived ==> beyond life of application Customer, Vehicle, Driver, Trip, ... ==> stored in persistence storage ==> RDBMS/NoSQL Employee Entity classes <===> Storage [ RDBMS table ] fields ==> columns in table

  2. DAO => Data Access Object CRUD operations are written in DAO insert into, select , update, delete

  3. Business objects

  4. Service ==> facade over business and DAO

  5. UI ==> user interface classes


in java we use "package" to Logically grouping of objects/classes

Package are folder com.adobe.aem.entity

com ==> adobe ==> aem ==> entity

Customer.java User.java

com.adobe.aem.dao CustomerDao.java

com.adobe.aem.ui Client.java


new, state ==> instance variables ==> heap area for every object

instance methods ==> invoked using object context obj.method()

bulb.on() tv.on(); tv.changeChannel(404);


Memory Allocation is done using "new" keyword

code running on Virtual Machine / engine uses GC ==> Garbage Collector to release memory

C ==> malloc() and free(ptr) C++ ==> new ... and release by delete ptr;

In Java we don't release memory

swethaAcc = null; // i don't need that memory making it eligible for GC


  • constructor ==> special methods called when object is created new Account();

==> same name as that of class

==> No explicit return type; not even void

==> Compiler creates default constructor if we don't define any.


Requirement: need to track how many accounts are created

public class Account { private double balance; // state of object ==> instance variables private static int count = 0;

//default constructor
public Account() {
	this.balance = 0.0;

// parameterized constructor
public Account(double amt) {
	this.balance = amt;


static methods can't have "this" because context is class and not object

System.out.println(Account.getCount()); // 4

System.out.println(rahulAcc.getCount()); // valid ==> changes to Account.getCount()


Relationship between Objects:

  1. Generalization and Specialization ==> IS A Relationship
  2. Realization
  3. Association ==> HAS A Relationship
  4. Uses A relationship

int getId() String getName() double getPrice()

void setPrice(double price){ }


Java Development tools

  1. Maven

  2. checkstyle

  3. PMD / Spotbugs/ FindBugs

  4. SONAR

  5. Jenkins CI/CD

  6. GIT

  7. Checkstyle is a static code analysis tool Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. ==> NamingConventions ==> Comments ==> proper empty spaces

  8. PMD / Spotbugs/ FindBugs PMD is an open source static source code analyzer that reports on issues found within application code.


} else { code }

try {

} catch(Exception ex){}

Unreachable code

copy and Paste Detection


Mobile in my Pocket which has TataSky app


Generalization and Specialization ==> IS A Relationship

Programming world we call this as Inheritance In Java we use "extends" keyword for Inheritance

// implicitly extends Object class Product {


class Mobile extends Product {


class Tv extends Product {



constructors and Inheritance:

class Object{ Object(){} }

class Product { Product() { "P1" }

Product(int id, String name) {


class Mobile extends Product { Mobile() { "M1" }

Mobile(int id, String name, String connectivity) {


compiled code:

class Object{ Object(){} }

class Product { Product() { super(); "P1" }

Product(int id, String name) {


class Mobile extends Product { Mobile() { super(); "M1" }

Mobile(int id, String name, String connectivity) {



class Object{ Object(){} }

class Product { Product() { "P1" }

Product(int id, String name) {


class Mobile extends Product { Mobile() { "M1" }

Mobile(int id, String name, String connectivity) {



constructor Chaining within class

class Mobile extends Product { Mobile() { this(0,"",""); "M1" }

Mobile(int id, String name, String connectivity) {



Methods and Inheritance

class Product { public double getPrice() { return 100; } }

class Mobile extends Product { public double getPrice() { return 999; }

public String getConnectivity() {
	return "4G";


// immutable

public class Tv extends Product { private String screenType;

public Tv() {

public Tv(int id, String name, double price, String screenType) {
	super(id, name, price);
	this.screenType = screenType;

public String getScreenType() {
	return screenType;



Array of primitive

int[] data = new int[3];

	Product[] products = new Product[500]; // Array of 5 Pointers
	products[0] = new Tv(133, "Sony Bravia", 135000.00, "LED"); // upcasting
	products[1] = new Mobile(453, "MotoG", 12999.00, "4G");
	products[2] = new Tv(634, "Onida Thunder", 3500.00, "CRT");
	products[3] = new Mobile(621, "iPhone XR", 99999.00, "4G");
	products[4] = new Mobile(844, "Oppo", 9999.00, "4G");
	products[5] = new Microwave(..);
	products[6] = new WashingMachine(...);
	products[7] = new DishWasher(...);

// OCP ==> Closed for Change; open for extension private static void printExpensive(Product[] products) { for(Product p : products) { if(p.isExpensive()) { // Polymorphic ; dynamic binding ==> Runtime binding System.out.println(p.getName() + " is expensive!!!"); } else { System.out.println(p.getName() + " is not expensive!!!"); } } }

  1. Upcasting Product[] products = new Product[500];

Mobile[] mobiles = ... Tv[] tvs = ...

for(Mobile p : mobiles) { if(p.isExpensive()) { // Polymorphic ; dynamic binding ==> Runtime binding System.out.println(p.getName() + " is expensive!!!"); } else { System.out.println(p.getName() + " is not expensive!!!"); } }

for(Tv p : tvs) { if(p.isExpensive()) { // Polymorphic ; dynamic binding ==> Runtime binding System.out.println(p.getName() + " is expensive!!!"); } else { System.out.println(p.getName() + " is not expensive!!!"); } }


