dirkncl / midiArchive

midi midiArchive

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Melody Kit 1.0
a collection of 130,000 MIDI Files Encompassing a large selection of publically available midi files
was collected in 06 of 2015; around 200 websites were crawled and scraped for midi files.
a script was ran to eliminate duplicate files based on sum but to prefer keeping the longest name in an attempt to keep the better named file.
the collection encompasses the genres of Classical (of which there are Piano, Violin, Guitar and other formats), Electronic Dance Music (Trance, House)
Pop and  Hip hop. Additionally to the above various Video Game Music midi sites were crawled. 
For preservation purposes the Geocities Siterip (from 09) of Midi files was also included.

Many websites have the exact same file sets with slight variations; I've kept only the best named varient.
Many websites store midi in folders with obscurely named files; I've not done the cleaning on that, so while a large amount of these
are obviously named, there will be thousands named obscurely and if you have the time and interest, you're more than welcome to rename those properly and redump.
I did my best to remove just about any non midi file- there's a couple .pdfs in there (nothing serious, 200kb ) which are informative and I felt worth keeping.


Pump up the Jams, spread this collection far and wide. 
It's the largest single collection of midi files on the internet.
Please make wonderful music, study how other music was made and maybe borrow a melody or riff with homage intent.
Percussion MIDI Kit 1.0

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midi midiArchive