dirkschumacher / blake3

BLAKE3 Cryptographic Hash Function in R

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Lifecycle: experimental Travis build status Codecov test coverage AppVeyor build status

blake3 is an interface to the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function.

To quote blake3’s readme:

BLAKE3 is a cryptographic hash function that is:

  • Much faster than MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, and BLAKE2.
  • Secure, unlike MD5 and SHA-1. And secure against length extension, unlike SHA-2.
  • Highly parallelizable across any number of threads and SIMD lanes, because it’s a Merkle > tree on the inside.
  • Capable of verified streaming and incremental updates, again because it’s a Merkle tree.
  • A PRF, MAC, KDF, and XOF, as well as a regular hash.
  • One algorithm with no variants, which is fast on x86-64 and also on smaller architectures.

BLAKE3 is not a password hashing algorithm, because it’s designed to be fast, whereas password hashing should not be fast. If you hash passwords to store the hashes or if you derive keys from passwords, we recommend Argon2.

If you want to store passwords in R, please also take a look at sodium::password_store.



Also make sure to have a very recent rust compiler. The best way to install the rust toolchain is to use rustup.


It is still a very early version of the package. The api currently just has one function to hash RAW vectors with an optional 32 byte RAW key parameter.



input <- "This is a string"
hash <- blake3_hash_raw(charToRaw(input))
#> [1] "718b749f12a61257438b2ea6643555fd995001c9d9ff84764f93f82610a780f2"
# you can also hash arbitrary R objects by serializing it first
input <- serialize(LETTERS, NULL, version = 2)
hash <- blake3_hash_raw(input)
#> [1] "7b2fe4e871bf4dfca892e9b46ae237f55103235e635d994f351e4553aced2bee"
# keyed hashes are also supported
key <- blake3_hash_raw(charToRaw("test"))
input <- serialize(LETTERS, NULL, version = 2)
hash <- blake3_hash_raw(input, key)
#> [1] "0021965f7c0ca0233e576670b84d35506129ef4bd94c5c8a07b8bb4bdbfb6ce3"


To get an idea about the speed we hash a random string of 1 million characters and compare it to the openssl implementation of sha1, sha2 and md5.

input <- charToRaw(paste0(sample(LETTERS, 1e6, replace = TRUE), collapse = ""))
  md5 = md5(input),
  sha1 = sha1(input),
  sha2 = sha2(input),
  blake3 = blake3_hash_raw(input),
  times = 1000
#> Unit: microseconds
#>    expr      min        lq      mean   median        uq       max neval
#>     md5 1642.046 1706.4365 2122.6316 1818.370 2134.4005  18062.48  1000
#>    sha1 1177.968 1240.2955 1640.7850 1326.849 1643.3490  25931.11  1000
#>    sha2 2525.800 2646.3605 3329.6363 2871.883 3338.2370  44283.34  1000
#>  blake3  392.209  432.4955  904.7596  485.348  750.0965 166377.83  1000




BLAKE3 Cryptographic Hash Function in R



Language:R 39.4%Language:Rust 33.6%Language:C 26.9%