  1. Read about NamingConventions in Java

  2. Different types of Comments in Java

Time.java public class Time { private int hrs; private int min; ...



public class TimeExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Time t1 = new Time(4,30); // 4 hours and 30 min Time t2 = new Time(3,45);

	Time t3 = Time.addTime(t1, t2);

	System.out.println(t1.getHrs() + " : " + t1.getMin()); // 4: 30
	System.out.println(t2.getHrs() + " : " + t2.getMin()); // 3: 45
	System.out.println(t3.getHrs() + " : " + t3.getMin()); // 8: 15



BankingApplication ACME Bank ==> APIs from Citrus / Verisign


Tv t = new Product(); // not valid

if(p instanceof Tv)

instanceof ==> checks if it is Assignable

======== If we know method name: ctx.method();

p.getId(); ==> internally getId(p); where "p" will be passed as "this"

=== Reflection API:

m.invoke(p); ==> if we have method pointer as good as getId.invoke(p); ==> explicitly pass "p" to be refered as "this"


getter() returning an Product

Object retValue = m.invoke(someObject);

if retValue is an Product

System.out.println(retValue); ==> it internally invokes toString() method ==> Object


ORM, JPA, Spring, Jersey ==> expect entity classes to follow Java Bean naming convention getters/setters


I need to buy a Product? ==> Which

I need to open an Account? ==> What type of Account

Product, Account ==> are too generic ==> doesn't exist in real world ==> used as generalization such classes are marked as "abstract" ==> prevent an Object from getting created


abstract methods ==> forces all inherited concrete classes to implement the method

  • concrete classes ==> objects of the class can be created
  • if a class has abstract methods ==> class should be marked as abstract
  • abstract class need not have abstract methods


Realization Relationship

Object/Component will realize the behaviour specified by other in order to communicate

interface is used for Realization relationship:

interface ProductDao { void addProduct(Product p); Product getProduct(int id); }

Why Program to interface?


Development ==> common modules are created first [ entity classes and interfaces] ==> "jar" file

"jar" files are shared between development groups

=================================== extends => Specialization

implements ==> Realization

public class MobileDaoDBImpl implements MobileDao {


interface can't have state and behaviour abstract class can have state and behaviour common to all inherited members

==== Issue with this code: MobileDao mobileDao = new MobileDaoMongoImpl(); // loose coupling ==> Strategy Pattern

  1. switching between strategies is done in client code
  2. Heterogenous clients [ web, mobile, standalone, ...]
  3. No abstraction in client code


  • use Factory Pattern
  • factories manufacture objects


class PlantFactory {

public static Plants[] getPlants(String season) {
	switch(season) {
		case "SUMMER": ..
		case "RAINY" : ..
		case "WINTER": ..


Plants[] plants = PlantFactory.getPlants("SUMMER");


Switching between strategies is happing in Factory instead of Client:

  • every time to switch between strategies Factory class gets changed instead of many clients

public class MobileDaoFactory { // factory method public static MobileDao getMobileDao() { return new MobileDaoMongoImpl(); } }

  • ===> Need to switch between strategies without changing any line of Java code

  • ==> by using configuration files [ xml / json / properties]

XML ==> JAXB library JSON ==> Jackson , Jettison , Moxy




  • Classloader loads classes if it's used anywhere for creating objects or references

// FrontEnd code public class MobileClient {

public static void main(String[] args) {
	Mobile m = new Mobile();

// MobileDao mobileDao = new MobileDaoMongoImpl(); // loose coupling ==> Strategy Pattern MobileDao mobileDao = MobileDaoFactory.getMobileDao(); mobileDao.addMobile(m); }


java MobileClient:

  • loads MobileClient.class
  • loads String.class
  • loads Mobile.class ==> Product.class
  • MobileDao.class
  • MobileDaoFactory.class
  • MobileDaoMongoImpl.class

Account.class, AccountClient.class, MobileDaoDBImpl.class, Tv.class are not loaded into JVM

Class.forName("name"); // loads class

Class.forName("java.util.Date"); // loads Date.class into JVM

Class.forName("com.adobe.prj.dao.impl.MobileDaoDbImpl"); // loads MobileDaoDbImpl


Creating Objects:

  • if we know class name in advance new ClassName(); new Date()

  • if classname is dynamic:

String str = "com.adobe.prj.dao.impl.MobileDaoMongoImpl"; // read from config.properties



interface Comparable { int compareTo(Object o); }


class Rectangle implements Comparable { /// public int compareTo(Object o) { // area diff } }

class Product implements Comparable { // public int compareTo(Object o) { // price diff } }

class String implemements Comparable { public int compareTo(Object o) { // ASCII diff } }


public static void sort(Comparable[] elems) { for i = 0; i < elems.length; for j = i + 1; ... if(elems[i].compareTo(elems[j]) > 0) swap }


