Influx Dashboards
This project provides Chronograf dashboards for use with data produced by various Telegraf input plugins, and stored in InfluxDB.
The following dashboard collections are provided:
Dashboards | Telegraf Inputs |
disk | disk |
diskio | diskio |
docker | docker, docker_log |
host | cpu, kernel, mem, processes, swap, system |
influxdb | influxdb |
kibana | kibana |
kubernetes | kubernetes, system |
net | net |
nginx | nginx |
nvidia_smi | nvidia_smi |
redis | redis |
sensors | sensors |
smart | smart |
zookeeper | zookeeper |
Importing Dashboards
The dashboards themselves are easily imported from the Chronograf user interface. An example telegraf input configuration is also provided in the for each dashboard collection.
Please refer to the Chronograf documentation for instructions to import dashboards.