disassembly / qbittorrent-api

Python client implementation for qBittorrent's Web API

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qBittorrent Web API Client

Python client implementation for qBittorrent Web API. Supports qBittorrent v4.1.0+ (i.e. Web API v2.0+).

The full qBittorrent Web API specification is documented on their wiki.


  • The entire qBittorent Web API is implemented.
  • qBittorrent version checking for an endpoint's existence/features is automatically handled.
  • All Python versions are supported.
  • If the authentication cookie expires, a new one is automatically requested in line with any API call.


  • Install via pip from PyPI:
    • pip install qbittorrent-api
  • Install specific release:
    • pip install git+https://github.com/rmartin16/qbittorrent-api.git@v0.3.2#egg=qbittorrent-api
  • Install direct from master:
    • pip install git+https://github.com/rmartin16/qbittorrent-api.git#egg=qbittorrent-api
  • Ensure urllib3, requests, and attrdict are installed. (These are installed autuomatically using the methods above.)
  • Enable WebUI in qBittorrent: Tools -> Preferences -> Web UI
  • If the Web API will be exposed to the Internet (i.e. made available outside your network), please do it properly.

Getting Started

import qbittorrentapi

# instantiate a Client using the appropriate WebUI configuration
qbt_client = qbittorrentapi.Client(host='localhost:8080', username='admin', password='adminadmin')

# the Client will automatically acquire/maintain a logged in state in line with any request.
# therefore, this is not necessary; however, you many want to test the provided login credentials.
except qbittorrentapi.LoginFailed as e:

# display qBittorrent info
print(f'qBittorrent: {qbt_client.app.version}')
print(f'qBittorrent Web API: {qbt_client.app.web_api_version}')
for k,v in qbt_client.app.build_info.items(): print(f'{k}: {v}')

# retrieve and show all torrents
for torrent in qbt_client.torrents_info():
    print(f'{torrent.hash[-6:]}: {torrent.name} ({torrent.state})')

# pause all torrents

API Documentation

The Client's methods all document their own description, expected arguments, possible exceptions, and return value.

For best results, use the "most primitive" form of the API call. So, qbt_client.torrents_pause instead of qbt_client.torrents.pause.


Behavior & Configuration

  • WARNING: Using an untrusted (e.g. self-signed) certificate for HTTPS WebUI
    • Instantiate Client with VERIFY_WEBUI_CERTIFICATE=False or set environment variable PYTHON_QBITTORRENTAPI_DO_NOT_VERIFY_WEBUI_CERTIFICATE to a non-null value.
    • Failure to do this for will cause connections to qBittorrent to fail.
    • As a word of caution, doing this actually does turn off certificate verification. Therefore, for instance, potential man-in-the-middle attacks will not be detected and reported (since the error is suppressed). However, the connection will remain encrypted.
  • Host, Username and password Defaults
    • These can be provided when instantiating Client or calling qbt_client.auth_log_in(username='...', password='...').
  • API Endpoints Not Yet Implemented in the qBittorrent Host
    • By default, if a call is made to endpoint that doesn't yet exist on the host (e.g. the Search endpoints were introduced in Web API v2.1.1), there's a debug logger output and None is returned.
    • To raise UnimplementedError instead, instantiate Client with RAISE_UNIMPLEMENTEDERROR_FOR_UNIMPLEMENTED_API_ENDPOINTS=True.
  • Disable Logging Debug Output
    • Instantiate Client with DISABLE_LOGGING_DEBUG_OUTPUT=True or manually disable logging for the relevant packages:
      • logging.getLogger('qbittorrentapi').setLevel(logging.INFO)
      • logging.getLogger('requests').setLevel(logging.INFO)
      • logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.INFO)

Direct API Endpoint Access

The API is separated in to eight namespaces for the API endpoints:

  • Authentication (auth)
  • Application (app)
  • Log (log)
  • Sync (sync)
  • Transfer (transfer)
  • Torrent Management (torrents)
  • RSS (rss)
  • Search (search)

To use this package to directly access those endpoints:

response = qbt_client.<name>_<api method>(<arguments>)

Replace <name> with one of the eight namespaces (from within the parentheses) above and <api method> with a relevant endpoint.

For instance:

torrent_list = qbt_client.torrents_info(status_filter='active')

The responses from the API calls are strings (e.g. app/version) or an extended Dictionary or List object (e.g. torrents/trackers).