Utility.java Product.java ProductClient.java


interface Swim { void swim(); }

interface Fight { void fight(); }

interface Dance { void dance() ; }

// actor is capable to dance class Actor implements Dance { .. public void dance() { ... } } // hero is a actor; hero also knows to dance // hero can also fight and swim class Hero extends Actor implements Fight, Swim{ public void fight() {//} public void swim() {//} }


interface Flyable { void fly(); }

class Bird implements Flyable { //state and behaviour public void fly() {



class AeroPlane implements Flyable { //state and behaviour public void fly() {



Flyable f = new Flyable(); // is this valid? ==> can't instantiate interface like abstract class

// Anonymous class Flyable f = new Flyable() { public void fly() { "jump from 10th floor!!!" } }


Java 8 ==> introduced lambda expression for functional interface [ interface with only one method to implement]


Generics in Java <>

class Rectangle { private T width; private T breadth; ... }

Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(4,5);

Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(1.4,4.5);

Rectangle r3 = new Rectangle("4cm","5inch");


Integer is a type-wrapper class for int

Double is a type-wrapper class from double

class LinkedList { Node node; }

LinkedList list = ..

LinkedList list = ..


class Rectangle { private T width; private T breadth; ... }


Exception handling in Java.

Exception ==> An abnormal condition that arises during program execution When an exception occurs an object is created which contains:

  1. What Went Wrong?
  2. Why?
  3. Where?


Exceptions can be checcked type or unchecked type of exceptions

java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException;

public class Checked1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
	System.out.println("Main Starts!!!");
		try {
		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
		}catch (SQLException e) {
	System.out.println("Main ends!!!");

private static void compute() throws FileNotFoundException, SQLException {
		FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream("a.txt");
		Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("");



public class Checked1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
	System.out.println("Main Starts!!!");
		try {
		} catch ( Exception e) {
	System.out.println("Main ends!!!");

private static void compute() throws  Exception {
		FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream("a.txt");
		Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("");



interface UserDao { void register(User user); }

class UserDaoMySQLImpl implements UserDao { // public void register(User user) { try {

		} catch(SQLException ex) {
			// log exception



User u = new User(...); UserDao userDao = new UserDaoMySQLImpl(); userDao.register(u);


interface UserDao { void register(User user) throws SQLException; }

class UserDaoMySQLImpl implements UserDao { // public void register(User user) throws SQLException {



class UserDaoMySQLImpl implements UserDao { // public void register(User user) throws MongoDBException {



Client: try { User u = new User(...); UserDao userDao = new UserDaoMySQLImpl(); userDao.register(u); } catch(SQLException ex) { // log exception }


UserDefined Exception classes

class PeristenceException extends Exception { .. }

interface UserDao { void register(User user) throws PeristenceException; }

Client: try { User u = new User(...); UserDao userDao = new UserDaoMySQLImpl(); userDao.register(u); } catch(PeristenceException ex) { // log exception }

class UserDaoMySQLImpl implements UserDao { // public void register(User user) throws PersistenceException { try { // code } catch(SQLException ex) { throw new PersistenceException(propermessage) } } }

class UserDaoMySQLImpl implements UserDao { // public void register(User user) throws PersistenceException { try { // code } catch(MongoDBException ex) { throw new PersistenceException(propermessage) } } }


Data Containers and Java 8 Stream ==> HOF Threads


Day 3

OCP ==> Reflection API ==> Methods, Class.forName() newInstance() instead of "new" Realization Relationship ==> interface ==> Anonymous class ==> Lambda expression for FuntionalInterface [ interface with only one method to implement]

Strategy Pattern , Factory Pattern, Generic Class


Exception Handling Exception: What, Why, Where DefaultExceptionHandler for every Thread ==> If an exception is not caught in a method it pushs up the call stack ==> If no method in the stack hanldes it; exception object is given to DefaultHandler ==> If exception is handed over to Default Handler ==> Thread dies

UnChecked type of exceptions should be handled using conditional statements and not with try-catch

if(product != null) { productDao.addProduct(product); }

if( y != 0) { result = x / y; }

They occur because of reasons within JRE;

Checked type of exceptions are actualy triggered outside of JRE as in ==> Database, File, OS, ... SQLException, IOException try {

} catch(SQLException ex) {


==> throws SQLException


Java Collection Framework ==> Data Containers

Array is a data container Product[] products = new Product[100];

int[] elems = new int[50]; int elems[] = new int[5];

  • size is fixed; can't grow or shrink
  • adding or removing from arbitrary position is difficult

Java Collection Framework provides many data containers

  • interfaces
  • implementation classes
  • Algorithm classes [ sort, max, binarySearch, ..]

==> You can also use 3rd party implementation classes for the interfaces provided by JCF



  1. natural comparision String by ascii/unicode Product by id employee by id

  2. Logic is part of object String and Product has compareTo() method

public interface Comparable { public int compareTo(T o); }

String s1 = .. String s2 = ..



