dityuiri / go-baseline

go-baseline project aims as a quick starting template to initiate Go project. The concept of this baseline is trying to implement Uncle Bob's Clean Code Architecture combined with the experience from my past projects.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


About the Service

This is a go-baseline project that aims as a starting line for Go project. The concept of this baseline is trying to implement Uncle Bob's Clean Code Architecture combined with the experience from past projects. Project is using drivers/adapters from https://github.com/dityuiri/go-adapter.



Project Directory

| application
  <App starter and dependency injector>
--| app.go
  <Application builder that holds needed adapters used in the service>
--| dependency.go
  <Dependencies injector that constructs each layer of the service>

| common
  <Shared functions and variables like constant, utility function, error code etc.>
--| util
  <Helper functions goes here>
--| alias.go
  <Function aliasing. For unit testing etc.>
--| constants.go
  <Constant variables used in this service>
--| errors.go
  <Error types and messages>

| config
  <App configuration and environment variables>
--| {environment}.env
  <App configuration stored in environment variables>
--| config.go
  <Configuration constructor>
| controller
  <Interface adapters a.k.a the handler like API endpoint controller, message consumer, command line runner etc.>
--| common.go
  <Common functions used in controller/handler layer>
--| consumer.go
  <Handler for kafka consumer>
--| health_check.go
  <REST API for health checking. Example usage for kubernetes' readiness and liveness>
--| placeholder.go
  <Example implementation of REST API with GET and POST method>

| mock
  <Mock for all the interfaces in the project. Unit-testing purpose>
| model
  <Entities layer that can consist of DAO and DTO>
--| alpha
  <Example of model used for proxy. Named after the proxy's service name>
----| alpha_placeholder.go
  <Example of the model used for the proxy. Should be named like {proxy's name}_{entity}.go>
--| common.go
  <Common functions used in model layer>
--| placeholder_dao.go
  <Example of Data Access Object's model representation used internally>
--| placeholder_dto.go
  <Example of Data Transfer Object's model representation used internally>

| proxy
  <Proxy client to external services>
--| alpha_client.go
  <Example of proxy client for a service called alpha>
| repository
  <Repository layer to interact with data storage such as db, redis, or even kafka>
--| health_check_db.go
  <Health checking repository function. Can be utilized to helath check database>
--| placeholder_cache.go
  <Example of caching implementation. Naming should be {domain/entity}_cache.go>
--| placeholder_db.go
  <Example of repository to db implementation. Naming should be {domain/entity}_db.go>
--| placeholder_producer.go
  <Example of kafka producer implementation. Naming should be {domain/entity}_producer.go>
| service
  <Use cases layer. Business logic goes here>
--| health_check.go
  <Health check main logic>
--| placeholder.go
  <Example of main logic for a certain usecase. Naming should be {domain/entity}.go>
--| placeholder_feed.go
  <Example of main logic for usecase that act as subscriber. In this case, kafka consumer. Naming should be {domain/entity}_feed.go}
| Dockerfile
| docker-compose.yml
| main.go
  <Main go file that runs the whole service. Initiation of application and dependency goes here>
| Makefile
| entrypoint.sh

Setting Up and Run

  1. Set up local environment variables and run locally (based on /config/local.env)
    $ make run
  2. Run test
    $ make test
  3. Run test with coverage
    $ make test-coverage
  4. Run golangci-lint
    $ make lint

End to End Run

  1. Run the service locally with your environment variables

    $ make run

    or run on docker container

    $ docker compose up


go-baseline project aims as a quick starting template to initiate Go project. The concept of this baseline is trying to implement Uncle Bob's Clean Code Architecture combined with the experience from my past projects.


Language:Go 97.8%Language:Makefile 1.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.8%Language:Shell 0.3%