Each namespace endpoint's method name is PEP8-ified. However, they are all aliased to the endpoint's name as implemented in qBittorrent's Web API. So, for example, qbt_client.app_web_api_version() and qbt_client.app_webapiVersion() are equivalent. This is also true for the API methods' arguments; so, qbt_client.torrents_add(urls='...', save_path='/torrents') and qbt_client.torrents_add(urls='...', savepath='/torrents') are equivalent. This is intended to allow use of this Client only depending on qBittorrent's own Web API documentation.

Interaction Layer Usage

The package also contains more robust interfaces to the API endpoints. For each of the eight namespaces, there is an interface to the relevant API endpoints. Of note, I created additional namespaces for torrent categories and torrent tags.

An example for the Application namespace:

ver = qbt_client.app.version
api_ver = qbt_client.app.api_web_version
prefs = qbt_client.app.preferences
is_dht_enabled = qbt_client.application.preferences.dht
qbt_client.application.preferences = dict(dht=(not is_dht_enabled))

For each namespace, all endpoints with a return value and no parameters are implemented as a property. All other endpoints are implemented as methods; some of the methods have extended usage as well.

For example, the log/main endpoint has extended usage:

complete_log = qbt_client.log.main()
normal_log = qbt_client.log.main.normal()
warning_log = qbt_client.log.main.warning()
critical_log = qbt_client.log.main.critical()

The most extended namespace is Torrents.

# Gathering torrents
torrent_list = qbt_client.torrents.info()
torrent_list_active = qbt_client.torrents.info.active()
torrent_list_active_partial = qbt_client.torrents.active(limit=100, offset=200)
torrent_list_downloading = qbt_client.torrents.info.downloading()

# Torrent looping
for torrent in torrent_list:

# Actions for multiple torrents
qbt_client.torrents.pause(hashes=['...', '...'])
qbt_client.torrents.recheck(hashes=['...', '...'])
# or just do all torrent 

Once you have a torrent, there's also a litany of interactions.

hash = torrent.info.hash  # as well the rest of the properties from torrents/info endpoint
properties = torrent.properties
trackers = torrent.trackers
files = torrent.files
# Action methods
torrent.edit_tracker(original_url="...", new_url="...")

Search extended usage.

search_job = qbt_client.search.start(pattern='Ubuntu', categories='all', plugins='all')
while (search_job.status()[0].status != 'Stopped'):

Interaction Layer Notes

  • All endpoints are available with and without the endpoint's namespace attached.
    • So, qbt_client.torrents.torrents_resume() and qbt_client.torrents.resume() are the same.
    • As mentioned in direct API access qbt_client.app.web_api_version and qbt_client.app.webapiVersion are the same.
  • When invoking the API calls, you can use the parameters implemented in the python code or those specified in the API documentation.
    • So, torrents_rename(hash='...', new_torrent_name="...") and torrents_rename(hash='...', name="...") are the same.

Interaction Layer Details

  • Application
    • Properties
      • version
      • web_api_version
      • build_info
      • default_save_path
      • preferences (supports assignment)
    • Methods
      • shutdown
  • Log
    • Methods
      • main
        • Methods
          • info
          • normal
          • warning
          • critical
      • peers
  • Sync
    • Methods
      • maindata
        • Methods
          • delta
          • reset_rid
      • torrent_peers
  • Transfer
    • Properties
      • info
      • speed_limits_mode (supports assignment)
      • download_limit (supports assignment)
      • upload_limit (supports assignment)
    • Methods
      • set_download_limit
      • set_upload_limit
      • toggle_speed_limits_mode
  • Torrents
    • Methods
      • Note: each of these "methods" supports the all() method
      • info
        • Methods
          • downloading
          • completed
          • paused
          • active
          • inactive
          • resumed
      • resume
      • pause
      • delete
      • recheck
      • reannounce
      • increase_priority
      • decrease_priority
      • top_priority
      • bottom_priority
      • download_limit
      • set_download_limit
      • set_share_limits
      • upload_limit
      • set_upload_limit
      • set_location
      • set_category
      • set_auto_management
      • toggle_sequential_download
      • toggle_first_last_piece_priority
      • set_force_start
      • set_super_seeding
  • Torrent
    • Properties
      • info
      • properties
      • trackers
      • webseeds
      • files
      • piece_states
      • piece_hashes
      • download_limit (supports assignment)
      • upload_limit (supports assignment)
    • Methods
      • add_trackers
      • edit_tracker
      • remove_trackers
      • file_priority
      • filePrio
      • rename
      • set_location
      • set_category
      • set_auto_management
      • set_force_feeding
      • set_super_seeding
      • AND all the Torrents methods above
  • Torrent Categories
    • Properties
      • categories
    • Methods
      • create_category
      • edit_category
      • remove_categories
  • Torrent Tags
    • Properties
      • tags
    • Methods
      • add_tags
      • remove_tags
      • create_tags
      • delete_tags
  • RSS
    • Properties
      • rules
    • Methods
      • add_folder
      • add_feed
      • remove_item
      • refresh_item
      • move_item
      • items
        • Methods
          • without_data
          • woth_data
      • set_rule
      • rename_rule
      • remove_rule
  • Search
    • Properties
      • plugins
    • Methods
      • start
      • stop
      • status
      • results
      • delete
      • categories
      • install_plugin
      • uninstall_plugin
      • enable_plugin
      • update_plugins
  • Seach Job
    • Methods
      • stop
      • results
      • status
      • delete