  1. Other than natural comparision based on client requirement String by length [Lee, Brad, Harry, Angelina] Product by name/price

  2. Logic will be in client who is sorting/max/..

public interface Comparator { int compare(T o1, T o2); }

String s1 = .. String s2 = ..

comp.compare(s1 , s2);


public class Example {

public static void main(String[] args) { Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("Hello"); } }; }

private static void doTask(Runnable r) { r.run(); } }


public class Example {

public static void main(String[] args) { Runnable r = () -> System.out.println("Hello"); } }

private static void doTask(Runnable r) { r.run(); } }


  • List is an interface of JCF => ordered collection => supports duplicate elements => index based operations are supported add(5, "a"); remove(2); get(10); => can be re-orderd ==> sort()/ shuffle() / reverse()


ArrayList / LinkedList are implmentations of List interface

======= 1) Program to interface:

List list = new ArrayList(); or List list = new LinkedList(); or List list = new Apache provided implmentation OR VAVR

list.add("A"); list.add(4); list.add(new Date());

Above code is not type-safe

String s1 = list.get(0); // no problem

s1 = list.get(1); // ClassCastException

We may need "instanceof" or getClass() to do type-checking

List list = new ArrayList(); // type-safe collection with generics

list.add("A"); // valid list.add(4); // fails

for(String s : list) { no need to typecheck }


Functional Style of Programming with HOF

  • OOP methods are tightly coupled to state of object [ deposit() can be used only on Account]

  • FunctionalStyle of Programing functions ==> not tightly coupled to state of object [ can be used on any type]

High Order Function

  • functions which can accept other functions as arguments
  • functions return a function
  • pass and return functions similar to primitive or object

==> Lambda expression and FunctionalInterface

Some of the built-in FunctionalInterfaces

  • Predicate
  • Supplier
  • Consumer
  • Runnable
  • Comparator
  • Function
  • BiFunction

Commonly used HOF: https://rxmarbles.com/

  • filter ==> get subset based on predicate ==> get even numbers ==> get only mobile products

  • map ==> to transform the data based on Transform function [Function]

  • forEach

  • reduce

  • flatMap

  • limit

  • skip

  • collect

========== Java 8 streams supports using HOF

data flowing from network/ filesystem/ or Reactive Databases like MongoDB / Postgres RJDBC/ JCF


Generic Collections are not covariant

List ilist = ...

List dList = ...

List plist = ...

List list = plist; // error


Object o = new Product();

Object o = new Integer(); //

========= List nameData I need names of only computer products


intermediary operaitons ==> map, flatMap, filter, skip, limit

terminal operations ==> forEach, collect, reduce


Weekend: Self-study

  1. flatMap
  2. Set, HashSet and TreeSet


Map ==> Storage in the form of Key/ Value pair Key ==> Unique value ==> can be duplicate

Example: Dictionary, Registry, ..

CONNECTIVITY : 4G NAME : MotoG ID : 453 PRICE : 12999.0


HashMap implements Map

class Rectangle { w, b

public int hashCode() {
	return w * b;


4 x 5 ==> 20 5 x 4 ==> 20 10 x 2 ==> 20 20 x 1 ==> 20 ...


Java Concurrent Programming ==> Writing multi-threaded applications

Process ==> Program in execution ==> should have atleast one unit work

Thread ==> unit of work

notepad, calculator, file explorer ==> single threaded application

Word, Eclipse, Web Browser ==> multi threaded application

  • In Word ==> document editing is one thread ==> Spell check is one thread ==> Grammer check ==> Auto Saving

  • In Eclipse => Program editing => Syntax check => auto complete => Incremental compile


Why do we need Multi-threaded application?

  1. Better User experience
  2. Avoid starvation
  3. Optimization of resource usage 1 Thread ==> 1 posix thread ==> 1 core / CPU 1 document can be used by "spell check", "grammer check", "editing"
  4. If one functionality fails as in GrammerCheck ==> only GrammerCheck thread destroyed, applicaiton can still run with "Editing", "Spell check", "auto-save"

==================================== Java Provides:

interface Runnable { void run(); }

Main thread ==> entry point is main() method for every other thread entry point is run() method

class SpellCheckThread implements Runnable {

public void run() {

void doCheckSpell(){



=========== 2) Thread class

has thread control methods

  • start()
  • sleep(long ms)
  • yield()
  • join()
  • interrupt()

Depecreated methods:

  • suspend()
  • resume()
  • stop()


Thread Safety

  • member is thread safe if it doesn't get corrupted in multi-threaded environment

  • Local variables ==> Stack ==> each thread has a seperate stack ==> SAFE

  • Instance variables ==> HEAP ==> threads share heap area ==> Not Safe Word Document is on Heap ==> spell, grammer and edit are happening

  • Static variables ==> class data ==> loaded classes are shared ==> Not Safe


Maven, Database and web application development


How HashSet works?


RDBMS ==> SQL skills

CRUD operations on RDBMS



join() ==> caller thread [ main ] waits for other thread [ t1, t2, t3] to finish execution


wait() and notify() along with semaphore

===================================== Java Concurrency in Practice


Day 4

Maven ==> Java Build tool

  • Manages dependencies [ Project may need many 3rd party dependencies ==> libraries ==> "jar" files] ==> Issues: each member might download different versions; manage transitive dependencies

Maven manges dependecies ==> download, publish from/to repositories [ similar to PIP of Python, Webpack/grunt of NodeJS]

  • pom.xml ==> Project Object Model ==> dependencies are configured. pom.xml is shared to all team members;

  • Maven to compile/ test / build / publish /run of server ...

=============================== below 3 combination should be unique: GroupId: organization+module ==> com.uber.eat artificatId: moduleName ==> customerModule version: 1.0.0

Maven Goals: clean, compile, build, publish, install, ..

