dismantl / icinga2

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This repository contains the source for the icinga2 docker image.

The dockerhub-repository is located at https://hub.docker.com/r/jordan/icinga2/.

This build is automated by push for the git-repo. Just crawl it via:

docker pull jordan/icinga2

Image details

  1. Based on debian:stretch
  2. Key-Features:
    • icinga2
    • icingacli
    • icingaweb2
    • icingaweb2-director module
    • icingaweb2-graphite module
    • icingaweb2-module-aws
    • ssmtp
    • MySQL
    • Supervisor
    • Apache2
    • SSL Support
  3. No SSH. Use docker exec or nsenter
  4. If passwords are not supplied, they will be randomly generated and shown via stdout.


Start a new container and bind to host's port 80

docker run -p 80:80 -h icinga2 -t jordan/icinga2:latest

Icinga Web 2

Icinga Web 2 can be accessed at http://localhost/icingaweb2 with the credentials icingaadmin:icinga (if not set differently via variables).

Saving PHP Sessions

If you want to save your php-sessions over multiple boots, mount /var/lib/php/sessions/ into your container. Session files will get saved there.


docker run [...] -v $PWD/icingaweb2-sessions:/var/lib/php/sessions/ jordan/icinga2


The graphite writer can be enabled by setting the ICINGA2_FEATURE_GRAPHITE variable to true or 1 and also supplying values for ICINGA2_FEATURE_GRAPHITE_HOST and ICINGA2_FEATURE_GRAPHITE_PORT. This container does not have graphite and the carbon daemons installed so ICINGA2_FEATURE_GRAPHITE_HOST should not be set to localhost.


docker run -t \
  --link graphite:graphite \

Icinga Director

The Icinga Director Icinga Web 2 module is installed and enabled by default. You can disable the automatic kickstart when the container starts by setting the DIRECTOR_KICKSTART variable to false. To customize the kickstart settings, modify the /etc/icingaweb2/modules/director/kickstart.ini.

API Master

The container gets automatically configured as an API master. But it has some caveats. Please make sure:

  • Set the container's hostname (-h or hostname)
    • The hostname has to match the name, your sattelites are configured to access the master.
  • Forward the 5665 port
  • Mount both volumes: /etc/icinga2, /var/lib/icinga2

Sending Notification Mails

The container has ssmtp installed, which forwards mails to a preconfigured static server.

You have to create the files ssmtp.conf for general configuration and revaliases (mapping from local Unix-user to mail-address).

# ssmtp.conf
root=<E-Mail address to use on>
AuthUser=<Username for authentication (mostly the complete e-Mail-address)>

But be careful, ssmtp is not able to process special chars within the password correctly!

revaliases follows the format: Unix-user:e-Mail-address:server. Therefore the e-Mail-address has to match the root's value in ssmtp.conf Also server has to match mailhub from ssmtp.conf but without the port.

# revaliases

These files have to get mounted into the container. Add these flags to your docker run-command:

-v $(pwd)/revaliases:/etc/ssmtp/revaliases:ro
-v $(pwd)/ssmtp.conf:/etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf:ro

If you want to change the display-name of sender-address, you have to define the variable ICINGA2_USER_FULLNAME.

If this does not work, please ask your provider for the correct mail-settings or consider the ssmtp.conf(5)-manpage or Section "Reverse Aliases" on ssmtp(8). Also you can debug your config, by executing inside your container ssmtp -v $address and pressing 2x Enter. It will send an e-Mail to $address and give verbose log and all error-messages.

SSL Support

For enabling of SSL support, just add a volume to /etc/apache2/ssl, which contains these files:

  • icinga2.crt: The certificate file for apache
  • icinga2.key: The corresponding private key
  • icinga2.chain (optional): If a certificate chain is needed, add this file. Consult your CA-vendor for additional info.

For https-redirection or http/https dualstack consult APACHE2_HTTP env-variable.

Adding own modules

To use your own modules, you're able to install these into enabledModules-folder of your /etc/icingaweb2 volume.

MySQL connections

The container has support to run a MySQL server inside or access some external resources. By default, the MySQL server inside the container is setup, but when using the docker-compose.yml project, the server is located inside an extra container. Future releases will have this as the default and require an external MySQL/MariaDB container.

If you use the image plain or the docker-compose.yml project, you don't have to worry about anything for MySQL. Only, if you want to split the container from the MySQL server, it's necessary to give some variables.

External MySQL servers

If you have the image running plain or use the docker-compose.yml project, there is no necessity to fool around with these variables.