To see the exceptions an endpoint can raise, use help(qbt_client.<namespace>_<method>).

For example:

>>> import qbittorrentapi
>>> help(qbittorrentapi.Client.torrents_add)

Help on function torrents_add in module qbittorrentapi.torrents:

torrents_add(self, urls=None, torrent_files=None, save_path=None, cookie=None, category=None, is_skip_checking=None, is_paused=None, is_root_folder=None, rename=None, upload_limit=None, download_limit=None, use_auto_torrent_management=None, is_sequential_download=None, is_first_last_piece_priority=None, **kwargs)
    Add one or more torrents by URLs and/or torrent files.
        UnsupportedMediaType415Error if file is not a valid torrent file
        TorrentFileNotFoundError if a torrent file doesn't exist
        TorrentFilePermissionError if read permission is denied to torrent file
    :param urls: List of URLs (http://, https://, magnet: and bc://bt/)
    :param torrent_files: list of torrent files
    :param save_path: location to save the torrent data
    :param cookie: cookie to retrieve torrents by URL
    :param category: category to assign to torrent(s)
    :param is_skip_checking: skip hash checking
    :param is_paused: True to start torrent(s) paused
    :param is_root_folder: True or False to create root folder
    :param rename: new name for torrent(s)
    :param upload_limit: upload limit in bytes/second
    :param download_limit: download limit in bytes/second
    :param use_auto_torrent_management: True or False to use automatic torrent management
    :param is_sequential_download: True or False for sequential download
    :param is_first_last_piece_priority: True or False for first and last piece download priority
    :return: "Ok." for success and ""Fails." for failure
class APIError(Exception):
    Base error for all exceptions from this Client.

class FileError(IOError, APIError):
    Base class for all exceptions for file handling.

class TorrentFileError(FileError):
    Base class for all exceptions for torrent files.

class TorrentFileNotFoundError(TorrentFileError):
    Specified torrent file does not appear to exist.

class TorrentFilePermissionError(TorrentFileError):
    Permission was denied to read the specified torrent file.

class APIConnectionError(RequestException, APIError):
    Base class for all communications errors including HTTP errors.

class LoginFailed(APIConnectionError):
    This can technically be raised with any request since log in may be attempted for any request and could fail.

class HTTPError(APIConnectionError):
    Base error for all HTTP errors. All errors following a successful connection to qBittorrent are returned as HTTP statuses.

class HTTP4XXError(HTTPError):
    Base error for all HTTP 4XX statuses.

class HTTP5XXError(HTTPError):
    Base error for all HTTP 5XX statuses.

class HTTP400Error(HTTP4XXError):

class HTTP401Error(HTTP4XXError):

class HTTP403Error(HTTP4XXError):

class HTTP404Error(HTTP4XXError):

class HTTP409Error(HTTP4XXError):

class HTTP415Error(HTTP4XXError):

class HTTP500Error(HTTP5XXError):

class MissingRequiredParameters400Error(HTTP400Error):
    Endpoint call is missing one or more required parameters.

class InvalidRequest400Error(HTTP400Error):
    One or more endpoint arguments are malformed.

class Unauthorized401Error(HTTP401Error):
    Primarily reserved for XSS and host header issues.

class Forbidden403Error(HTTP403Error):
    Not logged in, IP has been banned, or calling an API method that isn't public.

class NotFound404Error(HTTP404Error):
    This should mean qBittorrent couldn't find a torrent for the torrent hash.
    It is also possible this means the endpoint doesn't exist in qBittorrent...but that also means this Client has a bug.

class Conflict409Error(HTTP409Error):
    Returned if arguments don't make sense specific to the endpoint.

class UnsupportedMediaType415Error(HTTP415Error):
    torrents/add endpoint will return this for invalid URL(s) or files.

class InternalServerError500Error(HTTP500Error):
    Returned if qBittorent craps on itself while processing the request...


Python client implementation for qBittorrent's Web API

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%