Maven --> Plugins ==> Configure JRE version / Server / Profile

Compile: mvn compile


JDBC ==> Java Database Connectivity ==> Integration APIS [ connecting to different technologies]

JDBC ==> to connect to RDBMS

JDBC contains interfaces only. Implementation classes are provided by database vendors [ Oracle / MySQL/ Postgres, ... provides "jar" implmentating these interfaces]

int x = 10; ==> JAVA CODe

Database ==> Oracle == NUMBER(12) MySQL == INT


String s = "Hello";

Oracle VARCHAR2(100) MySQL VARCHAR(100) SQL Server ==> TEXT

data dd-mmm-yyy in oracle and "yyyy-mm-dd" in MySQL


JDBC Steps:

  1. Load driver classes provided by database vendor [ MySQL / Oracle/ Postgrees]



  1. Establish a database Connection: // use factory method java.sql.Connection is an interface

    java.sql.Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);

    getConnection() returns MySQLConnection / ORacleConnection / .. based on URL

    URL ==> "jdbc:mysql://"

    getConnection() creates MySQLConnection object

    URL ==> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@"

    getConnection() creates OracleConnection object

  2. Send SQL statements to database 3.1) Statement IF SQL is fixed / doesn't get changed for different users "select * from employees"

    3.2) PreparedStatement IF SQL takes IN parameter [ ? ]

     "select * from accounts where userid = ? and password = ?"
     Avoid using:
     "select * from accounts where userid = '" + u + "' and  password = '" + pwd + "'"		
     String query = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE custID='" + request.getParameter("id") + "'";
     http://example.com/app/accountView?id=' or '1'='1

    3.3) CallableStatement to invoke Stored Procedure Java: call UpdateCourse("Java")

    CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure UpdateCourse ( name_in IN varchar2 ) IS cnumber number; cursor c1 is SELECT course_number FROM courses_tbl WHERE course_name = name_in;


open c1; fetch c1 into cnumber;

if c1%notfound then cnumber := 9999; end if;

INSERT INTO student_courses ( course_name, course_number ) VALUES ( name_in, cnumber );


close c1;

EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20001,'An error was encountered - '||SQLCODE||' -ERROR- '||SQLERRM); END;


  1. ResultSet ==> Cursor to fetched records from database tables

  2. Close the connection and other resources in "finally" block

    try {

     } catch(SQLException ex) {
     } finally {

    finally block ==> compulsory execute code [ exception occurs or not]


ResultSet executeQuery(SQL) ==> SELECT statement

int executeUpdate(SQL) ==> INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE

0 ==> no records effected
n => number of records effected -1 ==> SQL fails

SQLException ==> Backend isssues


new DaoException("unable to add product...");



select * from products;


docker ==> container

Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.

MySQL terminal:

docker exec -it local-mysql bash

mysql -u "root" -p

Enter Password: Welcome123

mysql> create database JAVA_3;

mysql> use JAVA_3;

mysql> create table products( id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(100), price double, quantity int);

mysql> insert into products values (0, 'iPhone 12', 98000.00, 100); insert into products( name, price) values ('iPhone 12', 98000.00);

mysql> insert into products values (0, 'Logitech Mouse', 800.00, 100); mysql> select * from products;

====== use PreparedStatement

Product getProduct(int id) throws DaoException; SQL = "select id, name, price, quantity from products where id = ?";

void updateProduct(Product p) throws DaoException; SQL = "update products set price = ?, quantity = ? where id = ?"


Web application Development

A web container is responsible for managing the lifecycle of servlets, mapping a URL to a particular servlet and ensuring that the URL requester has the correct access-rights

Servlet ==> Server side Java code running within Servelt container / web container

@WebServlet("/login") public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet {


@WebServlet("/register") public class RegisterServlet extends HttpServlet {


request --> object encapsulates all the information coming from client response ==> object is used to write data back to client


Servlet Container / Web Container / Servlet engines ==> Tomcat, Jetty

Eclipse Jetty is a Java web server and Java Servlet container.


HTTP Request ==> using URL we map URL to Servlet

HTTP Method of Request: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH,

GET: ==> Address bar and Hyperlink ==> No Payload

POST: Form data submit Payload will be sent to server ==> to create a resource on server // insert a row in database

PUT: to modify a record contains payload

DELETE : delete a record on server No Payload


@WebServlet("/product") public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // logic }

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
	// logic



Servlet Container / Engine can create objects if class is of type "HttpServlet"

HttpServlet extends GenericServlet implements Servlet interface

Servlet interface has all the method declarations [ get, post, options, service,.. ]


public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
	String method = req.getMethod();
	switch(method) {
		case GET:
			public void doGet(req,res); break;
		case POST:
			public void doPost(req,res); break;


==================================== Web applications are deployed on conatiner in the form of "war" not "jar" war ==> Web Archive




javax.servlet javax.servlet-api 3.1.0 provided

HttpServlet, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, .... are not a part of java apis


I use this to develop; don't include this in "war" bundle; target server has this


test ==> i am using this only for testing ; not a part of production


org.eclipse.jetty jetty-maven-plugin 9.3.7.v20160115

This is going to include "jetty" as servlet container; Need not install seperatly in machine


org.apache.maven.plugins maven-war-plugin 2.3 false

tHIS PLUGIN creates "war" file

false ==> not using "web.xml"