To connect the container with the MySQL server, you have fine granular control via environment variables. For every necessary database, there is a set of variables, which describe the connection to it. In theory, the databases could get distributed over multiple hosts.

All variables are a combination of the service and the property with the format <SERVICE>_MYSQL_<PROPERTY>, while

  • <PROPERTY> can be one of HOST, PORT, DATA, USER, PASS

The variables default their respective DEFAULT service variable.

  • DEFAULT_MYSQL_HOST: The server hostname (defaults to localhost)
  • DEFAULT_MYSQL_PORT: The server port (defaults to 3306)
  • DEFAULT_MYSQL_DATA: The database (defaults to unset, the specific services have separate DBs)
    • ICINGA2_IDO_MYSQL_DATA: The database for icinga2 IDO (defaults to icinga2idomysql)
    • ICINGAWEB2_MYSQL_DATA: The database for icingaweb2 (defaults to icingaweb2)
    • ICINGAWEB2_DIRECTOR_MYSQL_DATA: The database for icingaweb2 director (defaults to icingaweb2_director)
  • DEFAULT_MYSQL_USER: The MySQL user to access the database (defaults to icinga2)
  • DEFAULT_MYSQL_PASS: The password for the MySQL user. (defaults to randomly generated string)

Moving to separate MySQL-container

  1. Start your current container as always.
  2. Run docker exec <container> i2-port-mysqldb
  3. Shutdown the container
  4. Copy the MySQL datafolder from the icinga2 container to your new mariadb container.
  5. Change the environment variable DEFAULT_MYSQL_HOST to point to your new MySQL container.
  6. Add the environment variable MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD to the icinga2 container, with the value of your password you currently set.
  7. Start your containers.


Environment variables Reference

Environmental Variable Default Value Description
ICINGA2_FEATURE_GRAPHITE false Set to true or 1 to enable graphite writer
ICINGA2_FEATURE_GRAPHITE_HOST graphite hostname or IP address where Carbon/Graphite daemon is running
ICINGA2_FEATURE_GRAPHITE_PORT 2003 Carbon port for graphite
ICINGA2_FEATURE_DIRECTOR true Set to false or 0 to disable icingaweb2 director
DIRECTOR_KICKSTART true Set to false to disable icingaweb2 director's auto kickstart at container startup. Value is only used, if icingaweb2 director is enabled.
ICINGAWEB2_ADMIN_USER icingaadmin Icingaweb2 Login User
After changing the username, you should also remove the old User in icingaweb2-> Configuration-> Authentication-> Users
ICINGAWEB2_ADMIN_PASS icinga Icingaweb2 Login Password
ICINGA2_USER_FULLNAME Icinga Sender's display-name for notification e-Mails
APACHE2_HTTP REDIRECT Variable is only active, if both SSL-certificate and SSL-key are in place. BOTH: Allow HTTP and https connections simultaneously. REDIRECT: Rewrite HTTP-requests to HTTPS
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD unset If your MySQL host is not on localhost, but you want the icinga2 container to setup the DBs for itself, specify the root password of your MySQL server in this variable.
other MySQL variables none All combinations of MySQL variables aren't listed in this reference. Please see above in the MySQL section for this.

Volume Reference

All these folders are configured and able to get mounted as volume. The bottom ones are not quite necessary.

Volume ro/rw Description & Usage
/etc/apache2/ssl ro Mount optional SSL-Certificates (see SSL Support)
/etc/locale.gen ro In format of the well known locale.gen file. All locales listed in this file will get generated.
/etc/ssmtp/revaliases ro revaliases map (see Sending Notification Mails)
/etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf ro ssmtp configuration (see Sending Notification Mails)
/etc/icinga2 rw Icinga2 configuration folder
/etc/icingaweb2 rw Icingaweb2 configuration folder
/var/lib/mysql rw MySQL Database
/var/lib/icinga2 rw Icinga2 Data
/var/lib/php5/sessions/ rw Icingaweb2 PHP Session Files
/var/log/apache2 rw logfolder for apache2 (not neccessary)
/var/log/icinga2 rw logfolder for icinga2 (not neccessary)
/var/log/icingaweb2 rw logfolder for icingaweb2 (not neccessary)
/var/log/mysql rw logfolder for mysql (not neccessary)
/var/log/supervisor rw logfolder for supervisord (not neccessary)
/var/spool/icinga2 rw spool-folder for icinga2 (not neccessary)
/var/cache/icinga2 rw cache-folder for icinga2 (not neccessary)


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


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