"web.xml" is deployment descriptor for web application

web.xml before: 2.5 version of Servlet API

A com.adobe.prj.web.LoginServlet A /login

Now we use : @WebServlet("/login")


Run As => MAven Build

Goals ==> jetty:run ==> Click on "Run" Button


jetty:run -Djetty.port=9999

Resume @ 4:30 JSTL: <c:forEach items="${products}" var="product"> ${product.name} </c:forEach>


MVC Archtectural pattern

@WebServlet("*.do") public class FrontControllerServlet extends HttpServlet {

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
	doPost(req, res);

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
	String uri = req.getRequestURI(); // http://localhost:8080/addProduct.do
	if(uri.endsWith("addProduct.do")) {

		} else if if(uri.endsWith("getProduct.do")) {

		} else if if(uri.endsWith("login.do")) {




ServletContext ==> one per web application; shared by all users and objects within application

If information needs to be shared between users -=> use ServletContext

  • Chat Application
  • Bid Application


Help ==> Eclipse Market Place ==> Spring Tools


Servlet ==> java code running on Web Container / Servlet Container / Servlet engine

  • extends HttpServlet

  • doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res);

  • doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res);

request and response objects are created by the "engine" and injected to "doGet/doPost/.." based on request method [ GET/ POST/ PUT / DELETE]

MVC Architectural Pattern

C ==> controller ==> prefer using Servlet as Controller V ==> Views ==> Prefer HTML / JSP as views HTML ==> pure static content JSP ==> static + dynamic M ==> Model ==> Business data / business logic / DAO / service



  • Client Side redirection ==> reset the data which was sent previously ==> Generally we use this to redirect to different servers ==> Prefer this to redirect after doing some INSERTION / UPDATE on Server

    response.sendRedirect("index.jsp?msg=Product added successfully!!");

  • Server Side redirection ==> Multi stage processing of data ==> can carry information from first resource to second resource by setting it into "request" object request.getRequestDispatcher("secondresource").forward(req, res);


Session Tracking:

HTTP Protocol is stateless protocol; every request from client creates new "request" and "response" objects ==> Previously sent data is lost ==> "request" and "response" objects are destroyed as soon as response is commited.

Session Tracking ==> abilty given to server code to track conversational state of client ==> login ==> we have client info ==> add mobile ==> add tv ==> buy books ==> checkout [ need details of what was purchared from different pages like [mobile, tv, books]]

=> clear the data on logout / checkout


Servlet API provides HttpSession API for session tracking

============================================================== Traditional web application development: index.jsp login.jsp FrontController.java productForm.html print.jsp

RESTful and GraphQL ==> serve JSON ==> JSON is consumed by Angular/ REACt / Backbone / Vue

========================= Spring and JPA


Spring Framework provides lightweight container with Dependency Injection feature for building enterprise application

  • Dependency Injection ==> Inversion Of Control
  • EAI ==> Simplifies integrating with other technologies [ Database , mail, Message service]

Google ==> Guice, Play Framework


Spring uses metadata [ xml / annoation] for managing lifecyle of bean [ any object maanged by spring] and wiring between objects

public interface EmployeeDao { void addEmployee(Employee e); }

public class EmployeeDaoJdbcImpl implements EmployeeDao { public void addEmployee(Employee e) { .. } }

public class EmployeeDaoMongodbImpl implements EmployeeDao { public void addEmployee(Employee e) { .. } }

public class SampleService { private EmployeeDao empDao;

public void setEmployeeDao(EmployeeDao ed) {
	this.empDao = ed;

public void insert(Employee e) {




Annotations: Spring container creates objects of classes which has one of these annotations at class level

  • @Component
  • @Service
  • @Repository
  • @Controller
  • @RestController
  • @Configuration

Spring does wiring using:

  • @Autowired


public interface EmployeeDao { void addEmployee(Employee e); }

@Repository public class EmployeeDaoJdbcImpl implements EmployeeDao { public void addEmployee(Employee e) { .. } }

id will be "employeeDaoJdbcImpl"

If we want different ID to be given: @Repository("empDao")

@Service public class SampleService { @Autowired private EmployeeDao empDao;

public void insert(Employee e) {



@SpringBootApplication has :

  • @ComponentScan ==> scans for all classes with above mentioned annoations like @Service, @Repository, from "com.example.demo" package and sub-packages and creates objects

  • @EnableAutoConfiguration ==> scans for "jar" files and creates objects

  • @Configuration ==> its also a configuration class


  • SpringApplication.run(SpringdemoApplication.class, args); creates Spring Container


  1. When more than one bean qualifies to be @Autowired; because classes implment the same interface
  • prefer marking one of them with @Primary

@Repository @Primary public class EmployeeDaoJdbcImpl implements EmployeeDao {


  1. use Profile to resolve the ambiquity

@Repository @Profile("prod") public class EmployeeDaoJdbcImpl implements EmployeeDao {

@Repository @Profile("dev") public class EmployeeDaoMongoImpl implements EmployeeDao {

Run As => Run Configurations ==> Arguments ==> Program arguments: --spring.profiles.active=dev OR --spring.profiles.active=dev


@Primary, @Qualifier or @Profile


ORM ==> Object Relational Mapping

Java class < --- > database table fields <-----> table columns

ORM frameworks like => Hibernate, KODO, OpenJPA, TopLink, ... perform CRUD operations

JPA ==> Java Persistence API ==> is a specification for ORMs [ interfaces for ORM]


EntityManagerFactory emf = new EntityMAangerFactroy(); emf.setDataSource( new HikariCP(...)); emf.setJPAVendor(new HibernateJPAVendor()); emf.setPackagesToScan("com.adobe.prj.entity");

DAO classes:

@Repository class ProductDaoJpaImpl implements ProductDao { @PersistenceContext EntityManager em;

public void addProduct(Product p) {



With Spring Data JPA

interface ProductDao extends JPARepository<Product, Integer> { }

interface CustomerDao extends JPARepository<Customer, String> { }

Spring generates Repositry classes for this interface; no need to write any DAO classes on your own @Repository not required


spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/JAVA_3?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true spring.datasource.driverClassName=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver spring.datasource.username=root spring.datasource.password=Welcome123

spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update spring.jpa.show-sql=true spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.format_sql=true spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL8Dialect



DDL ==> Data Definition Language ==> CREATE TABLE, ALTER, DROP

  • update create table if not exists, use if it already exists, alter table if required

  • verify use existing table only; don;t create or alter

  • create every run of application==> drop table and re-create ==> useful in testing scenarios only



Generate SQL to match MySQL8


Custom Queries in DAO interface:

public interface ProductDao extends JpaRepository<Product, Integer> {

@Query("from Product where price >= :low and price <= :high")
List<Product> getProductsByRange(@Param("low") double lower, @Param("high") double higher);

@Query("update Product set price = :pr where id = :id")
void updateProductPrice(@Param("pr") double price, @Param("id") int id);


======================== ProductDao.java OrderService.java OrderappApplicaiton.java


@ConditionalProperty(dao="mysql") public interface ProductDao extends JpaRepository<Product, Integer> { }




  1. complete adding and fetching customers;


RESTFUL web application development using Spring framework

Representational State Transfer

Resources reside on server [ database / files / printer] Representation ==> state of Resources are served to clients in various formats [ XML / JSON / CSV / ..]

REST uses HTTP protocol

  • uses URL to identify a resource
  • uses HTTP methods to perform operations

Example: 1) accept:application/json ==> required for GET request

GET http://amazon.com/api/products

==> fetch all products

Use Query parameter [ ? ] to implement filter

GET http://amazon.com/api/products?category=mobile

==> fetch only mobile products

GET http://amazon.com/api/products?page=2&size=20


PathParam [ / ]

GET http://amazon.com/api/products/4 get a product whose id is "4"


  1. POST http://amazon.com/api/products

Payload contains product data in the form of "json/xml" to be added to "products" resource content-type:application/json

Avoid this

DELETE http://amazon.com/api/products/3

delete a product whose id is "3"

PUT http://amazon.com/api/products/2

Payload contains product data of product whose id is "2" in the form of "json/xml" to be updated in "products" resource content-type:application/json

POST and PUT has payload ==> not IDEMPOTENT GET and DELETE has no payload ==> also they are IDEMPOTENT


spring-boot-starter-web ==> adds "tomcat" plugin / "servlet api" / "jackson api for JSON handling"

Java < -- > JSON

  • Jackson
  • Jettison
  • GSON
  • Moxy

Spring Boot is higly opiniated:

  • configures "Hibenate as ORM"
  • configures "tomcat" as Web server
  • HikariCP for "Connection pool"

======================= GET http://localhost:8080/api/products

@ResponseBody ==> converts Java into representation based on "accept:application/json" header


Day 6


Spring ==> Container

  • Dependency Injection ==> Wiring dependecncies based on metadata ==> XML / Annotations
  • EAI
  • Spring Data JPA to integrate with ORM [ Hibernate]


  1. @Component
  2. @Respository [ not required if we use JPARepository interface]
  3. @Service
  4. @Controller
  5. @RestController
  6. @Configuration

=== Wiring dependencies is done using: @Autowired


@SpringBootApplication ==> spring boot entry point [ for standalone or Web application]


@Profile / @Primary and @Qualifier ==> to resolve ambuqity to wire dependencies if more than one bean qualifies to be wired


RESTful Web services:

Java <--> JSON

org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-web
  • This dependency adds Embedded Tomcat Servlet engine instead of Jetty
  • Adds Jackson library for java <--> JSON
  • adds servlet API
  • add DispatcherServlet ==> FrontController ==> url-pattern ==> *




Browser: http://localhost:8080/api/products http://localhost:8080/api/products?low=1000&high=100000




PUT http://localhost:8080/api/products/4

Body "raw" { "price" : 990.99 }


Try CustomerController to get all customers and add customer [ GET and POST]


Customer ----- Orders ==> one customer can place many orders; many orders are placed by a customer

Orders -- Items ; one order cna have many items; many items belong to a order

Items -- Product; Many items can refer to a Product; Product can appear in many Item


Aggregate Object ==> Order for Swiggy / Amazon; Aggregate Object ==> Trip for Uber / Ola / Meru


Booking object will be aggregate for Meeting Room booking application


  1. Many To one introduces FK in owning side ==> orders @ManyToOne() @JoinColumn(name="customer_email") // FK private Customer customer;

  2. One To many introduces FK in child side

    @OneToMany() @JoinColumn(name="order_fk") // FK private List items = new ArrayList<>();

    "order_fk" will appear in "items" table


public interface OrderDao extends JPARepository<Order, Integer> {


public interface ItemDao extends JPARepository<Item, Integer> {


Order has 3 items

orderDao.save(order); itemDao.save(i1); itemDao.save(i2); itemDao.save(i3);


orderDao.delete(order); itemDao.delete(i1); itemDao.delete(i2); itemDao.delete(i3);


CASCADE: @OneToMay(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JoinColumn(name="order_fk") // FK private List items = new ArrayList<>();

Don;t create ItemDao interface

Order has 10 items

orderDao.save(order); ==> will save all child items No need for itemDAo.save(i1); itemDAo.save(i2); ...

orderDao.delete(order); ==> will delete order and its items



@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name="order_fk") // FK
private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<>();


select * from orders where id = 1;

n + 1 problem


@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn(name="order_fk") // FK
private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<>();


internally it joins items table and gives orders and items

select * from orders o inner join items i on o.id = i.order_fk where o.id = 1 ;

Bi-Directional relationalship


private Order order;


@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "order")

// @JoinColumn(name="order_fk") // FK private List items = new ArrayList<>();


Order JSON from client :


"customer" : {
	"email" : "rita@adobe.com"
"items" : [
	{"qty": 2,  "product" : {"id": 3}},
	{"qty": 1, "product" : {"id": 2}}


public Order placeOrder(Order order) {
	List<Item> items = order.getItems();
	double total = 0.0;
	for(Item item : items) {
		Product p = productDao.getById(item.getProduct().getId());
		p.setQuantity(p.getQuantity() - item.getQty());
		if(p.getQuantity() < 0) {
			throw new RuntimeException("product not avaialble");
		item.setPrice(item.getQty() * p.getPrice());
		total += item.getPrice();
	return orderDao.save(order);

orderDao.save(order); // insert into orders table; insert into items table ==> cascade

Product got mutated ==> product became dirty ==> JPA/ ORM does dirty checking ==> update SQL ==> no need for explicit UPDATE Query

Product @Version private int version;

id name price quatity version 3 A 566 100 1

User 1 quantitiy to 99 update product set quantity = 99, version = version + 1 where id = 3 and version = 0 User 2 quantity to 99 update product set quantity = 99, version = version + 1 where id = 3 and version = 0



POST http://localhost:8080/api/orders

Headers: Accept: application/json Content-type: application/json

body ==> raw

{ "customer" : { "email" : "rita@adobe.com" }, "items" : [ {"qty": 2, "product" : {"id": 3}}, {"qty": 1, "product" : {"id": 2}} ] }




@Pattern(regexp="[a-zA-z]{3,10}", message="Name can't have numbers and special chars") private String name;

  • MethodArgumentNotValidException

Resolved [org.springframework.web.bind.MethodArgumentNotValidException: Validation failed for argument [0] in public com.adobe.prj.entity.Product com.adobe.prj.api.ProductController.addProduct(com.adobe.prj.entity.Product) with 3 errors:

[Quantity -9 should be more than 0] [Name is required] [Price -454.0 should be more than 10]]

{ "timestamp": "2021-09-08 T09:18:16.136+00:00", "status": 400, "error": "Bad Request",

"path": "/api/products"



Exceptions has to be caught and proper message needs to be sent to client

GlobalExceptionHandler ==> Entire application class to handle exceptions and send proper message to client


Swagger ==> OpenAPI implementation of Documentation ==> RESTAPIs has to be documented


@Component, @Service, @Controller, ... uses only default constructor not parameterized constructor

no annotations for this class:

  • this class can be provided by 3rd party
  • class has no default constructor

class Sample { Sample(String s1, String s2) {



To to make object of this class available for DI:

@Configuration class MyConfig {

Sample getSample() {
	return new Sample("a","b");



class AnotherClass { @Autowired Sample s;




@Api @ApiOperation @ApiParameter ....



Unit testing ==> JUnit, TestNG

Unit testing to be done to RestControllers

ProductController ==> OrderService ==> ProductDao, CustomerDao, OrderDao ==> Database

To test ProductController we need to mock OrderService

If OrderService returns a data how controller returns json


Spring boot provides ==> Junit framework and Mockito for mocking apis

Unit testing a Controller we don't need to load all classes into Spring Container; https://jsonpath.com/

========================== JPA slides ==> more association mapping

JWT => jwt.zip ==> example ==> Spring Security.ppt

======================== POST: http://localhost:8080/authenticate body

"username": "banu",
"password": "prakash"


Response: { "jwt": "yJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiYW51IiwiZXhwIjoxNjMxMTQyMzcwLCJpYXQiOjE2MzExMDYzNzB9.8aasbbzw2_ISFJWt11-CHPR9nzO132HWgPAPy_xMRXk" }


GET http://localhost:8080/hello

Header Authorization Bearer yJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiYW51IiwiZXhwIjoxNjMxMTQyMzcwLCJpYXQiOjE2MzExMDYzNzB9.8aasbbzw2_ISFJWt11-CHPR9nzO132HWgPAPy_xMk

==================== Spring boot mockito mock jwt


jwt + jdbcauth



Java and Spring Boot


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